Pharmacokinetics Flashcards
Define pharmacokinetics
The process by which a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body
Define absorption
It is the transfer of a drug from its site of administration to the systemic blood stream
What are the factors affecting the drug absorption related to the drug ?
Water and lipid solubility
Pharmaceutical preparation
What is meant by pharmaceutical preparations
What are the factors affecting drug absorption related to the patient
Route of administration
Absorbing surface
Systemic circulation
Gut contents
Explain the route administration factor
Explain the absorbing surface factor
Explain the gut contents factor
Define first pass effect
Means metabolism of drug in gut wall or liver before reaching the systemic circulation
Explain the gut first pass effect
Explain the hepatic first pass effect
Define bioavailability
The fraction of unchanged drugs reaching systemic circulation after any route of administration
Bioavailability is less in oral administration why
The drug may be incompletely absorbed
The absorbed drug may undergo first pass metabolism in the intestinal wall/liver pr be excreted in bile
What is distribution
Once in the bloodstream the drug is distributed to the tissues throughout the body
The delivery of a drug from the plasma to the interstitial and intracellular fluids depends on what
Define volume of distribution
What is the equation for volume of distribution
What is the percentage of water in one’s body
60% of body weight
The water is partitioned into what 2 main compartments
What does it mean if a chemical distributes only to the plasma compartment
It has high plasma concentration and low volume of distribution
What does it mean if a chemical distributes throughout the body
It has low plasma concentration and high volume of distribution
What is the clinical significance of the volume of distribution
Once a drug enters the body, from whatever route of administration, it has the potential to distribute into what
Plasma compartment
Extracellular fluid
Total body water
When does the drug stay in the plasma compartment
When is the drug in extracellular fluid
When is the drug in total body water
What are the factors affecting distribution
Blood flow
Binding of drugs to plasma proteins and tissues
Capillary permeability
Explain how blood flow affects distribution
What does binding to plasma protein cause ?
Slow transfer of drugs out of the vascular compartment
How do many drugs circulate in the bloodstream
What is the clinical significance of binding of drugs to plasma proteins and tissues
What is the clinical significance of the bound fraction ?
Plasma protein binding is also what
A temporary storage of drug
What is the result of high degree of protein binding
Generally makes the drug long acting, because bound fraction is not available for metabolism or excretion
Describe the displacement interaction among drugs
What are some important displacement reactions
What is meant by fat as a reservoir
What is meant by bone as a reservoir
Explain the penetration into the brain and CNS
Why is the transfer of drugs across the placenta is of critical importance ?
Because drugs may cause anomalies in the developing fetus
Why does the ion trapping of basic drugs occur in case of fetal plasma ?
The fetal plasma is slightly more acidic than that of the mother