Policital 1920-1945 Flashcards
Impact of Policies 1920-1945
P1) 1920 reps, WH , CC & HH
P2) 1930 dems; FDR
3) WW2
Reasons for depression 1920-1945
P1) pro big business rep policies
P2) economic - mass production long term structural
P3) economical 2- short term stock market crash
Who was the laissez faire secretary of Treasury
Warren Harding
What was the 1922 to 1923 Teapot Dome scandal
High officials in Republican administration accused of corruption in leasing oil reserves
tarnished Harding
When was Warren Harding president
When was Calvin Coolidge president
1923 to 1929
What did Calvin Coolidge want
Low taxes
Cut income taxes
Small government
Why did America not want to go to war again
Has lost over 100,000 Americans in World War I
How did the league of Nations link to USA isolationism
Did not join us did not want to become the worlds policeman
How did Harding win the 1920 election
Promising to return to normalcy
What was the USA’s policy in 1920
What were the causes of the boom regarding the Republicans
Fordney McCumber tariff 1922
low taxes so people had more money to spend
Rugged individualism - people looking after themselves
Where is the red scare
Following the Russian Revolution in 1917 communism terrified Americans
Workers were involved in strakes in trade unions were accused of being Communist’s
Americans believed communism went against the ideas of the American dream which celebrated and encouraged capitalism and the pursuit of wealth
Where did the red fair affect courts on the crimes by immigrants
Example of a case
The court clamped down partially on political crimes by immigrants
Name trail with the Trail of Sacco and Vanzetti
These were to immigrants from Italy you were anarchists who were in 1920 and where found guilty of armed robbery and murder and then executed in 1927
Even know the defence produced 107 witnesses that said they were elsewhere at the time they were still executed
1925 the murderer gave himself up but jury did not believe as all were Italian immigrants
When was the demand growing to slow down immigration
After 1890
What was the 1917 immigration law
Required all immigrants and they could read English
Banned all immigration from Asia
immigration fee of $8
What was the emergency quota act 1921
Stated that the number of immigrants from the eastern hemisphere could not be more than 3% of the number already in America in 1910
Set the maximum number of immigrants in any year at 357,000
What was the 1924 Reed Johnson act
Maximum number of immigrants in any year at 154,000
Quarter from eastern hemisphere registered 2% of those already in America in 1890
Europe were only allowed to send 20,000 immigrants per year nine Europeans only 4000
What was the consequence of depression regarding shareholders
Shareholders and businesses lost millions of dollars
How did the depression affect industrial production
Dropped 45%
£20 went out of business is the cause of the depression
By 1932 how many people were unemployed
Over 13 million
When did the great depression began
August 1929
Depression affects farmers
Farmers lost their land and more workers were forced to leave the land defined work they became known as hobos
How did the 1920s make the consequences of the depression even worse
Overproduction on the dustbowl from the 1920s met many areas of farmland when no longer suitable for growing crops or keeping animals
What was put in place in result of many people losing their houses due to the depression
How did welfare affect the depression
There was no welfare system such as benefits in please tell people in the depression
What was the system put in place to help people I could not feed themselves
People could queue up to get food supplied by charities
Why did people start to hate President Hoover
If used to recognise the problems injected Kenyanism and too much on voluntarism
What was Keynesianism
A theory to say govt should spend in times of slump - not booming
What were the bonus army
Ex army soldiers you went to the White House to ask to be paid their pensions early however hoover said no and turned the army on them even letting them use tear gas
How did hoovers actions cause hatred
All across America people began protesting against the government and violence often broke out
How did America make the depression global
America then recalled that loans to European countries from World War I this had a devastating impact causing the depression to become global
How did the Hoovers policies make him a bad president for the depression
No government help rugged individualism
Laissez faire
Prosperity is just around the corner. This is because economies went through boom and bust cycles so prosperity would return
What actions did hoover take after eventually giving in to rugged individualism
Cut taxes
Reconstruction Finance corp set to help banks off at emergency loans to banks
Federal farm board provided loans to Farmer cooperations ($47million)
Tarrifs introduced to protect us trade (Smoot-Hawley) however strangled international trade
By late 1931 how many people were unemployed
Nearly 7 million
Why do people hate hoover upon the 1932 election
As he said prosperity is just around the corner
However he was not doing nothing to help them
What was a popular slogan regarding Hoover in the 1932 election
In Hoover we trusted and now we are busted
What was the Hoover nicknamed for his ideas of rugged individualism
A Do nothing president
What ways did hoover actually help
He tried to help the banks and persuade business leaders to improve wages
In 1932 allowed Congress to spend $2.1 billion on creating new jobs
Who won the 1932 election
Democrat Franklin D Roosevelt
What beliefs did FDR have that opposed Hoover
He believed in a strong active government
What was FDR election campaign That helped him win
He travelled the country by train covering 20,800 km making speeches that proposed a new deal
This was the first time a presidential candidate had ever travelled the country to personally address so many people
How many votes did FDR win the 1932 election by
7 million votes
Worst Republican defeat ever suffered
Six points why Roosevelt one in the 1932 election
1) That was president when the depression started blamed for people suffering
2) hoover was seen as uncaring
3) hoovers policy is seen as too little too late
4) Rooseveldt seen as warm and caring man of action
5) Rooseveldt was an excellent public speaker who lead to successful campaigns
6) Fdr promised American people action and a new deal which gave US hope
What was so significant about the first 100 days of Rooseveldt presidency
He persuaded Congress to give him emergency powers
By June 15th he pushed through 15 new laws
How did Rooseveldt gain confidence in regards to prohibition
Abolished probation he said I think this would be a good time for a beer paragraph
restored faith in the government because it stop the humiliation of the government law being openly ignored
How did Rooseveldt gain confidence from his fireside chats
He described his policies in radio broadcasts paragraph he also made sure that everyone who sent him a letter and everyone who telephoned the White House got a reply and was never cut off
On average how many letters did Rooseveldt get per day
On the bank holiday 1933 how did Rooseveldt gain confidence
By using the emergency banking act which close the banks for four days
The government check that all the financially sound and then when we open the open with the backing of the federal reserve
People now confident to put their money back in bank
How did FDR prevent another crash and gain confidence
The securities and exchange commission introduced rules for the stock exchange to prevent another crash like 1929
How did FDR budget help the economy
He did not spend more than he had gathered in taxes
He could pay of government employees
Government borrows huge amount of money to finance a new deal but spent it on projects out of plan to pay back eventually
How much did FDR cut government wages by
How did the AAA act help prices
Paid farmers to take field out of production to stop all the production and drive prices up
How did the NRA help wages
Business men made to join roll of honour (blue eagle) promised to cut production and pay good wages
2.5 million firms employing 22 million people
How did FDR help the currency regarding gold
Stopped people owning gold and had to put it in the banks
Made banks give all gold to govt
Increased price of gold from $20-$35 per ounce
What was the CCC
Civilian conservation corp
Provided paid construction work to give unemployed young man jobs by 1941 2.5 million and taking part plus millions of trees planted parks in forest areas is developed
What was FERA
Federal emergency relief administration
Provided and matched funding to help state organise payments to the unemployed and homeless
What was the WPA
Working progress Administration
And projects which provided work for the unemployed for example building airports schools hospitals bridges and in them a small wage
What was the TVA
Built 21 dams in 10 years
Stop flooding provided cheap electricity and provide work
Which alphabet agencies were ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court
When was Rooseveldt second new deal
Who are the two main opposition to the new deal
The Supreme Court
Some businessmen who attacked and ignored NRA saying that it was expensive and wasteful
What was the national Labour relations act of 1935
Also known as Wagner act
Replace banned NRA
Protect workers rights to join a trade union
Set up NLRB To prevent employees from victimising workers
What was the soil conservation act of 1935
To replace the banned AAA
Allow the government to continue subsidising farmers
The Social Security act of 1935
Provided America’s first system of social welfare
Set up a national system of old age pensions
Give help to people with physical disabilities
Give help the children in need
Set up a national system of unemployment insurance
What was the National Housing act of 1937
Provided loans to buy houses
Reduced excessive rents
What was the fair labour standards act of 1938
Set hours and conditions of work
Fixed a minimum wage
What are the 5R’s to show success of new deal
Relief - help with mortgages and jobs from alphabet agencies
Roads and buildings - made by WPA + TVA
Reform - social security , minimum wage TU
Roosevelt - became people’s hero elected 4 times
Repercussions - democracy survives in America
What are the weakness and failure of the new deal - 3D’s
Businesmen hates new deal (workers rights)
Republican hates expenditure ‘wasteful’
Activists like Huey Long said not go far enough
State govt opposed as fed was taking power
Supreme Court said took away state power
Who were the presidents 20-45
W Harding 1921-1923 REP
C Coolidge 1923- 1929 REP
H Hoover 1929-1933 REP
FDR 1933-1945 DEM