Chapter 25 Flashcards
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Mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into a form usable by the body?
The selective intake of food?
Uptake of nutrient molecules into cells?
Absorbing water and consolidating the residue into feces?
Elimination of feces?
The digestive tract has two anatomical subdivisions what are they?
Digestive tract and accessory organs
The muscular tube extending from mouth to anus?
Digestive tract
The teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, etc.?
Accessory organs
There are four tissue layers what are they?
Muscularis externa
Serosa (visceral peritoneum)
Lining of the digestive tract that secrete and absorbs?
Stratified squamous or simple Columnar?
Loose connective tissue layer?/
Lamina propria
Smooth muscles That tense the mucosa?
Muscularis mucosae
Thick layer of loose connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymph vessels, glands?
Nerve fibers that control movement of the muscularis mucosa and glands?
Submucosal plexus
Muscles the contract to propel residue through the digestive tract?
Muscularis externa
There are two types of muscularis externa what are they?
Circular muscle and longitudinal muscle
Myenteric plexus which is nerve fibers the control peristalsis
Thin layer of areola tissue and simple squamous?
Serosa or (visceral peritoneum)
The peritoneum
Covers the external surfaces of most digestive organs?
Visceral peritoneum
Serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity?
Parietal peritoneum
Connective tissue that loosely suspends the organs from the body?
Two layered membrane extending from the body wall to digestive organs, then separates and passes around organs forming serosa?
Posterior mesentery
Mesentery from the liver to the stomach?
Lesser omentum
Mesentery that hangs from the stomach and loosely covers the small intestine?
The greater omentum
Mesentery that anchors the colon to the posterior abdominal wall?
What are the six structures of the mouth?
Cheeks and lips Tongue Palate Teeth Saliva Extrinsic salivary glands
Anatomy of the digestive system (Gastrointestinal or G.I. tract)
Ingestion of food, taste, chewing, speech, etc.?
Retains food, articulate speech, suck and blow?
Cheeks and lips
Manipulates and tastes food?
The site of taste buds?
The median fold attaching the tongue to mouth?
Lingual papillae
Lingual frenulum
Separates oral and nasal cavity?
What aids the tongue in holding and manipulating food?
The Palatine rugae
Projection of soft palate that helps retain food in mouth is called what?
The uvula
These help masticate or chew food?
Teeth or dentition
This is a pit or socket each tooth is embedded in?
Anchors the tooth in the alveolus?
Periodontal ligament
Tissue that covers the alveolar bone?
Gingiva or gum
The portion of tooth above the gum?
The crown
The portion of tooth below the gum?
The root
Bacteria in the mouth secrete acids and enzymes to digest components of teeth forming holes?
Dental caries (cavities) - brushing prevents
Gum inflammation calculus between Tooth and gum?
Gingivitis- flossing prevents this
Moistens and cleanses the mouth, begins chemical digestion?
Enzyme that begins starch digestion?
Salivary amylase
Enzyme that digests fat after food is swallowed?
Lingual lipase
Binds and lubricates food?
Enzyme that kills bacteria?
Antibacterial antibody?
Extrinsic salivary glands
Beneath skin anterior to earlobe?
Halfway along the body of the mandible, medial to it’s margin?
Floor of mouth?
What is salivation coordinated by?
Parotid gland
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
The medulla oblongata
The muscular funnel That connects the Oral cavity to the esophagus is called?
The pharynx
Transports bolus to the stomach?
A straight muscular tube 25 to 30 cm long?
Where is the esophagus located?
In the mediastinum, posterior to the trachea
An opening where the esophagus meets the stomach?
Cardiac orifice
A burning sensation produced by acid reflux into the esophagus?
There are three phases of swallowing what are they?
Buccal phase
Pharyngo- esophageal phase
How is swallowing Coordinated?
By the swallowing center in the medulla oblongata
Tongue collects food, forms Bolus, and pushes it into the oropharynx, this is called what ?
Buccal phase
The bolus is blocked from the oral cavity, nasal cavity, and larynx what phase is this?
Pharyngo- esophageal phase
This pushes the bolus down the esophagus to the stomach?
What is chyme?
The pulpy acidic fluid that passes from the stomach to the small intestine, consisting of gastric juices and partly digested food.
The muscular sac in the upper left abdomen that holds up to 4 L of chyme is called what?
The stomach
What mechanically breaks up and liquefies bolus, begins chemical digestion of fat and protein?
The stomach
The stomach wall is made up of three things what are they?
Muscularis which includes an inner oblique layer
Gastric pits
Longitudinal wrinkles of the mucosa and submucosa are called what?
Depressions in the mucosa that lead to the gastric glands are called?
Gastric pits