Practice paper reflection Qs- PROCESSES Flashcards
What fluid is found in the tubes responsible for gaseous exchange in insects
Trachea fluid
outline reasons why insects and other animals need well developed transport systems
-High metabolic rate
-Need large/rapid oxygen supply
-Diffusion no sufficient/distance too far
-(to) maintain steep concentration/diffusion gradient
-SA:V ratio is low
-(named) Metabolites needed by cells / (named) waste removed from cells
formula for area of sphere
(4/3) x pi x r^3
is nm or μm smaller
6mm into μm
8mm in nm
8,000,000 or 8x10^6nm
explain what is meant by a limiting factor
the factor that will determine/limit the rate
-when at lower/sub-optimal levels
Water can fill air spaces in the soil surrounding roots, preventing oxygen from reaching root hair cells
refer to aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Why can overwatering kill plants?
-No aerobic respiration occurs
-no link reaction/Krebs/ETC/ox phos
-No oxygen to act as final electron acceptor
-(plant has to) switch to anaerobic respiration
-Only glycolysis occurs
-Alcoholic fermentation occurs
-NAD regenerated (for glycolysis)
-Pyruvate to ethanal to ethanol
-Named enzyme e.g: pyruvate decarboxylase
-(only) 2 ATP
-ethanol is toxic
-Less ATP produced
-Less active transport
-(rhs) cannot take up mineral ions
-Plants cannot make proteins (examples)
-Cannot generate WP grad
-water cannot be absorbed
-less/no photosynthesis
explain why a plant leaf is described as an organ
orgsn id
-collection of tissues
-perform/carry out function
leaves have (two from)
-Epidermis/ spongey mesophyll/palisade mesophyll/vascular/phloem/xylem tissues
-to carry out Photosynthesis/ gaseous exchange
state AND explain symptoms of a person who doesn’t respond to ADH
-excess urine /high vol of
-always thirsty
expl: fewer aquaporins in plasma membrane
why are podocytes unable to undergo mitosis
- have already differentiated/specialised
-are in G^0/resting phase
-shape is too irregular/asymmetrical (diagram)
-Cytoskeleton cannot function/spindle fibres cannot form
-(if mitosis) would alter number/size of gaps
-Would alter an aspect of ultrafiltration
adult stem cells are___
photosynthetic pigments split into two groups:
-Primary pigments
-Accessory pigments
cholesterol _____ fluidity
if TTX prevents V-G sodium ions from opening, How does TTX affect activity of the neurons
-Sodium ions cannot enter
-prevents depolarisation of membrane
-membraine remains at resting potential
-prevents action potential being generatred
-impulse not conducted along axon
-No release of neurotransmitter
Why is transmission of action potentials along the axon slower in the absence of saltatory conduction?
-No nodes of Ranvier
-Shorter local currents/circuits
-Whole axon needs to be depolarised
. They kill and digest bacteria and fungi. They are the most numerous type of white blood cell and your first line of defense when infection strikes.
. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria.
examples of reducing sugars
All monosaccharides are reducing sugars
e.g: galactose, glucose, , fructose, ribose .
examples of non-reducing sugars
Sucrose and all polysaccharides
what does P Q R S and T sections of an ECG show in the heart
P wave = contraction of atria /systole
QRS wave = ventricular systole
T = ventricular diastole
bradycardia hr =
below 60 bpm
stroke volume
the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle of the heart during each systolic cardiac contraction.
tachycardia heart rate =
over 100 bpm
atrial fibrillation indication on ECG
irregular rapid P waves
positive starch test colout change
brown to blue/black
do bronchi contain goblet cells
when inside a respirometer containing potassium or sodium hydroxide and the organism is undergoing aerobic respiration, would the coloured liquid move towards or away from the organism
Control variables in a respirometer experiment
-starting vol of coloured liquid
-species of specimen
-size of specimen
-same mass of sodium or potassium hydroxide
order each microscope from Lowest to highest resolution
laser scanning confocal
Laser scanning confocal microscope process
-Fluorescent dye added to cell/specimen/organelle
-Laser beam (light) focused on part of cell
-Light fluoresces from objects at different depths within cell
-A pinhole sits in front of the detector
(eliminates out of focus light from different depths within cell
Advantages of scanning confocal microscope
-Much higher resolution than normal light microscope
-can view objects inside cell
disadvantages of scanning confocal microscope
-more expensive than light microscopes
-lower resolution than electron microscopes
which microscope gives a 3D image
Resolution of SEM
resolution of TEM
example of a random error
two students looking at a thermometer from different angles, not with their eyes level to he line.
gives random variation in results
how to reduce random error
repeat and calculate mean
repeatability vs reproducibility
repeatability measures the variation in measurements taken by a single instrument or person under the same conditions, while reproducibility measures whether an entire study or experiment can be reproduced in its entirety.
where is the casparian strip
in endodermal cell
of root
Casparian strip properties and why is it useful
made of waxy suberin = waterproof
-Forces H20 to move into symplast pathway across plasma membrane
=Filters out toxins
Other than the terrarium (glass container containing soil and small plants) maintaining moist conditions, Suggest why the plant continues to grow
-Respiration Produces CO2 which is used in photosynthesis
-photosynthesis produces O2 which is used in respiration
-Dead leaves replaces nutrients
Explain how water is reabsorbed at the Loop of Henle. (6)
-Active transport
-Of sodium and chloride ions
-From ascending limb
-Lowers water potential of medulla
-Water reabsorbed into capillary network from descending limb
-By osmosis
-Because descending limb is permeable to water
-Counter current multiplier mechanism
adaptations of hepatocytes
-Thin/flat cells for short diffusion distances
Fenestrated to increase permeability