Physiology (conduction Of The Heart) Flashcards
What does the SAN do and what does it cause ?
- The Sino Atrio Node (SAN) is the heart’s pacemaker and sends out an electrical impulse
- causes the stria to contract
What happens when the atria contracts ?
forces the blood into the ventricles
What does the AVN do ?
It sends out a second electrical impulse
What does the second impulse do and what does it cause ?
- travels down to the Bundle of His, which delays the impulse for 0.1s
- this causes the atria to empty of blood
What are the two stages of the heart ?
- systolic
- Diastolic
When does the diastolic phase occur ?
- when the heart relaxes after contraction
- the atria passively fills with blood
- the ventricle passively fills with blood because of the increase in pressure in the atria
What occurs during the systolic phase ?
- The heart contracts
- the increase in pressure in the atria forces the blood into ventricles.
- the increased pressure in the ventricles forces the blood to the body (aorta) and the lungs
What are the 3 mechanisms of venous return ?
- Muscle pump
- one-way valve
- respiratory pump
How does the muscle pump help venous return ?
This is where the muscles contract, which squeezes the
veins and force the blood towards the heart
How do one way valves help venous return ?
Veins contain one-way valves that prevent the back flow of
How does respitory pump help with venous return ?
The chest size increases, which squeezes the veins and
forces the blood back towards the heart
What does the impulse that’s delayed for 0.1 second do ?
- travels down to the Purkinjie fibres
- which cause the ventricles to contract
- This forces blood out of the heart.