Prefinal - Meeting Nutritional Needs Flashcards
___ is the process by which the body metabolizes and utilizes nutrients.
___ is the science of food and nutrients and it includes the process of utilizing it by humans.
___ are classified as energy nutrients, organic nutrients, and inorganic nutrients.
___ are defined as the constituents of food, which perform important functions in our body.
If these nutrients are not present in our body in sufficient amounts, the result is ill health. Important nutrients include ___
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals & water.
Energy nutrients release energy for the maintenance of ___.
The energy nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, and fats, with carbohydrates being the most important source. The body can use protein and fats for energy when carbohydrates have been depleted.
___ nutrients build and maintain body tissues and regulate body processes.
Organic Nutrients
___ nutrients provide a medium for chemical reactions, transporting materials, maintaining body temperature, promoting bone formation, and conducting nerve impulses.
___ nutrients are distinguished as being stored in the body. These nutrients are iron, calcium, and phosphate.
Supplies nutrients for energy. Energy nutrients include carbohydrates, fats,& proteins.
Supplies nutrients to build & maintain body tissues. Food supplies heat & energy for work & play.
Food supplies materials for regulation or control of body process & protection of the body.
It gives a feeling of security.
Physical, and mental fatigue.
Hurry, worry & fear.
Unpleasant environment & experiences.
Lack of exercise.
Irregular meals.
Long spacing of meal timings.
Physiological factors
Social factors
it is the measurement of body height, weight, length & head circumference.
Anthropometry measurement
Clinical Methods Of Assessing Nutritional Status- clinical methods of assessing nutritional status involve checking signs of deficiency at specific places on the body or asking the patient whether they have any symptoms that might suggest nutrient deficiency including.
is measured at the back of the left arm, midway between the acromial process of the scapula and the olecranon process of the ulna.
The triceps skinfold
For adults, the standard normal values for triceps skinfolds are 2.5mm (men) or about 20% fat; and 18.0mm (women) or about 30% fat.
Signs of poor nutrition
Hair: thin, coarse, lacking luster, breaks easily.
Skin: excessive bruising, bleeding, pressure sores, poor wound healing.
Muscles wasting, lack of growth
Skeletal: poor posture, painful joints, bowed legs, increase in bone fracture
Mental: confusion, motor weakness
Dietary history
24-hour recall method
Anthropometric measurements
- Height and weight
Food frequency questionnaire - BMI: 18.5-24.5
Food diary
Household food consumption
- Body composition
Triceps skin fold measurement
Mid-arm circumference
Pale palm & conjunctiva or gets tired easily, loss of appetite indicates anemia, deficiency of iron, folic, etc.
( whitish patchy triangular lesions on the side of the eyes) indicates vitamin A deficiency.
Bitot’s spot
(swelling on the front of the neck) indicates iodine deficiency disorder.
indicates protein deficiency.