Poultry and Waterfowl - Backyard poultry Flashcards
What are the 5 freedoms?
- Freedom from hunger and thirst
- Freedom from fear and distress
- Freedom to express normal behaviour
- Freedom from discomfort
- Freedom from pain, injury and disease
What site do you use for IM injection in poultry?
Avoid leg muscles
What kind of swab is needed for culture and isolation of mycoplasma
Charcoal (black)
What site do you use for blood sampling in poultry?
Wing vein
Or right jugular
What happens to the brood patch in poultry prior to laying?
It loses all or part of the feathers and becomes highly vascularised
Feathers regrow in the subsequent moulting cycle
What is one of the main indicators of skin problems in poultry?
Discoloured comb
What 2 things should poultry grit contain and why?
Flint grit - aids mechanical digestion in gizzard
Oyster shell - calcium source
What are the 3 notifiable diseases in poultry?
Avian Influenza
Newcastle Disease
Pigeon Paramyxovirus
What is candling and why is it performed on eggs?
At 9-10 days of incubation.
A small bright torch is held at the broad end of the egg in a dark room.
Determines the fertility of eggs
What are the 6 parts an egg goes through in a chicken and what do they do?
Infundibulum (captures ovum) Magnum (adds albumin) Isthmus (adds shell membranes) Uterus (adds egg shell) Vagina Cloaca (expelled)
What pathogen is usually involved in egg peritonitis?
E. coli
What is “egg binding”
Failure to pass the egg from the shell gland to the vent
Dystocia or egg bound
What nutritional deficiency can cause egg binding?
What causes Fowl typhoid?
Salmonella gallinarum
What would you use for sedation and induction in poultry?
Ketamine and Isofluorane/Sevofluorane
Name 6 infectious diseases associated with neurological signs
NDV Aspergillosis Marek's disease AIV Avian encephalomyelitis Pigeon Paramyxovirus
What causes “floppy broiler syndrome”?
Marek’s disease
(Can also be oncogenic - causing tumours)
What site do you use for blood sampling in waterfowl?
Medial tarsal vein
What causes “Angel wing” in waterfowl?
Excessive protein intake during rearing
Causes the last joint of the wing to be twisted, so the wing feathers point out laterally instead of lying against the body.
What can a lack of vitamin D cause in poultry?
Lameness, slow growth and twisted bones
Can also be cause by Ca: Phosp imbalance
What is the dive reflex in waterfowl and how can it be prevented during induction of anaesthesia?
Apnea (cessation of breathing) and bradycardia
Mask down with isoflurane
What causes Duck Viral Enteritis?
What does it need for transmission?
What type of diarrhoea does it cause?
Presence of water
What causes Duck Viral hepatitis?
What group does it commonly affect?
Is it acute or chronic?
Ducklings (2 days - 3 weeks old)
(Adults > 7 weeks are immune)
PERACUTE (death within one hour)
What causes orthinosis “one eyed cold” in pigeons
Chlamydia psittaci
Can also indicate pigeon is sitting in a draft, inadequate ventilation etc.
What annual vaccination is required for pigeons?
Pigeon paramyxovirus
Required by DEFRA
What is a pullet?
A hen that is under one year old and
10-17 weeks (layers)
17-26 weeks (breeders)
What is the age defined by a chick?
< 2 weeks
What causes avian encephalomyelitis?
Same as duck viral hepatitis!
What causes foamy faeces in poultry?
Brachyspira spp
Tx: Macrolides
What causes Fowl Cholera?
Pasteurellosis is caused by Pasteurella multicoda
What is egg drop syndrome/cage layer fatigue?
What causes it?
5-50% drop in egg production, may affect shell quality
What is significant about Pullorum disease, Fowl Typhoid and Chicken Anaemia Virus
Transovarian transmission
i.e. infection of the egg –> chick infected
What is the pathogenesis of Infectious Bursal Disease?
What is the treatment?
Causes lesions in the bursa of Fabricius –> atrophy, loss of B lymphocytes –> immunosuppresion
NO TREATMENT - only vaccination
What is the difficulty in diagnosing coccidiosis in turkeys?
Eimeria spp are found commensally
Diagnosis based on lesion/oocyte count
What is typhilitis and what causes it in turkeys?
Neutropenic enterocolitis (inflammation of the caecum) Astrovirus
What does Ornitobacterium rhinotracheale cause in turkeys?
Lameness due to joint infection
Less respiratory signs vs chickens
What causes Coryza?
Bordatellosis is caused by Bordatella avium