What do you do if an emergency slide does NOT inflate automatically?
Pull the manual inflation triangular handle
What happens if a door is opened from the outside with the slide armed?
If the door handle is used, the slide will be disarmed
How is the door opened normally?
And how with the slide armed?
- Lever up with slide disarmed (hydraulic damping)
- Lever up with slide armed (door swings open)
What do the white and red indication below the door window signify?
White: slide is armed
Red: cabin diff press >2,4 PSI and the engines are off (do not open)
How long are the escape ropes?
Long enough to use out of either window!
What deploys the over-wing escape slide?
Opening an over-wing emergency exit door
What happens if electrical power to the door lock is lost?
It unlocks but stays closed