Physics Ch 3 Gen XR Concepts Flashcards
photons –> inc vs dec –> noise inc/dec?
- inc photons –> dec noise
- dec photons –> inc noise
most important source of noise (quantum) noise?
quantum mottle –> XR beam is inhomogeneous –> not enough XR reach film/detector –> random noise
how to reduce quantum mottle? (2)
- inc XR (mAs)
- inc efficiency detection
what factors inc scatter? (3)
- inc kVp
- inc thickness (body habitus)
- inc field of view (lrger XR beam)
what is grid?
bw pt & image receptor –> device w mult thin lead stripes –> block scattered (angled) XRs
grid –> how affect contrast? scatter?
grid –> reduce scatter –> improve contrast
what is grid ratio? inc ratio –> how affect contrast?
ratio of lead ht to distance bw stripes
inc ratio –> dec scatter –> improve contrast
grid –> how affect dose?
inc grid ratio –> inc dose
tube-detector distance & noise –> relationship formula?
inc distance –> inc noise
inverse square law: inc distance 2x –> inc noise 1/4
noise & mottle –> relationship formula?
inc XR photons 4x –> dec mottle 1/2
to dec quantum mottle –> inc mA vs kVp?
correct answer: inc mA
inc kVp –> inc compton scatter –> inc noise
mAs -> most important factor for… sharpness vs contrast vs noise/mottle
inc mA from 50 to 200 –> how change noise/mottle?
dec by 50%
which of following will reduce noise?
- use grid
- use air gap
- inc mA
ALL reduce noise –> but correct answer is “inc mA”
what is signal to noise ratio? main concept?
quantitative method for compare signal vs noise
strong signal –> can tolerate more noise
contrast to noise ratio –> main concept?
high contrast –> can tolerate more noise
what happen to contrast to noise ratio?
- inc mA?
- automatic exposure control (AEC) –> dec kV?
- inc mA –> dec noise –> improve contrast to noise ratio
- “fixed” noise –> dec kV –> inc contrast –> improve contrast to noise ratio
spatial resolution –> main concept? units?
how close 2 lines can be and still be seen as separate
line pairs per mm
what is spatial frequency?
spatial resolution
what is unsharpness?
loss of spatial resolution
what is motion unsharpness?
pt motion –> loss of spatial resolution
what is system unsharpness?
detector –> limiting factor –> max spatial resolution
geometric unsharpness:
- small focal spot
- dec source-object distance
- dec object-detector distance
- inc magnification
==> inc/dec blur?
- small focal spot –> dec blur
- dec source-object distance –> inc
- dec object-detector distance –> dec
- inc magnification –> inc
geometric unsharpness: small focal spot –> utilized in what exams? (2)
- mammo
- extremity
inc magnification –> affected by what 2 factors?
- source to obj distance –> dec
- object to detector distance –> inc
magnification –> formula?
source to detector (image) distance / source to obj (pt) distance
what is modulation transfer fx? formula?
original perfect XR data that exited pt –> image that digital detector produced
MTF (image) = info recorded / info avail = <1.0
what is detective quantum efficiency (DQE)?
“prediction of dose” –> estimate required exposure level necess to create optimal image –> measure of efficiency of detector to convert XR energy to image signal –> better DQE –> less rad necess
detective quantum efficiency (DQE) –> relationship to…
- MTF?
- signal to noise ratio?
- spatial resolution?
- directly proportional to MTF
- inversely proportional to signal to noise ratio
- inversely proportional to spatial resolution
digital imaging –> matrix –> contain pixels –> what is pixel density? pixel pitch?
- pixel density: #pixels per unit area
- pixel pitch: “pixel spacing” –> distance from center or 1 pixel to next
inc/dec pixel density –> better spatial resolution?
inc/dec pixel pitch –> better spatial resolution?
what kind of detector has best spatial resolution?
lrger/smaller matrix –> smaller pixels?
larger matrix –> more pixels –> smaller pixels
lrger/smaller matrix –> better spatial resolution?
dec source to object distance (SOD) –> change what factor to compensate for blur inc?
- inc kVp
- dec focal spot size
- inc focal spot size
dec focal spot size
inc focal spot size –> what factor is improved? why?
- noise (mottle)
- contrast
- blur (motion)
- blur (motion)
inc focal spot size –> inc mA –> dec exposure time –> less time for pt to mv –> dec blur from motion
dec/inc kVp –> dec/inc contrast?
- dec kVp –> inc contrast
- inc kVp –> dec contrast
inc scatter –> dec/inc contrast?
inc scatter –> dec contrast
what factors improve contrast?
- inc/dec kVp
- inc/dec atomic number
- inc/dec density
- dec kVp
- inc atomic number
- inc density
inc filtration –> what happen to avg energy beam (penetration power)? what happen to contrast?
inc filtration –> dec low energy XRs –> inc avg energy of XR beam –> dec contrast
most important factor affecting contrast in digital system? in film system?
- digital –> look up table (LUT)
- film –> kVp
narrow vs wide window width –> inc contrast?
window level –> determines what?
which has wider dynamic range? –> digital imaging or film screen?
digital imaging
window level –> inc vs dec –> good for looking at what?
- inc –> inc pixel –> better for looking at dark –> ie lungs
- dec –> dec pixel –> better for looking at light –> ie bones
XR –> underexposed –> cause?
too low mA
XR –> overexposed –> cause?
1 too high mA
what kind of XRs usu DON’T have automatic exposure control (AEC)? (3)
- portable XR
- extremity XR
- baby XR
inc exposure time 4x –> what happen to mottle?
dec by 1/2
inc exposure time –> what happen to patient motion/blur?
tabletop extremity exam –> no automatic exposure control (AEC) –> inc exp time –> what happen…
- contrast improve
- motion artifact dec
- image mottle/noise improve
image mottle/noise improve
tabletop extremity exam –> automatic exposure control (AEC) –> inc exp time –> what happen…
- pt dose inc
- image sharpness worsen
- image mottle/noise improve
image sharpness worsen
filter –> thicker –> what happen to image contrast?
inc filtration –> higher energy XRs remain –> dec contrast
tell XR tech to improve image contrast –> f/u XR shows no change –> what factor was changed?
- kV
- mA
- grid ratio
mA –> NOT change contrast
which of following uses highest kV?
- abd
- PA chest
- extremity
PA chest
to inc penetration (exposure, “black”ness) –> should inc what factor? by how much?
30% rule –> inc mA by at least 30% to make visible change in density
obesity –> __cm pt tissue –> require __ inc in mA?
every 4cm of pt tissue –> 2x mA
obesity –> lrg inc kV, small inc mA –> what happen to dose? contrast?
- lower dose
- lower contrast
obesity –> small inc kV, lrg inc mA –> what happen to dose? contrast?
- higher dose
- higher contrast
what is S/P ratio?
ratio of secondary XRs (scatter) to primary XRs (useful XRs)
S/P ratio –> depend on what 2 factors?
- thickness of body part: thicker –> more scatter –> inc S/P ratio
- beam area: bigger –> more scatter
reduce scatter & improve contrast –> 4 methods?
- collimate: dec beam area
- compress body part: dec thickness of body part
- dec kVp: dec scatter, inc PE
- use grid/airgap: dec scatter than strike detector
infant XR –> how different from adult XR? (3)
- no grid
- lower kVp
- lower mAs
pediatric: how much mAs compared to normal adult mA?
- 0-5yo
- 6-12yo
- 0-5yo: 25% mA of an adult
- 6-12yo: 50%
fracture –> cast –> how change mA?
- fiberglass cast
- plaster cast
- fiberglass: no change
- plaster: dry –> inc mA 2x, wet –> inc 3x
- h/o splenomeg –> should change what factor?
- h/o ascites?
- h/o sclerotic phase Paget’s?
- h/o lytic phase Pagets?
- h/o emphysema?
- h/o osteoporosis?
- soft tissue neck XR?
- h/o splenomeg –> inc kVp
- h/o ascites –> inc kVp
- h/o sclerotic phase Paget’s –> inc kVp
- h/o lytic phase Pagets –> dec kVp
- h/o emphysema –> dec kVp
- h/o osteoporosis –> dec kVp
- soft tissue neck XR –> inc kVp
radiographic density (blackness) –> controlled by kVp vs mAs?
radiographic contrast –> controlled by kVp vs mAs?
need to inc mAs by what% for noticeable difference in “density”?
dec mA by 50% –> need to dec/inc kVp by how much% to maintain same density?
inc 15%
4cm of tissue –> require how much more mA?