Plate 17-19, 35: superficial and deep head, neck, shoulder and arm muscles of dogs Flashcards
Nasolabial levator m. 鼻唇溝提肌
- lifts the upper lip, pull it aside
- pull on the wings of the nose, nostril’s dilatation
Orbicular ocular m. 眼輪匝肌
- close the eyelid
- drainage of tears from the eyes
Zygomatic m. 顴肌 (曬膏)
pull the angle of the mouth
Oral orbicular m. 口腔輪圈肌
control movements of the mouth and lips
Masseter m. (襪絲他) 咀嚼肌
raise the mandible to close the mouth
Buccinator m. (不) 頰肌
keep the cheek near the teeth
Omotransverse m. 肩胛橫突肌
draw forelimbs forward
Brachialis m. 肱肌
flex the elbow joint
Teres muscles 圓肌
Major teres m. 大圓肌
Minor teres m. 小圓肌
- flex the shoulder joint
- rotate the shoulder inward
Cleidobrachial muscle 鎖臂肌
- advances the limb
- extends the shoulder
- lateral movement of the head and neck
Anconeal m. 肘肌
extend the elbow joint
What are epaxial muscles and their functions 軸上肌 (即背肌)?
Epaxial muscles lie dorsal to the vertebral transverse processes. They work together to extend the neck and back and produce lateral movement.
What are the three epaxial muscle systems?
I. illiocostal muscle system - lateral muscle groups
II. longest (longissimus) muscle system - intermediate muscle groups
III. Transversospinal muscle system 多裂肌 - medial muscle groups
Thoracic iliocostal m. / iliocostal thoracic m. 胸髂肋肌
bend the vertebral column sideways
Splenius m. 頭夾肌
- extend and raise the neck and move it laterally
Longest capital (head) m.
- lower the head
- move the neck laterally
- flex the atlanto-occipital joint 寰枕關節
Semispinal muscles 半棘肌
extend the vertebral column and head
Cervical biventer m. 頸二腹肌
Complexus m. 複合肌
*formed by capital semispinal m. 頭半棘肌
- raise the head and neck
- flex the head and neck laterally
What are hypaxial muscles 軸下肌?
Hypaxial muscles are ventral to the vertebral transverse processes (below the spine).
Lumbar quadrate m. 腰方肌
fix lumbar vertebral column
Minor psoas m. 腰小肌
flex lumbar vertebral column
Major psoas m. 腰大肌
Iliacus m. 髂肌
They fuse to form iliopsoas muscle 髂腰肌 - the primary hip flexor.
Subscapular m. 肩胛下肌
- primary extend and adduct the shoulder joint
- draw humerus forward
- maintain flexion during joint flexion
Coracobrachial m. 喙肱肌
extend and adduct the shoulder joint