Pathology and common worms Flashcards
What is a pathogen? Give four examples.
A pathogen is an organism that can produce disease in animals, e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
What is a zoonotic disease?
A disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans, e.g. Salmonella 沙門氏菌, rabies 狂犬病
What is direct transmission?
requires one animal touches another, e.g. Papilloma 乳頭狀瘤 (warts), ringworms 癬
What is indirect transmission?
requires a vector to transmit a disease, e.g. ringworm, parvovirus
airborne: coughing, sneezing
biological: insects, bodily fluids, pest mammals 害蟲哺乳動物
mechanical: desks
How can we prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases as a massage therapist?
- Wash your hands with antibacterial soap in between clients
- Change sheet/massage area linea in between clients
- Change your shirt if an animal sneezes on you
What are some common intestinal worms in dogs?
Roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms
What are worms?
Worms are internal parasites that live in the intestines and other organs or viscera 內臟 of the body.
What are three general conditions where animals may become infested with worms?
- Young animals: acquire from their mother before/just after birth
- Flea-ridden/hunter animals: expose to fleas on their prey
- Immune-suppresed/compromised animals (免疫抑製或受損的動物): higher risks of parasitic infections
Is heartworm treatable? What is the concern of the treatment of heartworm?
Yes. The treatment is dangerous and can be fatal. The drugs have side effects on the animal, e.g. dying worms may obstruct the heart
What are the clinical signs of worms?
Absent in the early stage until seeing signs: chronic diarrhoea, worms in feces
Is there a specific age or breed or dog will be infected with heartworms?
Why can’t we massage a dog with heartworm?
Massage will put more strain to the heart due to the increase blood flow.
How is heartworm spread?
How can a dog get infected with heartworms?
When a mosquito bites a dog, the larvae are transmitted to the dog. It can take about 6 months for the larvae to mature into adult worms. A test on heartworm will then be positive.
What are the typical symptoms of heartworm?
Early stages: no signs (for years)
BCHWFH = Because heartworm work from home
Later: heart murmur, cough persistently, difficult to breathe, weak, faint, heart failure, the liver, kidney and other organs can be affected
Can we massage a dog with roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms?
What is the common host of roundworms?
young animals
What are the clinical signs of roundworms?
Light infections: unnoticed
Heavy infections: bloated belly, diarrhoea, weight loss, vomit
What is the predilection site of roundworms 蛔蟲, tapeworms/cestodes 條蟲 and hookworms 鉤蟲?
small intestine
What do tapeworms/cestodes 條蟲 rely on to survive?
nutrients inside the intestine
How do tapeworms/cestodes 條蟲 look like in poop?
grain of rice
What are the clinical signs of tapeworms/cestodes?
Adult cestodes rarely cause disease in dogs and cats’ intestine
- unthrifty (unhealthy/weak)
- malaise (discomfort)
- irritable
- capricious appetite
- shaggy coat 毛粗長而蓬亂
- colic 絞痛
- mild diarrhoea
What do hookworms and whipworms rely on to survive?
What can hookworms cause?
severe anemia
What is the predilection site of whipworms 鞭蟲?
Large intestine: Cecum (盲腸) and colon (結腸)
What are the clinical signs of whipworms?
Early stage: no symptoms (dormant for long periods)
Later: persistent, watery diarrhoea
What are common zoonotic parasites?
Roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms
How can common zoonotic parasites be transmitted to humans?
If a human ingests worm eggs, the parasites often migrate
through the body and cause serious damage. They can also enter the body via the skin and eyes.