On the SD page, when is GND displayed?
When the airplane is on the GND
How many BMC’s are there?
What happens if the left or right BMC fails?
- 2 BMC’s (Bleed Monitoring Computer)
- The other BMC monitors the opposite system to issue ECAM warnings if necessary
During normal operation, when would you expect to see the HP valve OPEN?
At low engine speed/power setting to supply sufficient system pressure
How is the bleed air temperature regulated and to what temperature?
- With FAN air by a pre-cooler
- 200 degrees C
How is the bleed air pressure regulated?
What is the normal pressure?
- By the bleed air valve
- 45 PSI (+/- 5 PSI)
With the Cross-Bleed selector in AUTO, what controls the position of the Cross-Bleed Valve?
2 electric motors:
- 1 for AUTO mode
- 1 for MAN mode
What happens if a bleed leak occurs with the Cross-Bleed Selector in AUTO?
It will AUTO close the cross-bleed valve except during an engine start
Which Bleed has priority? ENG or APU?
When does the FAULT light extinguish following a Bleed OVHT?
When the temperature drops below the OVHT condition value
When do Bleed Air Pressure and Temperature go amber on the SD?
When they exceed the limits for a OVHT, LOW TEMP or UNDER PRESS condition
Is Wing Anti Ice (WAI) allowed when only one bleed system is operating?
YES, but you need to switch the faulty pack OFF
What should you NOT do if GND LP Air is connected?
Do NOT turn the airconditioning ON
What should you NOT do if the HP Air is connected?
Don’t mix HP AIR with APU bleed or ENG bleed Air