Chapter 19 Flashcards
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Do pulmonary arteries carry blood to the heart or away from the heart?
To the heart
What is the pulmonary circuit?
Carries blood to the lungs for gas exchange And returns blood to the heart
Do pulmonary veins carry blood away from the heart or to the heart?
Away from the heart
What side of the heart receives O2 poor blood from the body?
The right side
Where does the heart pump the blood into?
The pulmonary trunk
The pulmonary trunk divides into?
Left and right pulmonary arteries
What do the pulmonary arteries do?
They transport blood to the alveoli ( air sacs) of the lungs where gases are exchanged, CO2 is unloaded and O2 is loaded
02 Rich blood flows through pulmonary veins to which side of the heart?
The left side
Which circuit supplies blood to the organs of the body? (Systems made of organs)
The systemic circuit
Blood leaves the left side of the heart through what?
The aorta
What is the biggest artery in the body?
The aorta
What gives off smaller arteries to the organs?
The aorta
How does the O2 poor blood return to the right side of the heart?
By way of the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava
Where is the heart located?
In the thoracic cavity
What is the shape of the heart?
It has a base which is the broad superior portion, point of attachment for the great Vessels
It has an apex which is the inferior blunt point
The heart looks like an upside down triangle
What are the five parts of the anatomy of the heart?
Pericardium The heart wall The chambers Valves Bloodflow through the chambers
What does peri mean?
What does cardi mean?
Peri- around
Cardi- heart
What is the pericardial sac (parietal pericardium)?
Parie -wall
Fibrous layer of dense irregular connective tissue and deep serous layer
(Fibrous layer- Anchors heart to diaphragm and lungs)
What is the Epicardium (visceral pericardium)?
Serious membrane on the external surface of the heart
Epi -on
Visc - organ
Visceral - like layer of Saran Wrap on organ
What is the pericardial cavity?
Space between parietal and visceral membranes
Parietal - lines the mediastinum
Visceral - lines the heart
What does Pericardial fluid do?
It lubricates the membranes and allows the heart to beat with minimal friction
What is pericarditis?
Inflammation of the pericardium. (Infection, radiation)
What do the heart and lungs look like in the thoracic cavity?
Two upright triangles which are the lungs and one upside down triangle for the heart in the middle
What are the four main parts of the heart wall?
fibrous skeleton
The heart wall
What is the Epicardium (This visceral pericardium) Of the heart wall?
Simple squamous
What is endocardium Of the heart wall?
Endo - Inside
The membrane that lines the interior surface of the heart chambers, the valves, and is continuous with the endothelium of the blood vessels.
What is infective endocarditis Of the heart wall?
Inflammation of the endocardium, due to bacterial infection. The bacteria attacks the heart valves.
What is the myocardium of the heart wall?
Myo means - muscle
Cardiocytes are short, thick and branched. Cardio (Heart muscle cell)
Cardiocytes have striations (sarcomeres) and a centrally located nucleus.
Myocardium of the heart wall continued……….
What are intercalated discs?
What are interdigitating folds? What are mechanical junctions? What are electrical (gap) junctions?
They join cardiocytes end to end.
They are the folds in the plasma membrane that interlock cells. They tightly join cells and prevent cells from pulling apart when they contract Channels that allow ions to flow from the cytoplasm of one cell into the next.
Cardiocytes of the myocardium are rich in ________________, ______________ and _________________. They depend on aerobic respiration to make _________.
Myoglobin (Carry 02 for ATP), Glycogen (Provide glucose) And mitochondria (Converts glucose to ATP using O2)
What is the fibrous skeleton of them heart wall?
Collagen and elastic fibers that provide structural (Holds open valves and great veins and prevents their stretching) support, anchor myocytes (Gives cells something to pull against) and electrically insulate the chambers (From each other).
The chambers of the heart are broken up into two groups what are they?
The atria
And the ventricles
What is the atria?
It is like the entrance foyer, it receives blood returning to the heart by way of the great veins
(Inferior and superior vena cava and pulmonary veins)
What are the two parts of the atria and what are their jobs?
The auricle or ear, an earlike extension that increases the atrial volume.
The interatrial septum which is a wall that separates the atria
(Inter - between), (septum - wall/ fence)
What do the ventricles of the chambers do?
They eject blood into the arteries (Aorta, pulmonary trunk)
What three parts make up the ventricles?
Coronary (AV) sulcus
Intraventricular Sulci
Interventricular (IV) septum
What is the coronary sulcus?
It is a groove that encircles the heart between the atria and ventricles, and contains blood vessels.
What is the interventricular Sulci?
It is the anterior and posterior grooves that overlie the IV septum, and contains blood vessels.
What is the interventricular septum?
The wall between the ventricles
What do the valves of the heart do?
They ensure one way flow of blood.
What are the three different types of valves of the heart?
Atrioventricular (AV) valves
Tendinous cords
Semilunar (SL) valves
What are atrioventricular valves?
They regulate the openings between atria and ventricles.
What do tendinous cords do?
They connect valve cusps to papillary muscles, preventing flipping or bulging of the cusps.
What do semilunar valves do?
There are two types, what are their names?
They regulate the flow of blood from the ventricles to the great veins.
- Pulmonary valve, it controls the opening from the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk.
- Aortic valve, it controls the opening from the left ventricle into the aorta.
What is valve insufficiency?
It is the failure of the valve to prevent the backward flow of blood (regurgitation)
What are three types of valve insufficiency?
- Valvular stenosis, cusps are stiffened and the opening is constricted by scar tissue, it doesn’t open well
- Murmur, regurgitation of blood through an incompetent valve.
- Mitral valve prolapse, one or more left AV valve cusps bulge into the atrium during Ventricular contraction, often no symptoms, valve stretches > regurgitation