PEDS School-Age Panopto Flashcards
If you are School-Age, how old are you?
6-11 Years Old
From ages 6-12, what are some physical changes that will occur?
A Preadolescent growth spurt.
Extremities will grow more quickly:
Increase in leg length
Decreased head circumference
By puberty you will lose your primary (baby) teeth
In what ways do you become more independent during School Age?
You have an expanded focus outside of the home.
Your focus expands from family to teachers, peers, and other outside influences (school activities, school friends, and school attendance predominates)
At first, when a school-age child is playing sports, it is -
Later on, it gets to become-
Organized Sports
Competitive Sports
How much weight does a school age child gain a year?
How much height does a school age child gain a year?
Weight = Gain 2-3 kg per year (4.4 - 6.6 lbs)
Height = Grow about 5 cm per year (2 in)
Prepubescence occurs when?
During Preadolescence
Physiological changes occur particularly in girls at what age?
~9 Years Old
When do secondary sexual characteristics start to develop?
When it comes to the growth spurts during prepubescence, these are faster in boys than girls.
True or false?
False, the growth spurts are faster for girls than boys
When does the eruption of permanent (secondary) teeth occur?
Does the immune system improve during prepubescence?
Prepubescence occurs from-
9-13 Years Old
This is the time between the middle childhood and the teenage years =
During puberty, the physical and hormonal changes that allow for reproduction occur during-
Landmark change that occurs in girls =
Landmark change that occurs in boys =
In Girls = Their Menstrual Cycles Start
In Boys = First Ejaculation
The average age of puberty for girls =
About 10 - 12
The average age of puberty for boys =
About 11 - 13
Prepubescence occurs how long before puberty?
2 Years Before
Secondary Sexual Characteristics Examples:
Breast Buds, Voice Changes, Pubic Hair, Facial Hair
Rapid growth for girls, surpass boys in height and weight
Puberty will affect girls first, causing them to-
Have embarrassment, make them worried about their physical appearance, cause a low self-esteem
The late development in boys during puberty causes a-
Negative Self-Concept.
This can result in risk-taking behaviors (early sexual activity, substance abuse, reckless vehicle use).
Piaget’s Cognitive Development: School-Age
Concrete Operations:
Moves from egocentric to logical.
Looks at other points of view.
Knows relationships (Coins = Money / Parents = Family)
Classifies more complex info:
Classify, Order, and Sort Facts.
Groups & Sorts Objects.
Solve Concrete Problems.
Other Concrete Operations:
Tell clock-time; differentiates left from right.
Reads more - from comic books to classic stories.
A kid in the Concrete Operations stage of development will develop an understanding of-
Mass first, then Weight, then Volume
When can you classify more complex information and group/sort/organize facts =
Concrete Operations
When do kids start to love collections of all kinds? (Cards, coins, stamps, and stickers)
Within these collections, they’ll often place an order of-
Concrete Operations
Smallest to Largest
When can you solve concrete problems and think in the reverse?
Concrete Operations
When do kids start to order their friends from BFF to 2nd BFF?
Concrete Operations
By the time you are a school-age kid and in the concrete operations stage of development, you will understand how many words?
~8,000 - 14,000 Words
School-Age Erikson:
Industry vs Inferiority (6-12 Years Old)
Focus is school.
Industries! How things work and how they’re made.
Motivated to work alone.
Carries task to completion.
Success = Satisfaction.
Builds self-worth, accomplishment, competence.
This is when the child will start to want to make things =
Industry vs Inferiority
Science projects / badges for girls scouts is an example of-
Industry vs inferiority
The role of the parents, caregivers, coaches, and nurses of a school-aged child is to -
Identify areas of competency and to build on the child’s tasks to promote mastery, success, and self-esteem
Dancing, chores, school projects, girls scouts, and sports all help develop a-
School-Aged Child
What are strategies that you can use to reinforce Industry in the Industry vs Inferiority stage of development?
Grades, Recognition/ Rewards, Trophies, Allowances to by clothes
What things should you avoid in the Industry vs Inferiority stage of development, that can cause the child to develop a sense of inferiority?
Expectations that are too high
Skills that can’t be mastered
Reward system may be inappropriate/biased
Occurs with repeated failures with little support or trust from those important to the child
Children in the industry vs inferiority stage of development should be taught that-
Not everyone can develop every skill
School-Age, Kholberg:
Interpersonal Conforming (Ages 7-10):
Follow rules because they want to be a “good person”.
The adult is always right.
May interpret accidents as punishment.
Law & Order (Ages 10-12):
Obey rules, laws, respects authority.
Action is good or bad based on the reason for the action.
Acts are judged by intentions, not just punishment.
Treats others as they like to be treated.
School-Aged, Self-Concept Development =
Develops an awareness of themselves.
Understands their own values, abilities, and their own physical appearance.
Confidence is achieved through a positive self-concept.
Parent influences the child in early school age but the opinions of their peers and teachers become important in middle childhood.
School-Aged, Body Image Changes:
Need taught about sexual development + reproductive process.
Curious About Sexuality.
Want Privacy.
School Aged, Emotional & Social Development:
Peer Relationships:
The big focus here is being a member of a club or group.
Prioritize + Values.
The key here is to have social interaction & feel accepted into the group.
Teacher & School Influences:
Shapes socialization & self-concept
Shapes intellectual development
Family Influences:
Testing family values
School Aged, Social Development:
They will learn ways to deal with dominance, hostility, compromise, and other points of view.
Best friends are formed between same-sex peers in early school-age years.
Develops interest in others at the end of the school-age years.
They start to get increased independence from their parents.
Peer Pressure Begins.
Bullying occurs.
Conformity is very evident.
Age-Appropriate Activities for 6-9 Year Olds:
Simple Board Games + Number Games + Hopscotch + Jump Rope + Collections + Rides Bicycles + Builds Simple Models + Plays/Joins Organized Sports
Age-Appropriate Activities for 9-12 Year Olds:
Crafts + They’ll Build Models + Hobbies + Collections + Jigsaw Puzzles + Board/Card Games + Competitive Sports
The team play of sports will help school-aged kids by fostering-
Physical & Motor Development
Then Social, Intellectual, & Skill Growth
School-Age Play:
Usually Quiet + Solitary.
Computer / Board Games.
Learn cooperative play but are fanatic on rules & rituals of games.
Collections of any kind.
Keeps Diary.
Still love stories read aloud.
More solitary reading of “series” books.
School-Age, Gross Motor Skill Development:
Coordination, Balance, & Rhythm.
Ride 2-Wheel Bike, Jump Rope, Dance
What age group is in Constant Motion + has a Limited Fear due to their strong impulses for exploration?
6 - 8 Years Old
What age group has a high energy level + activities are more subdued or directed?
8 - 10 Years Old
What age group has a high energy + Are more controlled and focused + They encourage physical activities + Need to learn physical skills & activities that contribute to their health =
10 - 12 Years Old
You’ll notice what in 10-12 year olds?
Coordination & Balance
They’re still in constant motion
They’ll ride 2-wheel bikes, jump rope, and dance
Do children need any outside encouragement from adults to do physical activities?
School-Age, Fine Motor Skill Development:
Eye-Hand Coordination & Precision.
Write & Print Words
Play Musical Instruments
Build Models / Crafts
When will you need a screening for scoliosis?
How does one assess a child for scoliosis?
Ask them to lean forward and try to touch their toes, then assess for any asymmetries or posture problems
(This test is called the Adam’s Forward Bend Test)
The scoliosis screening should be done where?
In the child’s school system
School-Age, Nutrition:
Eating Adult Portions by end of School-Age
• Obesity is a Concern
• Avoid Food as a Reward
• Encourage Physical Activity
• Balanced Diet
• Choose Healthy Food/Snacks
• Avoid Frequent Fast Foods
• Shouldn’t Skip Meals
• Parents Model Healthy Behaviors
Family, Media, Adults, and Peers all impact this age group’s eat habits
School-Age, Sleep & Rest =
Sleep Requirements depend on:
Activity Level
Health Status
11 Year Olds need 9 hrs of sleep
8, 9, & 11 Year Olds resist bedtime.
This is usually resolved by 12 Years Old.
Bedtime Routines & Schedule are important.
School-Age, Dental Health:
Permanent Teeth start to erupt around 6 Years Old.
Brushing Teeth:
After meals/snacks + at bedtime.
Daily Flossing
Regular Dental Checkups (Usually twice a year)
Fluoride Treatments (May or may not be done)
School-Age, Fears =
Undergoing Surgery
Worry About Past Behaviors
1.) What age group fears intrusive procedures?
2.) What age group fears body mutilation?
3.) What age group fears a loss of control of their bodies?
1.) = Toddlers
2.) = Preschoolers
3.) = School-Age
School-Age, Injury Prevention:
Bodily Harm:
Lock up firearms
Identify a safe play area
Teach About Stranger Safety
Teach about Helmets / Pads:
How do you keep a School-Aged child safe from burns?
Teach about Fire Safety & Hazards (“Stop, Drop, and Roll”)
Install Smoke Detectors
Inforce Sunscreen
Use Cooking Safety Precautions
How do you keep a School-Aged child safe from drowning?
Supervise Children
Teach Children to Swim
Check the Depth of water if diving
Encourage Water Breaks
How do you keep a School-Aged child safe from Motor-Vehicle Injuries?
Car restraint until 4 feet 9 inches in height
Appropriate seat belt use or booster
Children in backseat
Children should not ride in the back of trucks
Safe pedestrian behaviors (“Stop, Look, and Listen”)
You flip a kid around to face forwards at around what age?
Around 2 Years Old
How do you keep a School-Aged child safe from Poisoning / Substance Misuse?
Keep chemicals locked or out of reach
No to substance abuse
Do children have a very poor taste discrimination?
Does a child’s poor taste discrimination put them at an increased risk for poisoning or substance abuse?
School-Age, Developmental Concerns =
Television & Video Games
(Research shows that increased TV time can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior, less physical activity, and an altered body image)
School Phobia
(Frequent Absences, Academic Disengagement/ Disruption, Dropping Out)
Latchkey Children
(Both Parents = Out Working, so child is home alone for hours. These children are prone to misbehavior + taking risk)
Stealing, Lying, Cheating
Tobacco & Alcohol Education
Bullies are reported to have-
A Low Self-Esteem, Poor Grades, & Poor Interpersonal Skills Themselves
Bullied Children often have increased episodes of common child illnesses such as-
Headaches, Stomachaches, or Sleep Problems
Cheating is a common concern in those less than what age old?
Less Than 6 Years Old
School-Aged, Nursing Implications:
Hospitalized school-age may need more parent support than what they will admit.
They’ll want to maintain contact with their peers & school events.
Explain all procedures in age-appropriate way.
(This means communicating Verbally, using Pictures OR Books, or letting them Handle Equipment).
Privacy & Modesty are very important.
Toys – Do & Accomplish Things:
Board Games
Video Games
Computer/Tablet Games