Housing Strategy & Provision (L3) Flashcards
What is the process of adopting a local plan?
Chapter 3 of the NPPF:
LP’s are a vision and framework of further Dev. To secure opps, design and certainty. Supported by robust evidence base.
- Gather evidence. EG HNA & cal for sites
- Consider options in SHLAA (looking at +ve/-ve assessed)
- REG 18 CONSULTATION - public cons. Preferred issues and options.
- Review & create draft Local Plan
- REG 19 REPRESENTATION - 6 weeks statutory consultation of draft local plan to gather reps.
- PUBLIC EXAMINATION - sec state appoints Plann Inspec. To examine and give reccies. TES OF SOUNDNESS.
- Adoption.
LP can be withdrawn anytime up until adoption.
What are the tests for soundness in a LP adoption?
According to the NPPF:
Positively prepared
National Policy consistent
What document always accompanies a local plan in the plan making process?
Systematic account for the impacts (social, environ, Econ). To ensure the LP reflects SDG’s. (+possibly Habitats assesment)
What is the housing and planning act 2016?
Outlines measures to increase housing supply with a focus on the planning system.
Part 1 - new homes (self/custom build/starter homes)
Part 4 - social housing (RP grants and Rent caps)
Part 6 - permission in principle (to separate development principle with technical matters)
How are starter homes defined under the Housing and Planning act 2016?
New build
23-40 y/o
20%+ MV
£250k max or £450k London
Shared ownership
SO: buy a share in a property. Remainder owned by RP, whom recieve a subsidised rent for their ownership stake. Ability to staircase out. No > than £80k income.
Social rent
Affordable rent
owned by LA/RP to rent to ppl who can’t otherwise afford to rent or buy: applicants must be on housing register.
SR: 60% OMV.
AR: 80% OMV.
Discounted market sale units.
Min. 30% MV Discount.
No greater than £250k Value after discount (£420k London)
Must sell as FH.
25% of all AH (gov’s preferred tenure)
What is the RICS documentation on Viability?
RICS Prof std. financial viability in planning-conduct and reporting 2019.
This outlines the mandatory inclusions in an FVA.
What is viability?
The balance of developer benefit and obj of the planning system. Ensure financial viability met through appropriate level of AH/S106 contrib.
What is an FVA?
Assesment to ensure obligations are to the level a scheme can reasonably support.
Benchmark land value (existing use+10-30% premium) IE. not what the developer paid.
BLV > RLV = site is unviable at the policy complaint HA levels.
What is included in a LA’s development plan?
Area action plan
Neighbourhood Plan
Minerals and Waste local plan
Local plan (+core strategy)
+ statement of community involvement
+CIL schedule
+ annual monitoring report
+ SPD’s / Design Code
What does an annual monitoring report do?
Data to show if a LA’s policies have achieved their objectives
What is the purpose of the Greenbelt as defined in the NPPF?
- Check unrestricted sprawl
- Prevent merging
- Safeguard countryside from Encroachment
- Prevent character
- Assist in urban regeneration.
What stages are there to a Greenbelt review/Assesment
During a LP Review, the purpose of the GB should be assessed.
Stage 1 - overall review
Stage 2 - site by site review
If a site isn’t scoring highly enough, GB is released.
GB review to be scrapped in NPPF proposals
What is a judicial review?
Challenge how a decision was made (scrutinise the consultation process).
6 weeks from Decision Notice
What defines services land?
Access to public highway
Electric/water/foul connections.
What is defined under the Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015?
LA must know demand and maintain a register.
Self build = active involvement in the design and construction of a house by occupant.
Custom Build = help deliver the home and spec (CBC - watertight, serviced, staircase).
Under the current system, how does. LA go about assessing their housing requirement?
Standard method:
Review census data (present/future+affordability)
Incorp locational uplifts & constraints
Incorp market signals (ie planned economic activity etc)
Tell me what a SHMA is
- Assesses current and future housing requirement (scale and mix) for market, affordable and elderly housing for the LP Period.
- must meet OAN.
Market signals (macroeconomic factors ie: economic Dev/rate of Dev/ overcrowding/affordability) adjust the OAN to give the housing requirement.
What is the SHLAA
(as req by NPPF)
Call for sites submissions (5+ houses)
Land is assessed for:
if they’re deliverable (within 5yrs) or developable (5+ years).
SHLAA also identifies site constraints, density and dwelling numbers.
The sites then inform the LP ALLOCATIONS.
What is a HELAA
Housing and Economic Land avaliability Assessment - the PPG sets out how to produce a SHLAA.
What is a windfall allowance?
Allowance for land that hasn’t been identified specifically but can be accounted for in a LP, if compelling evidence suggests a reliable supply.
Name indicators:
E- house prices / IR’s / Employment
H - affordability / House Price index
(June 2022 1.7% rise in year) £240k ave
D - ONS / Population / age / sex
What is a Housing needs Assesment (HNA)?
HNA helps commission SHMA data
Households respond to Questionnaire
What is the role of:
Sec of state
Planning inspectorate
Planning Officer
Sec. Of state = oversees planning system
Planning inspectorate = decides on applications and appeals on behalf of the Sec of state.
Officers: assist with the operation of the planning system and are given delegated powers.
What is the duty to co - operate?
Dev. Needs straddling jurisdictions - duty to cooperate for wider planning than their boundaries.
Statement of common ground
Record of progress in joining forces with neighbouring authorities
What is the 5YHLS
Calculation as to whether the delivery of homes supply meets the planned requirement over the next 5 years. Rolling basis.
Indicates if there are sufficient sites to deliver homes required upon.
If the LP is > 5 years old. 5YHLS is measured via the standard method.
What is the standard method?
Formula to identify the minimum number of homes expected to be planned for. Uses Census Data of past supply and demand + future projections.
Also addresses affordability.
What is the governments housing target (to meet by the mid 2020’s?)
(140k was delivered last year)
What is the Housing Delivery Test?
(Not updated since 2022)
HDT measures the net supply of homes delivered versus the net housing requirement to see if the planned requirement has been met.
Measures on a 3 year rolling basis.
If LA is delivering 75% = presumption in favour for Sust. dev & 20% BUFFER.
What could a ‘rep’ include for a site?
Opps/cons plan, landscape plan, access etc.
How was custom build defined in the Flitton CBC policy? What was the marketing strategy?
‘Partial completion’
Watertight, floors/staircase, serviced.
Discharged as Pre-commencement condition.
From 6 months post RM approval, units to be marketed for 3 months. On CBC SB/CB register.
-if no interest after 3 months marketing, can sell on the open market.
What are the 5 stages of a SHLAA?
(0.25ha/5+ dwellings, constraints, locations, scale) - ASSES sites & broad locations
(Viable? Attractive? Policy?) - WINDFALL assessment
(Land also available for development if a compelling argument is proposed)
4.Assessment REVIEW
(Efficient land use? Trajectory?) - Final EVIDENCE BASE
(Site list, evidence, justification, barriers?)
What sets out the contents of a local plan?
TCPA sets out contents
LDS specifies the documents and timescales.
What is the relationship between a local plan and a development plan?
They should not duplicate policy.
NP should conform to LP’s strategic policies. NP takes precedence over non-strategic policies
What is an SPD?
Detailed advice on a LP - not forming part of the LP, but are a material consideration.
What is a material consideration?
I’d related to purpose of planning legislation an reasonably relate to Dev in question.
Ie if an objection relates to a non material matter, it can’t refuse permission. Example includes: parking, drainage, LALAS.
Where did you find the Custom Build definition for CBC
La planning website. Under CB/SB Policy.
Houghton Regis had a 10% AH policy. Why was it so low?
The opp was bringing forward 5000+ homes. Viability.
The CBC policy is 35% AH (28/72 AR SO).
HE grant funding enabled my clients land bid to be optimised.
What is Hones England and what is their Grant Funding?
Homes England are the Governments housing & regen policy.
Grant funding is awarded to RPs who bid.
£7billion awarded 2021-2026 for the delivery of 130,000 affordable homes.
Who approved the Custom Buold strategy proposed at Flitton?
The CBC custom and self build housing officer
Overarching plan to guide local decisions for land use and development proposals.
Local plan
Neighbourhood plans
Allocations/Policies map
What is a neighbourhood plan?
Developed by a parish.
Subject to consultation, independent examination and referendum.
Must confirm to the adopted LP’s strategic policies OR have regard to the emerging LP’s policy.
Takes precedence on non strategic local plan matters.
How does a LA monitor it’s policies?
ANNUAL POSITION STATEMENT Procedural document. Produced on annual basis, to monitor performance of LP and it’s policies.
HDT/Planning inspectorate follow LP progress.
(May need an Action Plan to recover delivery)
How do you apply for call for sites?
Red line plan + application form.
Brownfield/greenfield CFS can be separate eg Bucks council asked for Brownfield only before GF.
What does a SHLAA show?
Sites Assesment
Size / location / constraints
Which consultant refers to listed buildings
Heritage consultant
What do you look for when assessing a site outside the local settlement boundary?
Flood zone, greenbelt, TPO’s, proximity to settlement, conservation area, LOCAL POLICY.
Tell me about a time you have set a housing strategy on a site.
Site review. Mix and density. Refer to SHMA to be policy compliant.
In which section of the NPPF is the 5YHLS and the SUSTAINABLE section
Section 2 - sustainable development
Section 5 - delivering a sufficient supply of homes
What is the 5YHLS and how is it assessed?
LA must demonstrate a supply of deliverable development sites, sufficient to provide a minimum of 5Y worth of housing against their housing need.
To assess housing requirement -
Use adopted policy of plan is up to date (adopted in last 5 years)
Or Standard method if not up to date.
What buffer should there be in the supply for deliverable sites?
5% to ensure choice and competition in land
10%where LA seeks to confirm 5YHLS through recent adoption and
20% where HDT shows significant under delivery (or less than 75% of housing requirement innHDT)