Politcal 1890-1920 Flashcards
Essay plan 1890-1920
What was the dominant influence upon American politics (extent/consequence)
P1 - BB
P2- prog/pop political ideology
P3- capitalism / laissiez faire/ end of frontier
Why was republican dominance 1890-1920 (cause)
P1- Big Business (reps party of)
P2- opponents failure (dems weak)
P3- other factors (progressivesm)
Who dominated between 1820-1920?
The Republican Party
Between 1867 and 1912, how many stares added to US
12 mainly western States
Where were the democrats reliant upon to get their votes 1890-1920
Southern states
Industrial north easterners
Small time farmers in western states
How was the 1896 election effected by African Americans
Fewer AA voters so the reps mainly supported by Urban workers and big businesses
Who helped McKinley to win the 1896 election
Mark hanna
How much money did hanna give McKinley and for what election
1896 and $7 million sponsorship
What was a reason for the dems to lose the 1896 election
Divided as turned many voters away with their populist centred policies such as free silver
Who was William Jennings Bryan
A populist democrat
What elections did WJB lose
1896, 1900 1908
When did populism grow?
What did populism grow as
Grass roots
Working class
Political movement
Which movements were the roots of populism
Grainger movement
Farmers alliance
Knights of labour
What was the populist manifesto?
The Omaha platform
What did the Omaha platform want
Fight corruption within the govt Legal and civil services Nationalisation of railroads Land redistributed Graduated income tax ‘Free silver’ end of GS to make loans cheaper
What party did the populists join and why?
As dems weren’t strong enough to fight the reps and the populists, they chose to absorb the populists
Who did the dems put forward for candidate in 1896
William Jennings Bryan
Why did the dems choice to chose WJB to go for 1896 election displease people
They wanted to remain conservative and go back to Grover Cleveland as laissez faire and GS
How many times was WJB defeated
Who won the 1896 election with who as Vice President
What dominated politics at the time
Theodore Roosevelt
Big business
When was McKinley assassinated and who took over
Teddy Roosevelt (aged 42)
How was progressivism 1900-1917
Idealistic reaction against capitalism and corruption - more middle class and northern that populism
What did progressivism demand 1900-1917
Pro-workers rights
What was TR known for fighting
What did TR want
Big business
What did TR block
Northern securities 1902 (railroad monopoly) by using Sherman anti-trust act
What was William Howard Taft know for regarding business
Keeping tariffs high but launched anti trust action (US Steel)
What did WW do in 1910
Revived the democrats and the reps split between TR and WHT
Got dems house of reps in mid terms
What developed as the economy grew 1890-1920
Socialism and urban workforce expanded
What became more common onwards of 1900
Strikes such as the coal strike of 1902
Who were subjected to buying social ideas
Eastern European’s
Who formed the social party and why
Eugene debs formed industrial workers of the word (IWW) as they wanted radical change
What votes did WW rely on
The south
What were Woodrow Wilson’s reforms otherwise known as
The new freedom
What did the new freedom want
Wanted to return freedom for small businesses and open competition instead of big cartels
What did WW finally get through and when after long hard fighting
Tariff reform 1913
Slashes tarrifs up to 20%
Brought in fairer income tax
federal reserve act created
All banks had to join fed res banks
What did WW set up in 1914
Federal trade commission to inspect / regulate corporate businesses
How did WW benefit the people
Created federal high way
Federal farm loans
Workmen’s compensation
Who were the presidents 90-20
McKinley 1897-1901 REP
TR 1901-1909 REP
WHT 1909-1913 REP
WW 1913-1921 DEM