Diseases of the Ruminant Urinary System Flashcards
What is the difference between haematuria & haemoglobinuria?
Distinguished on centrifugation
Haematuria –> Red blood cells settle at the bottom of the tube, leaving a clear yellow urine supernatant
Haemoglobinuria –> The urine sample remains clear red after centrifugation
What causes pyelonephritis?
Corynebacterium renale
Sometimes E. coli
What is hypospadia?
Failure of closure of the male urethra
What is the treatment for Pyelonephritis (and cystitis)?
Penicillin or Oxytetracycline
If E coli, Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid
What are the clinical signs of amyloidosis?
Off food and ill Profuse diarrhoea Generalised subcutaneous oedema PU/PD Proteinuria Low plasma albumin Pale swollen kidneys
What are the clinical signs of pyelonephritis?
Chronic weight loss Dysuria Haematuria Pus in urine \+/- mild pyrexia NORMAL APPETITIE
What does ingestion of bracken cause in sheep?
Bright Blindness (sheep retinal atrophy)
What does long-term ingestion of bracken cause in cows?
Enzootic haematuria
What are the signs of acute bracken poisoning?
Depression of bone marrow --> pancytopenia + thrombocytopenia Petechiae S/C bruising Blood clots (nose, faeces) Bloody diarrhoea Haematuria DEATH
What does acorn (oak) poisoning cause and why?
Toxic nephrosis
Contain tannins
Cause kidney damage
What causes Bacillary haemoglobinuria? (Black disease)
Clostridium novyi type D
Clostridium haemolyticum
What is the pathogenesis of Bacilliary haemoglobinuria?
Migrating fluke trigger dormant spores in liver
Pyrexia, jaundice, anaemia, oedema, haemoglobinuria
In what group of animals does Babesiosis (Redwater fever) usually present?
Older non-immune animals, often bought in/moved into the area
Lack of “premunity” (infection while young)
Which ticks are involved in the transmission of babesiosis?
Ixodes ricinus
Haemaphysalis punctata
What protozoa causes babesiosis in the UK?
Babesia divergens
Intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite
List 4 clinical signs of babesiosis
- Pyrexia
- Anaemia
- Haemoglobinuria
- Diarrhoea
How do you diagnose babesiosis?
Take a blood smear
Evidence of parasites in RBCs and anaemia
What is the treatment of babesiosis?
Imidocarb “Imizol”
Meat + milk withrawals
What is the cause and treatment for post parturient haemoglobinuria?
Low phosphorous diet (Lush spring grass, sugar beet pulp) Treatment: Phosphorous! (Vigophos, Catasol, Butaphosphan; all have B12 added) Blood transfusion
What are the most common type of calculi in livestock?
Calcium or magnesium ammonium phosphate
In which animal can you not exteriorise the end of the penis?
Castrated goat
Must cut prepuce to access
List ways to prevent urolithiasis in livestock
Check water access Urinary acidification: Ammonium Chloride, acid sodium phosphate Check diet: CaPhos ratio 1.2-2: 1 Ensure no added Mg to growing ram diets Salt blocks to increase drinking
What are the main treatments for urolithiasis in livestock?
Exteriorise end of penis
Catheterise urethra (flush with Walpole’s solution)
Percutaenous catheterisation of bladder (or surgically repair if ruptured)
Relaxants: Buscopan, Xylazine
Casualty slaughter