Infectious Bovine Dermatology Flashcards
What causes ringworm?
Trichophyton verrucosum
How would you sample a ringworm lesion?
Take a hair pluck sample from the edge of the lesion - for culture and microscopy
Name a chewing louse of cattle
Bovicola bovis
Name two genus of sucking louse in cattle
Name two problems caused by sucking lice
Anaemia (heavy infestations in young calves)
Mechanical transmission of blood-born pathogens
Which cattle mite is zoonotic?
Sarcoptes scabei
Which cattle mite causes the most severe disease?
Psoroptes bovis
Psoroptic mange
What is the differences in morphology between Chorioptes bovis and Psoroptes bovis?
Psoroptes: Pointed head, trumpet shaped sucked, 3-joint pedicle
Chorioptes: Rounded head, cup-shaped suckers, un-jointed pedicle
What are the main 2 problems with flies and ticks?
Worry/avoidance behaviour
Reduces productivity by reducing feeding
Disease vectors
What is New Forest Disease? (silage eye)
Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Moraxella bovis
What are the names of the:
Stable fly
Horse fly
Stomoxys calcitrans
What is the name of the head fly?
What does it spread?
Hydrotea irritans
Summer mastitis
What do culicoides spp of midges spread?
What are the two main groups of treatments for ectoparasites in cattle?
Synthetic pyrethroids
Macrocyclic lactones
What bacteria commonly causes abscesses?
E.g. truperella pyogenes
What does Actinobacillus ligniersii cause in cattle?
Wooden tongue
What causes “lumpy jaw” in cattle?
Actinomyces bovis
Underlying osteomyelitis
What is another name for “rain scald” in cattle?
What is it caused by?
Wet weather
Dermatophilus congolensis
What causes ulcerative mammillitis in cattle and where does it occur?
Teats and udder
What causes Bovine Papular Stomatitis?
What is the treatment?
Parapox virus
No treatment needed, generally self-limiting
Why does molybdenum toxicity cause copper deficiency?
What clinical signs would you see with copper deficiency?
Prevents copper absorption in the rumen and increases amount excreted in urine
Brown tinged coat, with “spectacles” and poor growth rates
What plants are associated with photosensitisation?
What type of skin is affected?
St John’s Wort
Unpigmented skin affected (sloughing and serous ooze)
What should you do before draining an abscess?
Check its not a haematoma!
Centesis or ultrasound
Aseptic technique important
What was Bovine neonatal pancytopenia known as?
What was it associated with?
“Blood sweating disease”
BVD vaccine
What is “blane” in cattle?
Sudden onset of vulval oedema
What causes calf diptheria?
What pieces of farm equipment is it often associated with?
What is the treatment
Abrasions in the mouth with secondary infection by Fusobacterium necrophorum
Oesophageal feeders
Dosing gun injuries
Procaine penicillin (5-7 days)