Chapter 18 Flashcards
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What are four functions of the circulatory system?
- Transport of O2, CO2, nutrients, waste, hormones and stem cells
- Protection through inflammation, white blood cells, antibodies and plasma proteins
- Regulation by fluid distribution, buffering the pH of the extracellular fluid, and body temperature
What does the circulatory system consist of?
Heart, blood vessels, blood
What is the liquid connective tissue that is composed of plasma and formed elements?
What percent of our body weight is blood?
How much blood is in an adults body?
4 to 6 L
What temperature does blood remain at?
What is the pH range of blood?
7.35 – 7.45
What is the liquid portion of blood called?
Plasma is what percent of the whole blood?
47 to 63%
Plasma is made up of four parts, what are they?
Plasma proteins, which the liver produces most of
Other solutes
What is serum?
It is plasma with fibrinogen absent. Fibrinogen is a protein found in blood that is important for blood clotting
Water makes up what percentage of the plasma?
Plasma proteins make up what percent of plasma?
There are three types of plasma proteins, what are they?
Albumin contributes to what?
Albumin transports what?
Albumin buffers what?
Viscosity and colloid osmotic pressure
Lipids, calcium, hormones, etc.
Blood pH
Globulins are broken down into three types what are they?
Alpha, Beta and Gamma
What does the Alpha globulins do?
Transport solutes, promotes blood clotting
What does the beta globulins do?
Transport solutes, aids in defense
What does gamma globulins do?
Antibodies which combat pathogens
What does fibrinogen do?
Becomes a component of blood clots
The fourth part of plasma is other solutes, what does that include?
Nitrogenous wastes, electrolytes, nutrients
The production of blood is called?
During embryonic development, stem cells from the yolk sac Migrate to where?
What happens next?
The bone marrow, liver, spleen, and thymus
The stem cells multiply and give rise to blood cells
From infancy onward red bone marrow produces what?
What are also produced in the lymphatic tissues and organs?
Formed elements
What do hemopoietic stem cells have the potential to develop into?
Multiple mature cell types
Specialized cells that produce one class of form elements are called?
Colony – forming units
What is another name for red blood cells or RBCs?
Erythrocytes make up what percentage of total blood volume?
37 - 52%
What are the two functions of red blood cells?
- To pick up oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to the tissues
- To pick up carbon dioxide from the tissues and unload it into the lungs
What shape are red blood cells?
Discoid or round with a thick rim and sunken center
What are red blood cells diameter?
Do red blood cells organelles?
What determines blood type?
The glycolipids on the surface
What do spectrin and actin allow the cell to do?
Stretch, bend and bold
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which do what?
Transports oxygen and CO2
What does hemoglobin do?
It’s Red pigment gives red blood cells their color
Each red blood cell contains how many hemoglobin?
280 million
What does each hemoglobin consists of?
For protein chains conjugated with four heme groups
What does each him group do?
It binds one oxygen to an iron at it’s center
What percent of carbon dioxide is transported down to the globin of hemoglobin?
What are three of the most common measurements taken?
Hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and red blood cell count
Why are the quantities of erythrocytes and hemoglobin important?
Because they determine the amount of oxygen the blood can carry
What is hematocrit?
It is the Percent of red blood cells in whole blood, Which is 37 to 52%
What is the hemoglobin concentration of whole blood?
12 to 18 g/dL
What is the red blood cell count range?
(4.2-6.2 million RBCs/uL of blood)
In erythrocyte Homeostasis the kidneys detect hypoxemia and do what?
They increase erythropoietin output