Planning & Development Management (L3) Flashcards
What is the difference between an OPP and an RMA or FULL application?
OPP= sets principle of development (must submit RM in 3 years)
RM= detail of development (5LALA’s)
Who do you submit an application to?
The LA
or if the LA is in special measures (uttleford) it is submitted direct to sec of state.
What are the 5 RM’s?
What is an appeal? What forms of appeal are there?
When do you submit an appeal?
Can appeal a decision, a condition or if the decision is undetermined.
Planning inspectorate decides:
PLANNING ENQUIRY (more formal)
When must an appeal be made by?
Within 6 months from the decision notice. Can be made after 13 weeks for non determination.
What is a pre-app? Are they useful?
Pre app is an informal submission to consulted within a LA.
Eg: flood and drainage / noise / highways / planning officer
How much is a pre-app?
Central Beds: >50 homes is £2000
What is a planning performance agreement ? How much are they?
Project management tool to streamline process and make council responsible for deadlines.
£100 in CBC - agreement with council to abide within timescales for consultation
How much is a planning application?
£462 per dwelling for a full application under 50 units.
£23k for >50 units + £138 per additional unit.
TCPA amendment is increasing application fees by 35% in January
What is the purpose of the planning system?
Deliver sustainable development
Streamline process
Is transparent and accountable
Community engagement
At the correct level of government
Explain the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
1944 blitz and blight
1947 foundations of contemporary system. Ie requirement for permission
TCPA 1990 is the overarching law in planning to regulate development.
TCPA 1990 introduced S106 and conditions. It split the planning function into ‘planning’ and ‘development control’.
How is Development defined under the TCPA 1990?
The carrying out of building,engineering,mining or other operations in, on, under, over land.
Or making any material change to building or land.
What is an example of a procedure within the TCPA 1990?
T&CP order (Development Management) which sets out the application process. (From pre-app to appeal)
What is the NPPF?
NPPF 2012, amended 2021
Governments objective to set social, environmental, sustainable planning policy to guide the contents of a local plan.
It set out a local plan system and outlined the presumption in favour of sustainable development
What are the key sections in the NPPF 2021?
Section 2 - sustainable development
Section 3 - plan making
Section 4 - decision making
Section 5 - delivering sufficient supply
Section 13 - protecting the Greenbelt
What were the 2021 revisions to the NPPF?
The 2023 update?
The ‘need to contribute’ to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Emphasis on beautiful and sustainable places
2023 update concerned assisting decision makers with the proposals to improve renewable development sites (giving weight)
What are the reform proposals to the NPPF? As stated in the LURB
LURB (now received royal assent)
- National dev manag. Policies to sit alongside a LP. To streamline decisions for general matters.
- shelve the 5HYLS
-housing targets to become ‘advisory’
-greater emphasis on ‘beauty’
What is the Localism act 2011?
Bring decisions from centra to local government.
Councils have greater autonomy (and statutory duty to cooperate)
Rights for Neighbourhood plans
Encouraging community consultation
Abolishing regional strategies
What is a local plan?
The principle planning document. Strategic policies within the core strategy (doc in the Devl Plan)
Sets out LA objectives to achieve sustainable Dev.
Consistent with the NPPF.
What is a local development scheme?
The way in which a LA sets out their core strategy and local development plan. Timings and contents.
What is an allocation?
Allocated sites have been selected as suitable for development: will contribute to delivering the LA’s adopted core strategy.
Often incl. details of site, density, relevant policy extracts, constraints.
What is a Neighbourhood plan? And the associates Act?
Neighbourhood plans give a community power and vision. Must follow regs. The policies take precedent over the non strategic policies in the LP according to the NPPF.
NPA 2017
What is greenbelt?
The greenbelt is a planning designation to help control urban growth.
LA’s may set GB through the TCPA 1947 powers.
There are 5 purposes of the GB.
What are the 5 purposes of the GB?
1.Prevent merging of towns
2.Prevent sprawl
3.Safeguard encroachment into countryside
4.Presence setting/character
5.Assist urban regeneration.
What does the Housing and Planning Act 2016 outline?
> starter homes
secretary of state is given intervening powers
How is the Highways Act 1980 relevant to your role?
S278 - provision to create a new access outside the sites boundary.
S38 - process of adoption for roads on site.
What noise mitigation measures are you aware of?
Designing windows away from noise
Acoustic timber fencing (absorbs noise)
What does the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 outline?
Listed buildings -
Buildings with national architectural and historic interest.
Criminal offence to undertake works without LBC.
Conservation areas- Areas or Architect/historic interest or character which is desirable to enhance/preserve. All trees are protected. Development must be in keeping. Eh SSI (designation protected by Natural England)
What is an EIA
A systematic detailed process to identify and Eval impacts before and after development.
What is a TPO
LA’s power to protect trees. Under the Local Land Charges Register.
What penalties are there for a TPO offence?
£20k fine (magistrates)
Or unlimited in crown court
What is sequential testing?
Comparison of sites when considering lowest flood risk.
Explain the flood zones
1- 0.1% annual flooding chance
2- 0.1%-1%
3 - a) 1% / b)5% functional floodplain
FZ 1 and 2 require FRA
Upcoming changes to FZ include groundwater flooding (up a zone)
What is the drainage hierarchy?
Infiltrate ground?
Discharge to watercourse(IDB?) with consent for specified discharge rate.
Infiltration basin
Attenuation basin
Balancing pond
What is an FRA and when is it required?
Assesment of Flood risk and mitigation measures.
Req. FZ 2,3 or >1HA in FZ 1
National policy Eval.
Assessment of likelihood
Site history
Existing mitigation?
What is the Infastructure Levy?
IL as set out in the LURB, focusses on capturing infrastructure contributions through land value uplift as opposed to a standard rate.
IL is charged on the development’s value and applied above a minimum threshold.
Includes consideration of climate change mitigation.
What is CIL?
Community infrastructure levy.
Off site payments to support development.
Charging schedule - set charge upon Net Floor Space (m2 GIA over 100sqm)
Cannot be double charged with S106.