Periodontology Flashcards
What are the tissues of the periodontium?
Gingiva, Periodontal ligament, Cementum, and alveolar bone
What is an important function of the periodontal ligament?
Shock absorber for the nerves and vessels
What are the fiber bundles of the periodontal ligament?
Transeptal fibers Alveolar crest fibers Oblique fibers Interradicular fibers Horizontal fibers Apical fibers
What are fiber bundles?
Collagenous fibers called sharpey’s fibers’
What fibers are affected with ortho?
Transeptal fibers
What group of fibers is the largest?
Oblique fibers
What group of fibers withstand masticatory stress vertically?
Oblique fibers
Where are interradicular fibers found?
On multi-rooted teeth extending from cementum to bone in the areas of furcations
What is the most prominent cell in the PDL?
What are the fibroblasts most responsible for?
collagen synthesis and degradation
What are osteoblasts?
Bone building cells
What are osteoclasts?
Bone destroying cells
What are cementoblasts?
Cementum builing cells
What are some genetic disorders associated with perodontitis?
Down syndrome
Papillon-lefevre syndrome
Chediak-higashi syndrome
What are some specific causes of gingival inflammation
Open contacts and subgingival margin restorations
What is it called when you have ulceration at the base of the sulcus?
Why is tetracycine the drug of choice with necrotizing periodontitis?
Because it concentrates in the gingival crevicular fluid and has anti-collagenase properties
What are some common clinical findings of NUP/NUG?
Punched out papilla and Pseudomembrane (dyeing tissue)
What abscess is a result from the injury to or infection of surface gingival tissue?
Gingival abscess
What abscess is a result when infection spreads deep into periodontal pockets?
Periodontal abscess
What abscess may develop after periodontal debridement?
Periodontal abscess
What abscess develops in inflamed dental follicular tissue overlying the crown of a partially erupted tooth?
Pericoronal abscess
What kind of abscess happens most often on the 3rd molars?
Pericoronal abscess
What abscess results from pulp infection?
Periapical abscess
What type of abscess is usually secondary to deep tooth decay?
Periapical abscess
What is it called when you extract a maxillary tooth and the extraction site extends into the maxillary sinus?