PEDS Toddler Panopto Flashcards
The age range for toddlerhood is-
1-3 Years (12-36 Months)
During toddlerhood, you’ll notice some major growth in what kind’s of advancements?
Physical + Mental Advancements
What are some challenges in toddlerhood?
Independence & Autonomy
Safety, because they like to explore their surroundings
When do you learn that your behavior has a predictable effect on others?
What psychological development stage could be described as “A time of holding on and letting go”?
What provides a foundation for trust and security in children?
Predictable Routines + Consistent Relationships
Human Development itself relies on-
At what stage of development do you learn that following the rules can be rewarded?
At what stage of development do you learn that not following the rules can result in punishment?
What age group asks a lot of questions and is curious about almost everything?
A toddler sees something new that they want to try, how should you handle it?
Let them play with it and explore it if it’s not too dangerous, just be sure to monitor them
Physical Development Changes in a Toddler =
Anterior fontanel closes by 18 months
By 30 months old, the they should be 4 times their birthweight
Grow about 4 - 6 lbs a year
Grow about 3 inches a year
The head circumference + chest circumference are typically equal by about 1-2 years old
The head circumference is proportional to the rest of the body by age 3
The growth of a child is measured by-
Standardized Growth Charts
With these, all you do is take things like a child’s age, height, weight, chest circumference, and head circumference, then you plot these things onto a chart to see what percentile they are at =
Standardized Growth Measurements
Neurological Development during Toddlerhood =
Better Coordination + Balance
Rapid Increase in Language Skills
Sphincter Control (Bowel + Urine Control)
What GI and GU Developments occur during Toddlerhood?
Should have some Bladder Control by 24 months old
Should have some Bowel Control by the end of the toddler stage
Toddlerhood Musculoskeletal System Development =
Head Circumference = Chest Circumference
Rounded Abdomen
Squat, Pot-Bellied Appearance
Swayback; Wide Stance
Bone Growth; Stronger Muscles in Extremities than the Abdomen
Bow Legged Until About 2 Years Old
When a child’s legs curve outwards at the knees -
Bow Legged
Piaget: Toddler =
Sensorimotor (Birth - 2 Years)
World is a series of objects (Ball, Car)
Experimentation + Cause & Effect (Doorknobs, Lockerdoors, Objects In/Out of Containers)
Toddlers enjoy repetitive toys, they can’t transfer knowledge to new situations, they must reinvestigate and explore the same objects over and over again.
Mental Combinations during Toddlerhood (18-24 Months)
Object Permanence is achieved (toddler looks away from ball, toddler should know that the ball is still there)
Imitation / Domestic Mimicry (by 2 years old) = Symbolic, Imitates Chores
A toddler should have a sense of ownership (Me, Mine)
A toddler should be capable of following simple directions
If you’re a 0-6 month old infant, your sense of object permanence is-
Not developed. (Peek-A-Boo = Fun)
If you’re a 8 month old to 1 year old infant, your sense of object permanence is-
ACHIEVED, but still developing, you’ll look for an object where it was last seen and not in a new place
This is when you begin to realize that an object exists even when unseen
If you’re a 2 year old toddler, your sense of object permanence is-
Achieved + Fully Developed
If an infant under 8 months old doesn’t see an object, they-
Won’t look for it, it no longer exists to them
Why might an infant under 8 months old run into more separation anxiety than a toddler?
An undeveloped object permanence in infancy = Separation Anxiety
A developed object permanence as a toddler = Less Separation Anxiety
If you are between 1 and 2 years old, your sense of object permanence is-
If you are 2 years old, your sense of object permanence is-
ACHIEVED, but yet to be fully developed
Fully Developed
Object permanence helps -
Form mental pictures of objects in your mind + Helps develop self and others as individuals
How are Neurological Development and Cognitive Development different?
Neurological development is the growth of all the structures of the brain
Cognitive development is the “What we do with what we’ve got”
(Thank you Google, you are a life saver)
Toddlerhood Cognitive Development Changes =
Piaget Preoperational Stage (2-7 Years)
Toddlers (1-3 Years) start to recognize that objects have unique aspects, like size (big or small?) or color (red or blue?). This gets to be more developed during preschool
Symbolic thought & play.
Bowl = Imitate Eating
Bowl Upside Down = Helmet/ Hat
Animism Starts = Tate feelings to objects (Not fully developed until preschool age)
Needle = Hurt
Blanket = Comfort
Egocentrism (Can’t see other’s viewpoints + Can’t understand another’s feelings + Everything relates to themselves)
It’s because of a toddler’s egocentrism, that it’s important to-
Tell them not to do thing’s in a specific way.
Don’t state reasons why something is wrong. “Don’t spit at Jimmy, that’s wrong!” “Don’t hit others, that’s not nice!”
A more effective way to tell a toddler not to do something is just by saying “Don’t spit at Jimmy”
Use I statements like “I don’t want you to hit others” “I don’t want you to spit at Jimmy”
Toddler Communication + Language Development =
Toddlers ask a lot of questions Why’s? & What’s?
A 2 year old toddler can generally understand around 50 - 300 words. Can speak in 2-3 Word Sentences
Telegraph Speech = Uses only essential words
Echolalia = Repeats words without understanding them
(Seen in toddlers that are less than 30 months old)
Receptive Language better than Expressive Language for toddlers
What is the gap in terms of how many words a 1 year old toddler knows, versus what words a two year old toddler knows, compared to how many a kid who just reached the end of toddlerhood should know?
A 1 year old toddler only knows 1 word sentences/ holophrases.
A 2 year old toddler can generally understand around 50 - 300 words. Can speak in 2-3 Word Sentences.
A 3 year old kid can generally understand about 1,000 words. Can speak in 3-4 Word sentences.
Can toddlers follow a 2-Step demand?
When a child understands what is being said and asked =
Receptive Language
When a child can communicate what they want =
Expressive Language
Can you identify speech problems during toddlerhood?
Yes, and you can get some early interventions done
You may have issues like Stuttering or other Speech Impediments that become identifiable during-
How can someone promote Language Development to a toddler?
Talk & Sing to toddler during daily routine
Frequently Repeat object names
Listen & Answer toddler’s questions
Patience: Give toddler time to complete thoughts
Teach correct name of body parts + objects
Toddlerhood Erikson’s Stage =
Shame & Doubt
An infant’s trust develop before a toddler’s autonomy can develop
They also need ritualism (routines and all that good stuff) for autonomy to develop
What are some activities that toddlers can do that show autonomy?
Imitating adults or playmates
Separation from parent or caregiver
Delayed gratification
Negativism abounds
If trust develops with infancy, the toddler should be ready to -
Give up dependence + Assert control (Autonomy should develop)
What is behavior that is negative of that suggested by others called?
Here’s a better way of understanding this imo.
During the Erikson’s stages of development, there is always a positive versus negative. For example, during the Autonomy vs Guilt stage of development, the child should have autonomy and not feel guilty. If they do feel guilty, then this is an example of-
If you are in the autonomy vs. shame & doubt stage of development, a healthy thing to happen would be that you start separating from your parents more often and start experiencing separation anxiety.
True or false?
True, separation anxiety during this stage of development is normal
When do you become more willing to have playmates and start imitating others?
Toddlerhood / Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
Emotional Liability =
Rapid changing emotions
Is it normal to have emotional liability during the Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt stage of development?
What happens if Autonomy is not reached or is unsuccessful?
The toddler will have fears or will have severe self-doubt
What actions by a caregiver can cause a toddler to be unsuccessful in reaching Autonomy?
Punishing them for exerting their will, submission is rewarded.
Shaming a toddler for wanting to rebel = No Bueno
According to Freud’s theory, what stage are you in as a Toddler?
Anal Stage (1-3 Years Old)
Tell me about Freud’s Anal Stage of development:
The Focus = Anal Sphincter Control
Toilet Training is the key to this stage
Child becomes frustrated or satisfied in withholding / expelling stool
Tell me about a Toddler’s Moral Development (Kholberg’s Theory):
Punishment + Obedience Orientation Stage Begins
Children can only see things from their POV
Reward good behavior/ punish bad behavior
Self-Concept + Body Image Changes During Toddlerhood =
See themselves different from parents progressively
Exploration away from parents increases
Appreciate use of body parts
Gender ID is developed by 3 years old
A toddler begins to not share a toy with the kid next to them.
Does this showcase a developmental problem of some sort?
What may be causing this to happen?
No, this happens because of their egocentrism and is normal + expected at this stage of development
A toddler begins to not share a toy with the kid next to them.
How should you handle the situation?
A: Do not interfere
B: Tell them “Hey, you shouldn’t do that, it’s mean not to share with others”. If they do this, give them a reward, if they don’t then give them a punishment of some sort.
C: Tell them “I want you to share with your playmate” If they do this, give them a reward, if they don’t then give them a punishment of some sort.
D: Separate the two, as they are not getting along with each other
C: This is successful because you can use “I” statements when you want to tell a toddler to do something. They’re able to follow simple directions easily. Plus you’re reinforcing good behavior with the reward / punishment.
B: This isn’t successful because toddlers can’t understand the viewpoints of others or morality yet.
A: This does not do anything to promote good behavior.
D: This keeps the toddler from being around a playmate, which is important during this stage of development, they should only be separated if absolutely necessary. It also doesn’t do anything to promote good behavior.
What are some age-appropriate activities for a toddler?
Parallel Play = Play alongside; not with others
Toddlers have a Short Attention Span, so they need a variety of toys
Toddlers are likely not to share at times because of their egocentrism
Excessive Talking = A Form of Play. They’ll talk to their toys and they’ll like doing it
What are some Age-Appropriate Toys for Toddlers? (KNOW THIS LIKE THE BACK OF YOUR HAND)
Push-Pull Toys (Wagon, Tricycle) + Blocks + Sand + Finger Paints + Bubbles + Large Balls + Thick Crayons + Trucks + Dolls + Containers + Play-Doh + Toy Telephones + Cloth Books + Wooden Large Piece Puzzles + Child-Sized Household Items (Because of Imitation) + Jack-In-The-Box + Wind-Up Toys like a Wind-Up Duck + Maraca Toys
Sense Pleasure Play is when a toddler will-
Use their hands in paints or in sand
Gross Motor Toys for Toddlers =
Push-Pull Toys (Wagon, Tricycle) + Child Sized Household Items (Because of imitation)
Fine Motor Toys for Toddlers =
Toys that they can manipulate with knobs or wind-up, pop-up toys or blocks
Texture & Fine Motor =
Sand + Paint + Play-Doh
Are temper tantrums to be expected in toddlers?
When a toddler throws temper tantrums, you must-
Provide consistent, age-appropriate expectations
When toilet training begins, you need to exercise -
Patience + Consistency
When doing toilet training, what might be the last thing to develop?
Night-Time Control
Gross Motor Skills Development in a Toddler =
Walk, Run, Kick Ball, Climb
Toddler Gait = Legs Apart + Toes Pointed Forward + Sways Side-To-Side
Parachute Reflex
What is the Parachute Reflex?
It’s when a toddler outstretches it’s arms to catch themself
By age 3, the walk heel-to-toe is-
They’ll also use physical actions like running, jumping, and hitting to-
Similar to an adult’s
Express Emotions
When does a kid begin to express emotions more with their physical actions rather than their words?
By the end of toddlerhood (3 years old)
By 15 months old, a toddler should be able to do what gross motor skills?
Walk without help
Creep upstairs
By 18 months old, a toddler should be able to do what gross motor skills?
Runs Clumsily (Falling Often)
Can throw a ball overhand
Jump in place using both feet
Loves pull and push toys
By 2 Years Old, a toddler should be able to do what gross motor skills?
Can walk up + down stairs by placing both feet on the same step
By 2.5 Years Old, a toddler should be able to do what gross motor skills?
Jump across the floor + off a chair / step using both feet
Can stand on one foot for a short period of time
Can take a few steps on tiptoes
By the time you turn 18 months old, you’ll likely really love what kind of toy?
Pull and push toys
When do you especially need to make sure the toddler is safe?
When they turn 18 months old, because that’s when they start to clumsily run
By 15 months old, a toddler should be able to do what fine motor skills?
Use a cup
Can build a tower of 2 blocks
By 18 months old, a toddler should be able to do what fine motor skills?
Manage a spoon with out rotation
Can turn pages in a book (2-3 at a time)
Can build a tower of 3-4 blocks
By 2 years old, a toddler should be able to do what fine motor skills?
Can build a tower of 6-7 blocks
Can turn pages in a book one at a time
By 2.5 years old, a toddler should be able to do what fine motor skills?
Draw Circles
Good Hand-Finger Coordination
For Sensory Development in toddlers, what happens?
Vision develops: 20/50 to 20/40
Hearing is at an adult level
Sense of smell continues to mature
Taste Discrimination is not fully developed:
Fussy about foods
Tries new foods IF looks/smells familiar
Accidental Ingestion (At Risk!)
What senses will a toddler use to familiarize themselves with new objects + exploring their environment?
All Senses
How should you handle/ what should you note about a toddler’s egocentrism?
They are focused on themself
Autonomy (they try to exert control)
Offer LIMITED choices, no more than two (“Milk, or juice?”)
Aggressive Behavior & Temper Tantrums (Trouble Expressing Emotions)
How should you handle/ what should you note about a toddler’s separation anxiety?
It usually re-emerges at 18-24 months
The toddler needs predictable routines
At 24-36 months they should have:
Less Separation Anxiety
Become more confident that the caregiver will return
What is object consistency?
When a child has an internal representation of the parents and tolerate separation from them, knowing that the reunion will occur
A nurse needs to form a relationship with the toddler in order to-
Figure out what fears that the may have
Toddlers need what for bedtime?
A nightlight
What Nutrition things do you need to keep in mind about toddlers?
They are picky eaters
They should eat 1 cup of fruit per day
They need to avoid high fat, sugar, & sodium snacks
They repeatedly want favorite foods
They prefer finger foods
They need 24-28 oz of milk daily
Regular mealtimes need to be supervised
They need to eat small bite-sized pieces
Juice should be limited to 4-6 oz a day
No eating/ drinking should occur while playing or lying down
Toddlers are at a high risk for choking, this means what kinds of foods should be avoided?
Nuts, Grapes, Hot Dogs, Peanut Butter, Raw Carrots, Dried Beans, Tough Meats, Popcorn
When a toddler always wants to have the same foods made in the same way, these are called a-
Food Jag
Tell me about how Food Jags work:
Food Jags are only for one food for only 1- 4 days, and then they don’t ask for it again for weeks
During a Food Jag, should a caregiver still offer healthy foods?
What things should you note about a toddler’s sleep and rest?
11-12 hours of sleep are needed per day (including 1 nap during Early Toddlerhood)
Older Toddlerhood:
Naps are often eliminated
Toddlers often resist bedtime + Express fears
Regardless of this, the toddler should still have a regular bedtime + bedtime routines
What things about a toddler’s Dental Health should you note?
They should have a dentist established by 1 year old
Adults should floss + brush the toddler’s teeth after meals + at bedtime
Dental carries are common if put to bed with a bottle of milk or juice
The leading cause of death in childhood =
What are things that you should note about car safety and Toddlers?
Toddler should ride in the middle of backseat if possible
They should be rear-facing for as long as possible, until they reach the maximum height/weight a seat will allow
Never let them ride in the cargo area or in the bed of your truck even if there are adults with the toddler in the back with them
What are things that you should note about home safety and Toddlers?
More Locomotion = More walking, running, climbing, opening doors, pulling objects
Teach them to avoid play near vehicles, driveways, or traffic
Teach traffic safety rules
What kind of a restraint does a car seat need to be in?
A Five Point Restraint
What kind’s of choking hazards would you want to look out for when taking care of a toddler?
Any loose buttons on their clothing
Avoid balloons
Avoid small parts on toys/ use age-appropriate toys
Should all parents know choking procedures?
Caregivers need to teach toddlers about-
Stranger Danger
The hot water heater in a bath tub should be less than how many degrees for a toddler?
Less than 120
When you’re taking care of a toddler, all pot handles should have their handles pointed toward -
The back of the stove
Leading cause of unintentional injury / death in toddlers =
When taking care of a toddler, toilet lids should-
Be left shut
Can toddlers have swim lessons?
A crib mattress should-
Be in the lowest position with the rails up
When taking care of a toddler, safety guards need to be placed-
At the top + bottom of the stairs
The number for what should always be next to your phone when you’re taking care of a toddler?
The Number for Poison Control
In order to prevent poisoning, what kind of detector should be available?
A carbon monoxide detector
What things should be noted to keep a toddler from suffocating themselves?
Avoid plastic bags
Tight fitting crib mattresses
Crib slats need to be no further apart than 2.3 inches (6 cm)
No drawstrings should be left in jackets or other clothing
Toilet training typically starts at-
Age 2
When it comes to toilet training, should you ever punish for accidents?
Who’s typically read to be toilet trained first, girls or boys?
What should you note about Sibling Rivalries when it comes to toddlers?
Toddlers are used to being the baby + receiving attention
Involve the toddler in the care of the baby
What can cause regression for a toddler?
Stressful Events (Hospitalization, Birth of Sibling, Etc.)
If a toddler shows regressive behavior, what should be done?
Ignore it. Praise for age-appropriate behavior
Is regressive behavior common in toddlers?