PLMR Flashcards
An occupation or calling
person who has completed a basic nursing education
permits a person to offer to the public his or her skill
primary purpose of registration
protect the health of the people by establishing minimum standards
Recording of names of persons who have qualified
state that license to practice nursing
shall be issued
Under the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002, R.A. 9173, Sections 12 and 20
professional license may be issued without examination Provided, that the requirements for registration or licensing of nurses in said country are substantially the same as those prescribed under this Act.
β’ SEC. 20. Registration by Reciprocity.
shall be required to pass a written examination with and fully compliant with RA No. 8981.
SEC. 12. Licensure Examination
Practice through Special/ Temporary Permit. Licensed nurses:
internationally well-known specialists or outstanding experts
on medical mission
exchange professors
planned learning experiences beyond the basic education program, Inculcation of advanced knowledge
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
RA 10912 (Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016)
Required CPD credit units per year
Professional Identification Card (PIC) Renewal: every __ years; __ CPD units
15 units
3, 45
Planned program provided by an employing agency to its employees
In-Service Education
goal or end
sense of duty and reason (Immanuel Kant)
traits and virtues of a good person
Teleological Approach
Deontological Approach or Duty-oriented Theory
Virtue Ethics Approach
authority making the law will not wish to bind a person
nurse is faced with a situation which may have both good and bad effects
Principle of Epikia
βException to the general rule
Two-fold Effect
Promulgated by the Professional Regulation Commission on July 23, 2003 states that the hallmark of all professionals is their willingness to accept a set of professional and ethical principles
candidate can take the board examination until he passes. This is embodied in section __ of RA __
section 15 of RA 9173
v This repeals or changes all of RA 7164
v Under this law, there is no more refresher course
Republic Act 9173 Nursing Law or Nursing Act of October 21, 2002
Where do you file an appeal when the Board of Nursing revokes or suspends your nursing license?
PRC) within a period of 30 days after suspension
or revocation. This is called the reglementary period.
agency for appealing of suspended or revoked nursing license is the___.
License revocation or suspension is an__ case.
Office of the President of the Philippines
Professional Regulatory Commission is under the
Office of the President
Permanent Invalidation of the license
limited to__ years
certain conditions:
o Reason for revocation must have been cured.
o Reason for revocation does no longer exist.
Filing of cases of illegal dismissal is with Department__
If you win the case, there is back payment of salary and reinstatement. Reinstatement may be in the form of__
lawyer is needed?
Department of Labor and Employment
paper reinstatement or payroll reinstatement.
Serves as benchmark against which to plan, to implement and assess quality of services
ELEMENTS of Negligence
- Existence of duty
- Failure to meet the standard of due care/ Breach of duty
- Foreseeability of harm
- Injury to the plaintiff
The thing speaks for itself
professional negligence/ stepping beyond oneβs authority
Res Ipsa Loquitor
irresistible force, one that is unforeseen or inevitable.
Liability is shared between the employee and employer; not a shift of liability
Force Majeure
Respondeat Superior
In case of emergency: consent is
Emergency Situation type of consent used
Consent for Sterilization
waived; consent does not apply
Implied consent
ΓΌ Husband and wife, if the operation is primarily to accomplish sterilization
ΓΌ Patient alone, if only because of medical necessity and the sterilization is an incidental result
Directive given by the patient as to type of treatment he wants ex DNR
patient legally assigns a person, who will decide in his behalf for his treatment
Living will
Durable Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy
an act committed or omitted in violation of the law
Committed with deceit and fault sentenced to death or to be imprisoned
justified as reasonable. EXAMPLE Self-defense
exempted EXAMPLE Insane or Imbecile
Decreases criminal liability
relationships, cases of theft, malicious mischief, estafa and swindling, Education, Intoxication
Justifying Circumstance
Exempting Circumstance
Mitigating Circumstance
Aggravating Circumstance
Alternative Circumstance
Great leaders are born and not made.
β’ Leadership behavior should be flexible
β’ According to Fred Fiedler (1960), leaderβs ability to lead depends upon the situation.
Great Man Theory/Trait Theory
Contingency Theory
Leadership Traits
β’ Includes planning, scheduling coordinating activities.
β’ Includes acting friendly and considerate, showing trust and confidence
β’ Uses group meetings to enlist associate participation in decision making.
β’ Task-oriented
β’ Relationship-oriented
β’ Participative Leadership
Involves amount of confidence and loyalty the followers have with regard to their leader.
I t is high if easy to define and measure a task
ΓΌ It is low if it is difficult
Authority inherent in the position, Power to use rewards and punishment
Leader - member relations
Task structure
Position power
minimizes obstructions to facilitate accomplishment of tasks and Focuses on motivation and productivity
Path- Goal Theory
tasks and trade - offs to meet goals. People are motivated by reward and punishment.
based on human handling skills of leaders.
Transactional Theory
Strategy theory
Father of Scientific Management
benefits of job simplification , incentive wage
Time-and-motion studies
Concerned with problems of efficiency
argued for a more humanitarian approach by management, placing emphasis on service rather than profit
Frederick Taylor
Frank Gilbreth & Lillian Gilbreth
Frank Gilbreth & Lillian Gilbreth
Henry Gantt
Henry Gantt
relationship of the work planned or completed on the axis to the amount of time
needed or used on the other.
Gantt Chart
Father of the Management Process School (specialization, scalar chain or levels of authority, management is universal)
Henry Fayol
Father of Organization Theory rules instead of individuals and on competence over favoritism
Max Weber
classic management theory. managerial process as planning, coordinating, and controlling Popularized concepts such as balance of authority with responsibility, span of control unity of command, use of
general and special staff, the proper use of personnel, delegation. and departmentalization
Lyndall Urwick
β’ He said that authority depends on acceptance by the followers
β’ He stressed the role of informal organizations
Chester Barnard
psychological and sociological
Mary Follett
satisfaction dissatisfaction
Frederick Herzberg
THEORY X compare to
Goal of individual at puro positive defn
two critical dimensions of leadership
β’ Concern for the people
β’ Concern for production
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton
economic results by
ΓΌ Managing a business
ΓΌ Managing managers
ΓΌ Managing workers
Peter Drucker
Leader is admired
Power because of position
from formal or informal coalitions
comes from knowledge
Also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity
β’ Roughly 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes
Also known as the deterministic description of human behavior. use the most convenient search method, in the least exacting mode, tools that are most familiar
Pareto Principle
Principle of Least Effort
Interpersonal Roles
signing of papers
hires, trains, encourages, fires, remunerates, and judges)
Spokesperson or representative
The manager is:
β’ An entrepreneur or innovator
β’ A trouble shooter
β’ A negotiator
Informational Role
Decisional role
Ability to see individual matters as they relate to the total picture
Professionally desirable norms
Broad guidelines for the managerial decisions
allow only one choice of action. Fairly inflexible
Intermediate planning
β’ 6 months to 2 years
decided by?
Operational planning
Nursing supervisors
Head nurses
financial road map
summarizes the income
Forecasts the amount of money received by receipts and disbursements
salaries, supplies, utilities, maintenance
Cash Budget
Expense Budget
Major expenditures for fixed assets E.g. MRI
volume and labor costs.
forces managers to set priorities and justify but Time consuming
Capital Expenditure Budget
Flexible Budget
Zero-Based Budgeting
Principles of Organizing
one superior
higher to lower authority
similar assignments
number of people that reports directly to a manage
all reports to one person that is higher to them
Transferring specified decision making to lower levels
Unity of Command
Scalar Principle / Hierarchy/ Chain of Command
Span of Control
Decentralization / Delegation
Each position has general authority over the lower positions in the hierarchy. E.g. Clinical and Administration
Line Organization
purely advisory to the line structure with no authority β’E.g. Training and Research
Staff Organization
Also known as Tall Chart
Also known as Circular Chart with a wide span of control
Also known as Circular Chart
β’Shows outward flows of Communication from center
Vertical Chart
Horizontal Chart
Concentric Chart
Types of Scheduling
β’ Done by the __
Decentralized __
Chief nurse
Nurse Super-visors or Senior nurse
Level 1: Minimal
Level 2: Moderate
Level 3: Total / Intensive
Level 4: Critical
Some help with ADL
Completely dependent
Continuous observation
informal communication
From individuals or departments that area not in the same level or the hierarchy
From caregivers to patient
modalities of nursing care:
task- oriented
One nurse is assigned to one patient
One nurse leads a group of nursing personnel in providing nursing needs to a group of patients
small group of patients (4-6) from admission to discharge 24/7
1:1, E.g. ICU nurse, private duty nurse
District Nursing used when there are not enough RNs to practice nursing, NA
Functional Nursing
Total Care Nursing
Team Nursing
Primary Nursing
Case Method
Modular Method
planned and guided activities of an employee in the organization, the work environment and in his job
job instructions that are given to enhance employeeβs recent job performance
In-Service Education
Offered by hospitals with trained specialist
Graduate Degree: Masterβs Degree
Specialty Courses
Formal Education
Both work out days to solve the problem , Win-win
One gives way to other Win-lose
Both will sacrifice Lose-lose
v Also called βevaluatingβ
v An on-going function
Performance Appraisal Tools
Compilation of all nursing performances expected of a worker
Includes a series of items
Describes the nurseβs experience
appraiser writes a paragraph
Rating Scales
Anecdotal recording
β’ A tool to assist in quality of care decision making
β’ A continuous process of measuring what exist against the best
Consists of incidental observation of performance
Collecting objective facts that can demonstrate the difference between what is expected and what was done.
Informal Appraisal
Formal appraisal
Evaluation of the health care system
ensure customer satisfaction by involving employees in the improvement of the quality of every product or service
Quality Assurance
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) or Total Quality Management (TQM)
measures the actual performance composed of a representative from all levels
Nursing Audit
Patient Care Audit
Concurrent vs Retrospective
still confined, discharged
Stages of Disciplinary Action
- Counseling and Oral Warning
- Written Warning
- Suspension
- Dismissal (Permanent removal)
Strategies for effecting change:
people are rational willing to adopt a change
ct according to their commitment to sociocultural norms
compliance of less powerful to powerful ppl
Empirical- Rational
Normative- Reeducative
Power- Coercive
Kurt Lewinβs Theory of Change:
awareness of a need for change
Types of Change:
Non-mutual imbalanced one-sided
Coercive Change
identification with and imitation of power figures
Positive iba defn but imbalanced power ratio
Positive iba defn no deliberativeness
All positive
acts of God, Involves no goal setting
Interactional Change
Planned Change
Natural Change
β’ Hygiene factors (relate to the working conditions such as salary, quality of supervision, job security)
β’ Motivating factors (relate to job itself; βsatisfiersβ)
The Two β Factor Theory
achievement, power, and
McClellandβs Three Basic Needs Theory
felt needs β¬οΈ if a person perceives positive relationship between effort and performance
Victor Vroomβs Expectancy Theory
controlled by conditions in the external environment instead of internal
B.F Skinnerβs Operant Theory
Perceptions about equity and fairness
Equity Theory