Practical Flashcards
What must be done in crossing drosophila
Use virgin flies
Females must be separated from male siblings within 8hrs of emerging as an adult or they will mate cause uncertain crosses
How is a female drosophila identifiable
Striped abdomen
Broader abdomen
No sex comb
How is a male drosophila identifiable
Black tip to abdomen
Narrower abdomen
Sex comb on front legs near ‘elbow’
What is the kidney eye shape an example of
Semi/partial dominance
Why do males show recessive mutants more frequently than females
Cannot be heterzoygotes
Why can males not have kidney eyes
Males can’t be heterozygous for this gene
When does crossing over occur
Prophase I
What is the problem with calculating the recombination frequency between the two furthest genes
Doesn’t account for double recombinants