what do muscarinic antagonists do and give an example of one?
increase HR
what does levosimedan do?
increases contractility
what do ACE inhibitors do?
vasodilation and arterial dilation
what do calcium antagonists do?
decrease HR
what do potassium channel blockers do?
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
how does warfarin work?
blocks clotting factors 2,3,7,10
how does heparin work?
binds to antithrombin 3.
factor X3 activates thrombin IIa - fibrin - blood clot
how do antiplatelets work?
prevent new thrombus
how to fibrinolytics work?
dissolve formed clot
what organism causes native valve endocarditis and what is the treatment?
amox + gent
what organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis and what is the treatment?
staph epidermis
vacno + gent + rifampicin
what is the treatment for IDVU endocarditis?
predictor of future cardiovascualr events
what is wells scroe
assess risk of PE
what is PESI scroe
mortality risk of PE
what thrombolytic agent is used in PE
MOA of warfarin
vit k antagonist
virchows triadd
hypercoaguability, stasis, endothelial damage
cardiogenic shock
sustained hypotension caused by decreases cardiac contractility
how much blood can be lost before compensatory mechanisms cannot maintain BP
neurogenic shock
loss of sympathetic tone to blood vessels and heart
what does neurogenic shock cause
decreased HR (unique) and massive venous and arterial dilation leading to decreased CO
vasoactvie shock
release of vasoactive mediators which causes massive arterial and venous dilation with increased capillary permeability
decreases venous return due to compression of the pericardium eg pneumothorax