Neuro: Brain Flashcards
what is massa intermedia?
gray + white matter struct –> thru 3rd vent –> connect bilat thalami
brain edema –> 3 types?
- cytotoxic edema
- vasogenic edema
- interstitial edema
cytotoxic edema –> MOA?
cell death –> damage Na-K ATPase pumps –> water ions trapped inside swollen cells
vasogenic edema –> MOA?
inc capillary permeability –> interstitial edema
cytotoxic edema –> MCC?
vasogenic edema –> MCC? (3)
- neoplasm
- infx
- infarct
interstitial edema –> MOA? MCC?
imbalance in CSF flow
obstructive hydrocephalus
interstitial edema –> imaging appearance?
periventricular fluid (transependymal flow of CSF)
subfalcine herniation –> comp? (1)
compress ACA
uncal herniation –> comp? (4)
- CN III paresis
- compress PCA
- Duret hemorrhage
- compress contralat cerebral peduncle
tonsillar herniation –> comp? (1)
compress medulla
CN III paresis –> clinical presentation? (2)
- pupil dilate
- eye –> down & out
upward transtentorial herniation –> comp? (1)
compress aqueduct –> hydrocephalus
what is communicating hydrocephalus?
no obstructing lesion –> venticles enlrg
communicating hydrocephalus –> 2 causes?
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
- normal pressure hydrocephalus
subarachnoid hemorrhage –> communicating hydrocephalus –> MOA?
impede arachnoid granulation from resorb CSF
what is T1? T2?
- T1: longitudinal recovery/relaxation
- T2: transverse relaxation
T1 shortening vs prolongation –> hypo or hyper-intense?
- T1 short –> hyper
- T1 prolong –> hypo
T2 shortening vs prolongation –> hypo or hyper-intense?
- T2 short –> hypo
- T2 prolong –> hyper
what is optic neuritis?
optic N –> inflamm –> non-neoplastic
optic neuritis –> clinical presentation? (3)
- pain
- subacute vision loss
- reduce color perception
optic neuritis –> MC etiology? less common etiologies? (4)
- # 1 mult sclerosis
- viral
- sarcoid
- vasculitis
- toxin
optic neuritis + spinal demyelination –> dx?
Devic synd
MRI orbit –> optic neuritis –> next step?
MRI brain & spine –> look for intracranial plaques
optic neuritis –> MR appearance? T2 signal? enhance?
- enlrg optic N
- T2 hyper
- active dz –> enhance
globe –> MC 1ary malig?
retinoblastoma –> epidemiology?
retinoblastoma –> classic CT appearance?
normal size globe –> retinal mass –> hyperdense –> enhance –> calc
what is trilateral retinoblastoma?
- bilat retinoblastoma
- pineal gland –> pineoblastoma
what is quadrilateral retinoblastoma?
- bilat retinoblastoma
- pineal gland –> pineoblastoma
- suprasellar retinoblastoma
what is Coat dz?
retina –> vascular dz –> lipoproteinaceous subretinal exudate –> retina detach
Coat dz –> epidemiology?
slightly older than retinoblastoma –> M
Coat dz –> imaging appearance?
normal size globe –> subretinal soft tissue –> not enhance
premature infant –> prolong O2 therapy –> comp? (1)
retinopathy of prematurity
retinopathy of prematurity –> findings? (4)
- bilat microphthalmia
- abnormal vascular developmt
- hemorrhage –> high attenuation & calc
- retina detach
retinopathy of prematurity –> natural progression?
phthisis bulbi
full term infant –> retina detach, hemorrhage –> loss of vision –> dx?
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)
what is persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)?
vitreous –> persistent embryonic vasculature –> hemorrhage, cataract, retina detach –> vision loss
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) –> imaging features? (3)
- microphthalmia
- vitreous –> hyperdense
- no calc
most brain lesion –> T1 signal? T2?
- T1 hypo
- T2 hyper
T1 short (hyper) –> cause? (8)
- gad contrast
- fat
- protein
- blood –> paramagnetic stage –> metHb –> intra & extra-cell
- melanin
- mineral (copper, iron, mangenese)
- slow flow blood
- rare –> calcium
T2 short (hypo) –> cause? (6)
- blood –> most paramag stages –> except hyperacute blood & extracell metHb
- calc
- fibrous lesion
- high cellular tumor: high nucleus:cytoplasm ratio –> low water content –> ie. lymphoma, medulloblastoma
- vasc flow void
- mucin –> dessicated
what is fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR)?
T2 –> water suppressed (based on T2 charact)
brain –> white vs gray matter –> T1 signal?
- white matter: bright
- gray: darker
brain –> white vs gray matter –> FLAIR signal?
- white matter: darker
- gray: bright
MRI seq with highest signal to noise ratio?
proton density (PD)
proton density (PD) –> useful for eval of what condition?
mult sclerosis
diffusion MRI –> DWI & ADC –> based on what characteristic?
water proton –> Brownian motion
diffusion MRI –> DWI & ADC –> CSF vs pathologic process –> signal attenuation?
- CSF –> most signal attenuation –> most signal loss
- path process –> less Brownian motion –> less diffusivity –> less signal loss –> DWI hyperintense
what is T2 shinethru?
DWI is T2 weighted –> T2 hyper lesion –> hyper on DWI, even if not restricted diffusion
restricted diffusion –> ddx? (6)
- acute stroke
- bacterial abscess
- cellular tumor –> ie lymphoma, medulloblastoma
- epidermoid cyst
- herpes encephalitis
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob dz
gradient recall echo (GRE) –> what creates blooming artifact? (2)
- hemosiderin
- Ca
GRE –> mult dark spots –> ddx? (5)
- HTN microbleed
- cerebral amyloid angiopathy
- familial cerebral cavernous malformation
- axonal shear injury
- mult hemorrhagic mets
cerebral amyloid angiopathy –> GRE –> mult dark spots –> location?
subcortical white matter –> usu parietal & occipital lobes
glioblastoma vs mets –> how differentiate on MR spectroscopy?
- glioblastoma –> infiltrative –> gradual transition from abnormal to normal spectroscopy
- mets –> more abrupt transition
what is N-acetylaspartate (NAA)?
normal marker of neuronal viability –> dec in most abnormalities
most tumor –> N-acetylaspartate (NAA) inc/dec? choline (cho)?
- NAA dec
- choline inc
NAA elevated –> ddx? (1)
Canavan dz –> dysmyelinating disorder
lactate “doublet” –> ddx? (1)
high grade tumor –> anaerobic metabolism
MRI brain –> parenchymal enhance –> MOA? cause? (5)
blood brain barrier disrupt:
- infx
- inflamm
- neoplasm
- trauma
- vascular
MRI brain –> regions w no BBB –> normally enhance? (5)
- choroid plexus
- pituitary gland
- pineal gland
- tuber cinereum –> inf hypothalamus
- area postrema –> inf 4th ventricle
MRI brain –> periventricular enhance –> ddx? (4)
- primary CNS lymphoma
- infx ependymitis
- primary glial tumor
- mult sclerosis
primary CNS vs systemic lymphoma –> leptomeningeal involvemt?
- primary CNS –> rarely involve meninges
- systemic lymphoma –> brain mets –> commonly involve leptomeninges
infx ependymitis –> MC org?
infx ependymitis –> imaging appearance?
ventricle margins –> thin linear enhance
gyrus enhance –> ddx? (5)
- herpes encephalitis
- meningitis
- subacute infarct
- post reversible encephalopathy synd (PRES)
- SMART synd
herpes encephalitis –> which locations affected 1st? (2)
- medial temporal lobe
- cingulate gyrus
what is SMART synd?
stroke like migraine attacks after rtx
ring enhance –> ddx? (7)
- mets
- abscess
- glioma
- infarct –> subacute basal ganglia
- contusion –> subacute-chronic
- demyelination
- radiation
dura enhance –> ddx? (5)
- intracranial hypotension
- postop
- post lumbar puncture
- meningeal neoplasm
- hypertrophic pachymeningitis
hypertrophic pachymeningitis –> etiology? (4)
- infx –> TB/fungal, syphilis
- inflamm –> RA, granulomatosis w polyangiitis
- sarcoid
- idiopathic
what is pachymeninges? leptomeninges?
- pachy –> dura
- lepto –> pia & arachnoid
leptomeningeal enhance –> ddx? (4)
- meningitis
- viral encephalitis
- leptomeningeal mets
- inflamm amyloid
subarachnoid space –> FLAIR hyper –> ddx? (7)
- meningitis
- leptomeningeal mets
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
- slow vascular flow
- O2 tx
- propofol tx
internal carotid A –> segments? (4)
- cervical
- petrous
- cavernous
- supraclinoid
A1 segmt –> br?
recurrent A of Heubner
what is A of Percheron?
variant: P1 PCA –> dominant thalamic perforator –> supply b/l ventromedial thalami
what is fetal PCA?
normal variant: ICA –> enlrged P-comm –> no PCA
what is azygos ACA?
normal variant: –> b/l ACA converge into 1
azygos ACA –> assoc anomaly? (3)
- holoprosencephaly
- neuronal migration anomaly
- aneurysm formation
recurrent A of Heubner –> supplies what struct? (2)
- caudate head
- internal capsule –> ant limb
MC persistent carotid-basilar connection?
persistent trigeminal A
persistent trigeminal A –> assoc comp? (1)
persistent trigeminal A –> sign?
angio –> lat view –> “tau” sign
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> what is cerebral blood vol (CBV)?
blood vol per unit brain tissue
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> what is cerebral blood flow (CBF)?
vol of blood flowing per unit of brain tissue
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> what is mean transit time (MTT)?
avg time for contrast bolus to transverse a voxel
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> what is time to maximum (Tmax)/time to peak (TTP)?
time from scan start to max contrast bolus in voxel
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> how are CBF, CBV, and MTT related?
central volume eqn:
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> infarct core –> finding?
marked dec CBF –> matched dec CBV
acute stroke –> perfusion imaging –> ischemic penumbra –> finding? (2)
- mild dec CBF –> mismatch inc/normal CBV
- inc MTT & Tmax
stroke –> dating?
- DWI bright, ADC dark –> 10days
- T1 dark –> 16hr
- T2 bright –> 8hr
- FLAIR bright –> 6hr
subacute infarct –> what is 2-2-2 rule?
- begin at 2 days
- peak at 2wk
- resolve by 2mo
subarachnoid hemorrhage –> comp? (3) which is MC?
- # 1 vasospasm –> delayed ischemia
- hydrocephalus
- superficial siderosis
aneurysm –> subarachnoid hemorrhage –> hemorrhage location –> indicates aneurysm of what vessel?
- ant interhemispheric fissure
- suprasellar cistern
- Sylvian fissure
- perimesencephalic cistern
- ant interhemispheric fissure –> A-comm
- suprasellar cistern –> P-comm
- Sylvian fissure –> MCA
- perimesencephalic cistern –> basilar tip
what is perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage?
pattern of nontraumatic SAH –> likely venous origin –> benign prognosis
what is reversible cerebral vasoconstriction synd (RCVS)?
nontraumatic, nonaneurysmal –> SAH & ischemia
MC cranial N palsy from giant aneurysm?
P-comm aneurysm –> CN III palsy
isolated intraventricular hemorrhage in 4th ventricle –> ddx? (1)
PICA aneurysm rupture
mycotic aneurysm –> etiology?
septic emboli
what is oncotic aneurysm?
aneurysm caused by neoplasm
what is AVM?
congenital –> high flow vasc malformation –> directly connecting A & V –> no intervening capillary
what is dural AVF (dAVF)?
high flow vasc malformation –> meningeal arterioles & dural venules –> AV shunt
dural AVF (dAVF) –> #1 prognostic factor?
presence & degree of cortical venous drainage
dural AVF (dAVF) –> what is a subtype of dAVF?
carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF)
what is V of Galen malformation?
high flow vasc malformation –> thalmoperf br & deep venous system –> AVF –> enlrg median prosencephalic V
CNS –> vasc malformation –> high flow (2) vs low flow (3) –> ddx?
high flow:
- dural AVF
low flow:
- cavernous malformation (cavernoma)
- developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma)
- capillary telangiectasia
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> comp? (2)
- hemorrhage –> small risk
- sz
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> assoc anomaly?
developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma)
mult cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> ddx? (1)
familial cerebral cavernous malformation synd
what is cavernous malformation (cavernoma)?
vasc hamartoma
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> assoc RF? (1)
brain rtx
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> CT appearance?
well-circumscribed rounded hyperdense lesion
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> usu diagnostic on CTA –> T/F?
usu occult on vasc imaging
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> MRI appearance? T1/T2? enhance?
- T1/T2 mixed “popcorn-like” signal –> blood of varying ages
- dark rim of hemosiderin
- no enhance
what is developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma)?
abnormal V –> provide functional drainage to normal brain
developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma) –> usu only seen on contrast-enhanced or susceptibility weighted imaging –> T/F?
developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma) –> imaging appearance?
radially oriented V –> caput medusa appearance
cavernous malformation (cavernoma) –> Do Not Touch lesion –> T/F?
developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma) –> Do Not Touch lesion –> T/F?
capillary telangiectasia –> Do Not Touch lesion –> T/F?
what is capillary telangiectasia?
low flow vasc malformation –> dilated capillaries w interspersed normal brain –> asx
capillary telangiectasia –> usu diagnostic on CTA –> T/F?
occult on vasc imaging
developmental venous anomaly (venous angioma) –> usu diagnostic on CTA –> T/F?
capillary telangiectasia –> MRI appearance? T2? GRE? enhance?
- occult on T2/FLAIR
- GRE –> blooming artifact
- contrast –> “brush stroke”-like lesion
capillary telangiectasia –> MC location?
what is venous angle?
intersect of septal V & thalmostriate V –> angio landmark for foramen of Monro
deep venous sinus or cortical V –> thrombosis –> RF? (5)
- preg/OCP
- thrombophilia
- malig
- infx
noncontrast CT –> venous thrombosis –> sign?
“cord” sign –> inc density of thrombosed sinus/cortical V
venous thrombosis –> comp?
venous HTN –> infarct, hemorrhage
venous thrombosis –> pattern of venous infarction?
- sup sagittal sinus
- deep venous system
- transverse sinus
- sup sagittal sinus –> parasagittal high convexity cortex
- deep venous system –> b/l thalamus
- transverse sinus –> post temporal lobe
CTA brain –> what is spot sign?
small enhancing focus w/in hemorrhage –> not seen on noncontrast –> sep from adj vessels –> reflect active hemorrhage
evolution of blood product –> phases? how relate to acuity of hematoma? (5)
1) intracell oxyHb –> hyperacute (0-6hr)
2) intracell deoxyHb –> acute (6-72hr)
3) intracell metHb –> early subacute (3day-1wk)
4) extracell metHb –> late subacute (1wk-months)
5) hemosiderin & ferritin –> chronic
blood product –> dating –> used for intra vs extra-axial vs both?
intra-axial only
parenchymal hematoma –> dating –> T1/T2 signal?
IdDy BiDy BaBy DaDy:
- acute –> T1 iso, T2 dark
- early subacute –> T1 bright, T2 dark
- late subacute –> T1 bright, T2 bright
- chronic –> T1 dark, T2 dark
what is cerebral amyloid angiopathy? comp?
small & med A –> amyloid accum in wall –> weak wall –> inc risk of hemorrhage
cerebral amyloid angiopathy –> main clinical clue?
elder –> normotensive
cerebral amyloid angiopathy –> microhemorrhages –> location?
lobar, cortical, subcortical
CNS vasculitis –> most sens imaging modality? finding?
conventional angiography –> multifocal stenosis/dilation
CNS vasculitis –> MC presentation?
cerebral ischemia
CNS vasculitis –> standard MR finding?
basal ganglia & subcortical white matter –> multifocal T2 bright
MC hemorrhagic neoplasm?
hemorrhagic brain mets –> primary CA ddx? (6)
- melanoma
- chorioCA
- thyroid
- breast
- lung
what is moyamoya dz?
non-atherosclerotic vasculopathy –> intracrnial ICA & prox br –> progressive stenosis –> comp prolif of collateral vessels –> esp lenticulostriate & other perforating vessels of basal ganglia –> fragile
what is moyamoya synd?
2ary cause –> ie. sickle cell, NF1, rtx, Down synd –> moyamoya vasc findings
moyamoya dz –> classic angio finding?
enlrg lenticulostriate perforating collaterals –> “puff of smoke” appearance
moyamoya dz –> classic FLAIR finding?
sulci –> cortical A br –> slow flow –> bright tubular branching –> “ivy” sign
moyamoya dz –> comp? MC location?
post circ –> aneurysm formation
severe moyamoya dz –> tx?
ECA to MCA bypass
intracranial hemorrhage –> what is swirl sign?
hematoma –> mixed high & low density –> active bleeding
diffuse axonal injury (traumatic axonal injury) –> characteristic locations –> least to worst in prognosis?
- grade 1: cerebral hemisphere –> gray-white jx
- grade 2: corpus callosum
- grade 3: dorsolat, rostral midbrain
diffuse axonal injury (traumatic axonal injury) –> FLAIR? SWI/GRE? DWI?
- restricted diffusion
- FLAIR bright
- SWI/GRE blooming if hemorrhagic axonal injury
extra-axial mass –> clues that extra-axial? (3)
- CSF cleft
- gray matter bw mass
- dural tail
cerebellopontine angle –> mass –> ddx? (3)
- vestibular schwannoma
- meningioma
- epidermoid cyst
pineal region –> mass –> ddx? (2)
- germ cell tumor –> ie. germinoma
- pineal tumor –> ie. pineoblastoma
transcallosal (butterfly) mass? (3)
- glioblastoma
- 1ary CNS lymphoma
- demyelinating dz
MC cortical brain tumor? (4)
- pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
- dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
- oligodendroglioma
- ganglioglioma
MC 1ary central skull base tumor? (2)
- chordoma
- chondrosarcoma
MC suprasellar tumor in adult? child?
- adult –> pit adenoma
- child –> craniopharyngioma
MC post fossa tumor in adult? (2) child? (4)
- hemangioblastoma
- mets
child (BEAM):
- brainstem glioma (diffuse) - ependymoma
- astrocytoma (pilocytic)
- medulloblastoma
lat ventricle atrium –> MC purely intraventricular tumor in adult? (2) child? (1)
- meningioma
- degen choroid plexus cyst/xanthogranuloma
- choroid plexus papilloma
MC mass of foramen of Monro in adult? child?
- adult: colloid cyst
- child: subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
types of glial cells? (4)
- astrocyte
- oligodendrocyte
- ependymal cell
- choroid plexus cell
what is drop mets?
intracranial tumor –> disseminate to spine –> intradural extramedullary cmpt
what is gliomatosis cerebri?
diffuse glioma –> involve at least 3 lobes of brain
what is T2-FLAIR mismatch sign?
T2 hyper –> FLAIR central hypo –> highly specific for 1p19q non-co-deleted IDH-mutant astrocytoma
expansile cortical mass –> gyriform calcs –> dx?
1p19q-co-deleted IDH-mutant oligodendroglioma
supratentorial cortical tumors –> ddx? (6)
- pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
- dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
- oligodendroglioma
- ganglioglioma
- multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor (MVNT)
- desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma and ganglioglioma (DIA/DIG)
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) –> epidemiology? (2)
- child
- YA
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) –> MRI appearace? (3)
- mass –> avid enhance
- cyst formation
- dural tail
brain cortex –> solid & cystic lesion –> ddx? (2)
- pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
- ganglioglioma
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) –> MRI appearance? T2? FLAIR? enhance?
- circumscribed bubbly appearance
- T2 bright
- FLAIR bright rim sign
- enhance
ganglioglioma –> freq assoc anomaly?
focal cortical dysplasia
hemangioblastoma –> assoc synd?
25% –> von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)
hemangioblastoma –> classic appearance?
cystic mass –> avid enhance mural nodule
diffuse midline glioma –> MRI appearance?
brainstem/diencephalon –> expansile solid or infiltrative mass –> FLAIR hyper
MC CNS embryonal tumor?
MC brain malig of child?
medulloblastoma –> CT density? T2? ADC? why?
- CT slight hyperdense
- T2 hypo
- ADC dark
child –> MCC drop mets to spine?
<3yo –> lrg brain mass –> look like medulloblastoma –> ddx? (1)
atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT)
dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos) –> charact imaging finding?
cerebellar hemisphere –> thick folia –> “corduroy” or “tiger-stripe” appearance
dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos) –> adult onset –> assoc synd?
Cowden synd
Cowden synd –> synd?
- multiple hamartoma syndrome associated with benign mucocutaneous lesions like facial trichilemmomas
- breast CA
- thyroid cancer
child –> post fossa mass –> hyperattenuating on CT, low ADC on MR –> ddx? (1)
child –> post fossa mass –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule –> ddx? (1)
juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma
child –> post fossa mass –> intraventricular mass –> ddx? (1)
child –> post fossa mass –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule & flow voids –> ddx? (1)
child –> post fossa mass –> h/o von Hippel-Lindau –> ddx? (1)
child –> post fossa mass –> renal mass present –> ddx? (1)
atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor
adult –> post fossa mass –> h/o 1ary malig –> ddx? (1)
adult –> post fossa mass –> h/o von Hippel-Lindau –> ddx? (1)
adult –> post fossa mass –> minimal enhance –> ddx? (1)
YA –> post fossa mass –> lateral location –> ddx? (1)
infant –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule –> supratentorial & cortical –> ddx? (1)
desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma/ganglioglioma
child-adol –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule –> cerebellar –> ddx? (1)
pilocytic astrocytoma
adol-YA –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule –> supratentorial & cortical –> ddx? (1)
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, ganglioglioma
YA-middle age –> cystic mass w enhancing mural nodule –> cerebellar –> ddx? (1)
intraventricular mass –> ddx? (4)
- ependymoma
- subependymoma
- medulloblastoma
- developmental/degen cyst
central neurocytoma –> typical imaging findings –> appearance? location? enhance? calcs?
- lobulated heterogenous, multicystic –> “bubbly”, “Swiss cheese”
- lat ventricle –> attached to septum pellucidum
- mod enhance
- calcs common
intraventricular meningioma –> how differentiate from other intraventricular neoplasms? (2)
- hypercell
- homogeneous enhance
adult –> MC choroid plexus mass?
choroid plexus xanthogranuloma (degen choroid plexus cyst)
what is choroid plexus xanthogranuloma (degen choroid plexus cyst)?
collection of cholesterol & lipid-laden histiocytes
types of choroid plexus tumors? (3)
- choroid plexus papilloma
- atypical choroid plexus papilloma
- choroid plexus CA
choroid plexus tumor –> charact MRI appearance?
intraventricular mass –> “cauliflower-like” –> avid enhance
choroid glioma –> cell origin?
lamina terminalis –> ependymal cells
choroid glioma –> tumor location?
ant 3rd ventricle –> assoc w hypothalamus
choroid glioma –> imaging appearance? CT density? T2? enhance?
circumscribed ovoid homogenous enhance mass:
- CT hyper
- T2 slight hyper
machine oil-like contents –> dx?
colloid cyst
1ary CNS lymphoma –> key imaging features? –> location? CT density? T2? diffusion? enhance?
- periventricular
- CT hyper (hypercell)
- T2 hypo
- restricted diffusion
- enhance
1ary CNS lymphoma –> hemorrhage or no hemorrhage?
no hemorrhage
1ary CNS lymphoma –> immunocompetent vs immunocomp –> mass apeparance?
- immunocompetent: homo enhance mass
- immunocomp: ring enhance
1ary CNS lymphoma –> immunocomp –> assoc org?
HIV/AIDS –> ring enhance mass –> MCC? (2)
- lymphoma
- toxo
HIV/AIDS –> ring enhance mass –> lymphoma vs toxo –> how to differentiate? (6)
- empirical toxo tx –> fu imaging
- MR DWI –> lymphoma more restricted diffusion
- MR perfusion –> lymphoma higher rCBV
- MR spectroscopy –> lymphoma elevated choline
- FDG PET –> lymphoma higher glucose metabolism
- thallium SPECT –> lymphoma more thallium uptake
2ary CNS lymhoma –> MC location?
- leptomeninges
- dura
- skull
MC intracranial mets? (3)
- lung
- breast
- melanoma
solitary hemorrhagic brain neoplasm –> ddx? (2)
- mets
- glioblastoma
mult dural masses –> ddx? (2)
- mult meningiomas
- mets
leptomeningeal enhance & sulcal FLAIR hyper –> ddx? (2)
- meningitis –> infx/inflamm
- leptomeningeal mets (carcinomatosis meningitis)
what is “mother in law” sign? dx?
mother in law –> come early, stay late
- early arterial enhance
- venous contrast retention
pineal region –> mass –> comp? (2)
- compress cerebral aqueduct –> noncomm hydrocephalus
- compress tectum (quadrigeminal plate) –> Parinaud synd –> vertical gaze palsy
MC pineal region mass? (4)
- # 1 benign cyst
- germ cell tumor
- pineal parenchymal tumor
- glioma
intracranial germ cell tumor –> MC location? 2nd MC?
- # 1 pineal gland
- #2 suprasellar region
pineal region –> germ cell tumor –> MC type? 2nd MC?
- # 1 germinoma
- #2 teratoma
what is germinoma?
extra-gonadal seminoma
pineal parenchymal tumor spectrum –> includes what tumor types?
- pineocytoma
- pineal parenchymal tumor or interm differentiation
- papillary tumor of the pineal
- pineoblastoma
pineal parenchymal tumor spectrum –> epidemiology?
- pineocytoma
- pineal parenchymal tumor or interm differentiation
- papillary tumor of the pineal
- pineoblastoma
- pineocytoma: adult
- pineal parenchymal tumor or interm differentiation: adult
- papillary tumor of the pineal: adult
- pineoblastoma: young child
pineal region mass –> how can differentiate germ cell tumor vs pineal parenchymal tumor on imaging?
- germ cell tumor: “engulf” pineal gland –> central calc
- pineal parenchymal tumor –> “explode” –> peripherally displace physiologic calcs
demyelinating dz –> key imaging finding to differentiate from mass?
minimal mass effect relative to lesion size
mult sclerosis –> how differentiate active vs chronic lesion?
- active demyelination –> enhance
- chronic lesion –> not enhance
mult sclerosis lesions –> common locations? (7)
- periventricular
- corpus callosum
- subcortical white matter
- temporal white matter
- brainstem
- cerebellum
- cervical spinal cord
what is central V sign? dx?
mult sclerosis –> white matter lesion –> FLAIR hyper –> central V is FLAIR hypo
mult sclerosis –> what is “black hole”?
T1 dark lesion –> assoc w more severe demyelination & axonal loss
what is concentric (Balo) sclerosis? pathogonomic finding?
very rare variant of MS –> alternating concentric bands of normal & abnormal myelin
what is NMO spectrum disease (NMOSD)?
demyelinating dz –> involve optic N & spinal cord
NMO spectrum disease (NMOSD) –> highly specific lab finding?
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) –> epidemiology? RF?
children –> after viral infx or vaccine
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) –> imaging findings can look like what other condition?
can look identical to MS
posterior reversible encephalopathy synd (PRES) –> MOA?
post circulation –> failed autoregulation –> resultant hyperperfusion –> vasogenic edema
recurrent episodes of stroke/TIA –> imaging –> always basal ganglia or subcortical white matter –> dx?
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy w subcortical infarcts & leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy w subcortical infarcts & leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) –> synd? (4) MOA?
small vessel arteriopathy:
- recurrent stroke
- migraine
- subcortical dementia
- pseudobulbar palsy
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy w subcortical infarcts & leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) –> highly sens & spec imaging finding?
ant temporal lobe or paramedial frontal lobe –> subcortical white matter –> symm T2 hyper foci
subcortical & deep white matter –> mult small T2 hyper foci –> how differentiate MS vs vasculitis?
- vasculitis –> may show foci of hemorrhage
- MS –> no hemorrhage
what is progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)?
immunocomp ie AIDS –> JC virus reactivate –> demyelinating dz –> no inflamm response
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) –> how dx?
CSF –> PCR –> JC virus DNA
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) –> MR appearance? mass effect? enhance?
- asymm multifocal white matter lesions –> usu subcortical U-fibers
- no enhance
- no mass effect
AIDS –> white matter lesions on MRI –> ddx? (2)
- HIV encephalitis
AIDS –> white matter lesions on MRI –> PML
vs HIV encephalitis –> how to differentiate?
- location
- cerebral atrophy
HIV encephalitis:
- diffuse/symm bilat
- spare subcortical white matter
- cerebral atrophy
- asymm bilat
- involve subcortical white matter
- no cerebral atrophy in acute dz
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) –> org?
measles virus –> reactivate
whole brain rtx –> radiation injury –> what are the 3 phases? occur how long after rtx?
- acute phase: during or immed after rtx
- early delayed: wks - up to 6mo
- late delayed: 6mo to years
whole brain rtx –> radiation injury –> acute phase –> MOA? MRI findings?
endothelial injury –> edema –> white matter –> diffuse T2 hyper
whole brain rtx –> radiation injury –> early delayed phase –> MOA? MRI findings?
demyelination –> field of radiation –> white matter:
- inc T2 hyper
- inc size contrast-enhance lesions
whole brain rtx –> radiation injury –> late delayed phase –> MOA? MRI findings?
vascular changes:
- white matter change
- radionecrosis
- vasc lesions –> ie capillary telangiectasis, cavernous malformation
whole brain rtx –> radiation injury –> late delayed phase –> radiation necrosis –> imaging appearance? tx?
peripheral enhance, central necrotic lesion
ctx & rtx –> pseudoprogression –> peaks when?
3-6mo after tx
ctx & rtx –> pseudoprogression vs progressive dz –> relative cerebral blood vol?
progressive dz –> higher relative cerebral blood vol
Wernicke encephalopathy –> synd? (3)
- ataxia
- confuse
- oculomotor dysfx
Wernicke encephalopathy –> etiology?
thiamine (vitB1) def
Wernicke encephalopathy –> MRI appearance?
- DWI?
- contrast?
symm bilat:
- FLAIR hyper
- restrict diffusion
- enhance
Wernicke encephalopathy –> MC locations? (5)
- medial thalami
- mamillary bodies
- hypothalamus
- tectal plate
- periaqueductal gray matter
hyperPTH –> CNS –> main imaging finding?
basal ganglia –> coarse Ca deposition
basal ganglia –> coarse Ca deposition –> ddx? (2)
- hyperPTH
- Fahr dz
chronic hepatic encephalopathy –> charact imaging finding?
globus pallidus & substantia nigrae –> symm T1 hyper
acute hepatic encephalopathy (hyperammonemic encephalopathy) –> charact imaging finding?
symm & bilat –> insula & cingulate gyrus:
- FLAIR hyper
- restricted diff
uremic encephalopathy –> MC location?
bilat symm basal ganglia
what is lentiform fork sign? dx?
uremic encephalopathy + concurrent metabolic acidosis –> white matter surrounding lentiform nuclei –> FLAIR hyper
hypoglyemic encephalopathy –> MC imaging pattern? MC location?
parieto-occipital & temporal –> gray matter:
- FLAIR hyper
- restricted diff
diabetic striatopathy (hyperglycemic-induced hemichorea-hemiballismus) –> pathognomonic imaging findings?
striatum –> unilat:
- CT hyper
- T1 hyper
circulatory or resp fail –> global hypoxia/anoxia –> type of encephalopathy?
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) –> common locations? (3)
gray matter:
- cerebral cortex
- hippocampus
- basal ganglia
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) –> CT findings? (3)
- loss of gray-white differentiation
- diffuse cerebral hypo
- sulcal efface
what is white cerebellum sign? dx?
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) –> cerebellum spared –> appear hyper compared to supratentorial brain
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) –> MRI findings?
- FLAIR hyper
- DWI hyper
methanol poisoning –> charact imaging finding?
- putamen –> hemorrhagic necrosis
- sparing of globus pallidus
carbon monoxide poisoning –> MRI appearance? hallmark imaging finding?
bilat symm –> globus pallidus –> necrosis:
- FLAIR hyper w hypo rim
- restrict diff
- SWI hypo
osmotic demyelination –> predisposing conditions? (3)
poor nutritional status:
- alcoholic
- chronic lung dz
- liver tx recipient
Marchiafava-Bignami dz (MBD) –> predisposing conditions? (2)
- chronic alcohol
- vit B complex def
Marchiafava-Bignami dz (MBD) –> charact finding?
corpus callosum –> demylination –> necrosis
metronidazole-induced brain toxicity –> charact imaging findings? MC locations? (5)
symm FLAIR hyper:
- cerebellar dentate nuclei
- corpus callosum splenium
- tegmentum
- dorsal pons
- dorsal medulla
methotrexate-induced brain toxicity –> charact imaging findings?
lesion –> bilat asymm –> white matter –> centrum semiovale –> cross vasc territory, spare subcortical U fibers:
- FLAIR hyper
- restrict diff
autoimmune encephalitis (autoimmune limbic encephalitis) –> categories? (2)
- paraneoplastic vs non-paraneoplastic
- grp I (intracell antigen) vs II (cell surface Ag)
autoimmune encephalitis (autoimmune limbic encephalitis) –> grp I vs II –> which is more assoc w paraneoplastic synd?
grp I
autoimmune encephalitis (autoimmune limbic encephalitis) –> grp I vs II –> which has worse clinical outcome?
grp I
what is tuberculoma?
localized TB granuloma
tuberculoma –> MR appearance?
- T2
- T2 central hypo
- restrict diff
lyme dz –> imaging appearance?
nonspec –> frontal –> subcortical white matter –> T2 hyper
neonate –> TORCH infx –> CMV –> imaging findings? (4)
- brain atrophy
- encephalomalacia
- ventricle enlrg
- periventricular calcs
CMV infx –> MC CNS manifestation? (2)
- ventriculitis
- meningoencephalitis
CMV ventriculitis –> charact imaging findings?
- subependymal FLAIR hyper
- ventricular system enhance
intracranial abscess –> how to differentiate fungal vs bact abscess?
fungal abscess:
- crenated/lobulated border
- intracavitary projections –> nonenhance –> restrict diff
- core –> not restrict diff
CNS fungal infx –> cryptococcus –> MC clinical presentation?
chronic basilar meningitis
CNS cryptococcus –> charact imaging findings? (2)
- basal ganglia perivascular spaces –> gelatinous pseudocysts
- choroid plexus –> ring-enhancing granulomas (cryptococcomas)
neurocysticerosis –> 4 stages?
- viable/vesicular
- colloidal
- nodular/granular
- calcified
neurocysticerosis –> viable/vesicular stage –> imaging finding?
CSF-intensity cysts –> some may demonstrate eccentric “dot” (scolex)
neurocysticerosis –> colloidal stage –> imaging finding?
ring enhancing lesion –> inc diffusion
neurocysticerosis –> nodular/granular stage –> imaging finding?
cyst involute:
- cyst wall thicker
- dec edema
neurocysticerosis –> calcified stage –> imaging finding?
- small parenchymal calc
- small foci of susceptibility
toxoplasmosis –> typical appearance? MC location?
basal ganglia –> ring enhancing lesion(s)
toxoplasmosis –> what is a not very sens, but relatively specific sign?
“asymm target” sign –> toxo lesion –> mural nodular enhance
immunocomp –> basal ganglia –> mass –> ddx? (2)
- toxo
- CNS lymphoma
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dz (CJD) –> typical MRI appearance? 3 signs?
“cortical ribboning” –> cerebral cortex:
- FLAIR hyper
- restrict diff
“pulvinar” sign –> thalamus –> pulvinar nucleus –> bright FLAIR & DWI
“hockey stick” sign –> dorsomedial thalamus –> bright FLAIR & DWI
brain myelination –> which part of brain is last to myelinate?
subcortical white matter
brain myelination –> which part of brain is already myelinated at birth? (2)
- brainstem
- internal capsule –> post limb
1 cerebral hemisphere –> enlrged –> enlrged ventricle –> dx?
chiari 1 –> occur ONLY in pt w neural tube defect –> T/F?
F –> not assoc w NTD
chiari 2 –> occur ONLY in pt w neural tube defect –> T/F?
chiari 3 –> occur ONLY in pt w neural tube defect –> T/F?
hot cross bun sign –> dx?
mult system atrophy - cerebellar subtype (MSA-C)
brain mass –> cortically-based –> ddx? (4)
- pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
- dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
- oligodendroglioma
- ganglioglioma
1p/19q deletion –> brain tumor –> dx?
CPA –> mass –> ddx? (3) in order
- # 1 vestibular schwannoma
- # 2 meningioma
- # 3 epidermoid
dermoid vs epidermoid –> main difference?
- dermoid: behave like fat
- epidermoid: behave like CSF
ped –> infratentorial –> cyst w nodule –> dx?
pilocytic astrocytoma
adult –> infratentorial –> cyst w nodule –> dx?
mult hemangioblastoma –> dx?
gelastic sz –> dx?
hypothalamic hamartoma
bilat hippocampi –> symmetric –> T2/FLAIR hyper, restricted diffusion –> dx?
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
deep venous system –> thrombosis –> infarct what area?
bilat thalamus
acute isolated bilateral thalamic infarcts –> which artery?
Artery of Percheron