Physical Exam Of Male Flashcards
How much blood is in a boner?
20 to 50 ml
What can cause sebaceous cysts?
Scrotal lumps
What is a mass that does not transilluminate?
Incarcerated hernia
What is a protrusion of a peritoneal lined sac through some defect in the abdominal wall?
Indirect: soft swelling in area of internal ring
Direct: soft swelling that bulges anteriorly
Femoral: occurs at the fossa ovalis, where the femoral artery exits the abdomen
What is a strangulated hernia?
Nonreducible hernia in which the blood supply to the protruded tissue is compromised.
Requires prompt surgical intervention.
What is a incarcerated hernia?
Nonreducible hernia in which the blood supply tissue is not compromised.
What is paraphimosis?
Inability to replace the foreskin to its usual position after it has been retracted behind the glans. It is a urologic emergency.
What are hypospadias?
A congenital defect in which the urethral meatus is located in the central surface of the glans, penile shaft, or base of the penis.
What is a syphilitic chancre?
Painless skin lesion associated with primary syphilis.
What is herpes?
Sexually transmitted disease caused by hsv2 that presents with superficial vesicles.
What is condyloma acuminata?
Genital warts caused by HPV
What is lymphogranuloma venereum?
Sti caused by lymphatic infection by chlamydia trachomatis.
What is molluscum contagiosum?
Benign skin infection caused by a pox virus that infects only the skin.
Pearly gray often umbilicated dome shaped.
Sti in adults.
Common non sti in children.
What is peyronie disease?
Fibrous band in the corpus cavernosum causing bending and or indentation of the erection.
What is penile carcinoma?
Squamous cell carcinoma usually originating in the glans or foreskin. Usually in uncircumcised men with poor hygiene.
What is a hydrocele?
Fluid accumulation in the scrotum
Will transilluminate
What is a spermatocele?
Benign cystic accumulation of sperm occurring on the epididymis.
What is varicocele?
Abnormal tortuously ol and dilation of veins of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord. Most common on the left side and painful.
What is orchitis?
Acute inflammation of the testis secondary to infection.
What is epididymitis?
Inflammation of the epididymis often seen in association with a urinary tract infection. Exquisitely tender to palpation.
What is testicular torsion?
Twisting of testis on spermatic cord.
What is testicular carcinoma?
Semi nomas and nonseminomas arise from germ cells. Irregular non tender mass fixed on the testis. Does not transilluminate.