Measurement (L1) Flashcards
What is the RICS literature on measuring land?
RICS Professional Standard Land Measuring for P&D purposes. 2021
What does the RICS Professional Standard Land Measuring for P&D purposes 2021 show?
That there are 3 measurement areas:
- Land Ownership (legal title)
- Site area (for plannng applic.)
- Net developable area (occupied by buildings, net from Roads/POS).
+ plot ratio (floor area to are area)
+ site coverage (floor area ratio to GEA)
What is the scale for a:
Building plan, site plan, location plan
Building Plan 1:100
Site Plan 1:200-1:500
Location plan 1:1250-1:2500
Convert acres to Ha
0.4 ha to an acre
2.47 Acres to a HA
Convert meters squared to sq ft
10.7639 sq ft to a sqm.
What is IPMS all buildings ?
A single document prepared by the IPMS council for publication of measurement in one doc for ease, clarity and consistency. Wil replace already adopted standards.
IPMS: 1-4
RICS not yet adopted.
How would you go about measuring land?
Check boundaries (OS Map, Land Reg, Land insight)
Using a distomwter or trundle wheel.
How do you check the accuracy of a distomwter?
Sunlight, cold, damage can affect accuracy of a distomwter which has an accuracy of 1.5-200mm.
Annual calibration + check against known distance.
What is the building line?
Line coinciding with the property line. Illegal to build past building line.
What does a letter of reliance do?
Allows a party to rely on the content of another party’s measurements (assuring accuracy)
What is the RICS code of measuring practise? 2015?
Best practise for measurement (not incl. offices and resi)
What is GEA?
Gross external area.
Measure to external wall perimeter (On a Flor by floor basis)
Eg - residential build cost/council tax calcs.
What is GIA ?
Gross internal area.
Measures to internal face of external wall, floor by floor basis.
For industrial and resi valuations
What is NIA?
Net internal area
Measure to internal face of useable floor area.
Used to measure offices and retail.
How do you calculate the rental value of a shop?
USING ZONING: a valuation technique using comparable information.
Zoning used the ITZA to acknowledge value areas within a shop. From internal face of external walls, the facade is measured from 20 feet back. Each zone drops value by 50%.
Add each zone up and apppy to a psf basis.
Measure to finished surface, not incl. fixtures and fittings.
How would you measure and industrial warehouse?
Using GIA.
Include all component areas. All floors: office, warehouse, canteen, yard. Recorded seperately. Ancillary offices measured in GIA TOO.
What is the difference between IPMS 3 and NIA?
Measure to IDF
No exclusion for restricted use areas (<1.5m)
Columns included
Measure to Mid point to wall for multiple occ.
balconies included for >1 tenant
What must you state in a measurement?
Measurement date
Conversion factor
Advise IPMS or reason for departure.
What is outlined in the RICS Property Measurement 2018? PROF STATEMENT
Introduced with IPMS council for > consistency, transparency.
IPMS - offices and resi
Refer to Code of Meausuring Practise for all other types of property measurement (retail and industrial)
Outlines definitions and appendix A = acceptable tolerances
What is the internal dominant face?
Internal finished covering that is >50% vertical floor to ceiling height.
What is a component area?
Main elements to which a floor can be divided into
What is IPMS offices?
Measurement of office space.
Includes covered galleries and balconies.
Excludes patios, parking, upper atrium areas
Broadly GEA.
Floor by floor basis
Measures building to include External walls.
For planning and Build cost.
What is IPMS 2 OFFICES ?
Broadly GIA.
Component area by component area basis.
Measure all direct use areas to IDF.
For agency and valuation.
Broadly NIA.
Floor by floor basis.
Measure areas of exclusive occupation.
Broadly GEA.
Measures buildings to ext. walls
For P&D.
Broadly GIA.
Component by component basis.
Measure internal area to IDF.
3A - exclusive occupation measure to ext wall outer face.
3B - exclusive use including internal wall areas. Measure to IDF.
3C - exclusive occupational. Excluding walls and columns. Measure to finished surface.
What is IPMS residential?
Measurement of resi.
Includes walls and columns, balconies, living areas, basement.
Excludes patio, external parking, upper atrium voids.