PEDS Preschooler Panopto Flashcards
Preschoolers are how old?
3-6 Years Old
At what stage of development are you preparing to enter school?
Are pre-schoolers able to control their bodily functions (bowel & bladder)?
Preschooler Physical Development:
More Slender & Sturdy
Boys & Girls have similar body proportions
Gain Weight (2-3 kg per year OR 4.5 - 6.5 lbs per year)
Gain Height (6.2 - 9 cm / 2.4 OR 3.5 inches per year)
Preschoolers tolerate longer periods of-
At what stage of development do you learn cooperative socialization?
During the preschooler stage of development, you’ll have an increased-
Attention Span, Memory, & Vocabulary
Average Height & Weight by Age:
3 Year Old =
Weight = 14.5 kg (32 lbs)
Height = 95 cm (37.5 in)
Average Height & Weight by Age:
4 Year Old =
16.5 kg (36.5 lbs)
103 cm (40.5 in)
Average Height & Weight by Age:
5 Year Old =
Weight = 18.5 kg (41 lbs)
Height = 110 cm (43.5 in)
Gross Motor Skills for 3 Year Olds =
Ride Tricycle
Jump off bottom step
Can stand on one foot for a few seconds
Can climb up the stairs with alternate feet
Do Broad Jumps
Gross Motor Skills for 4 Year Olds =
Hops on one foot
Throws ball overhand
Catches Ball
Can go up AND down the stairs with alternate feet
Gross Motor Skills for 5 Year Olds =
Starts Jump Ropes
Can walk backward heel to toe
Throws and catches balls easily
More Balance = Skating, Standing on 1 foot with eyes closed
Increased Balance & Speed is an expected occurrence in 3, 4, and 5 year olds.
True or false?
Fine Motor Skills for 4 Year Olds =
Can use scissors to cut pictures,
Draw Circles & Squares,
Trace a square or basic figures (like a diamond or cross)
Fine Motor Skills for 5 Year Olds =
Tie Shoelaces,
Dress/ Undress Self,
Copies Shapes,
Print a few letters, numbers, and first name,
Uses scissors well
Preschoolers are-
Preschoolers like to-
Are rewards effective for them? What kinds?
Like to please and conform,
Rewards are effective (Stickers, small toys, etc.),
What kind of language should be used with preschoolers? Why?
Simple, Concrete Language.
Because they take whatever you say literally
Preschool Piaget Stage of Development =
Preoperational Thought continues, transitions to Intuitive Thought around 4 years old and lasts until 7 years old.
Short Attention Span
Still egocentric, but a little less so.
With Egocentricity, what is the best form of communication?
For a preschooler, play is the best way of-
Understanding, Adjusting to, and Working Out Life’s Experiences
What stage of development includes Magical Thinking?
What is Magical Thinking?
It is when you believe that your thoughts are all powerful
What stage of development includes Animism?
What is Animism?
Animism = When you give life-like qualities to an inanimate object
What stage of development includes a very Active Imagination?
Is it normal for a preschooler to have imaginary friends?
Yes, this is a creative way for the preschooler to Sample Activities & Behaviors + Practice Conversations
Preschoolers believe that bad thoughts will-
Cause them illness or an injury
What do preschoolers still not understand?
Time Orientation
Because of a preschooler’s lack of understanding of time orientation, what should be avoided?
What kind of language should be used?
Avoid words like “Yesterday, Tomorrow, Later”.
Use language like “Mommy will come get you after you nap” “Mommy will come get you after you eat”
By the end of the preschool years, is time still not understood?
It is much better understood
By the end of a preschooler’s 5th year, they will have a vocabulary of-
They will speak in how many word sentences?
They will start to develop what?
~2,100 Words
4-5 Word Sentences
They’ll start developing Fluency
The ability to link words, syllables, and words when speaking =
Preschoolers’ communication is-
They are not capable of-
They love to-
Abstract Thought
Talk, talking is a primary way of communicating
Is stuttering normal in a preschooler?
When might stuttering self-correct?
Yes, by 8 years old
Why is it normal for a preschooler to experience studdering?
Because of their rapid growth in vocabulary
How do you treat a stuttering problem in a preschooler?
Show Patience + Slow their speech down + Let them speak without interrupting
Are preschoolers able to do any abstract thinking?
Preschooler Erikson’s Stage of Development =
Initiative vs Guilt
They are Energetic Learners.
They play and work to the fullest.
They initiate their own activities.
The feel a sense of purpose & accomplishment.
Preschoolers must be guided towards activities that-
Are Achievable
Success of the Erikson’s Initiative vs Guilt milestone will determine what things?
Self-Concept, Personality Development
What does negativism look like in a kid going through the initiative vs guilt stage of development?
Feelings of Inadequacy + Self-Doubt + Low Self-Confidence
What stifles initiative in a preschooler?
A preschooler is misbehaving = Punishment = Stifled Initiative
The Task in the preschooler age is-
Their Super Ego (Consciousness) develops more fully in late childhood, which is right around 5 years old
Preschool Moral Development:
Kholberg’s = Preconventional Stage
Learns good & bad behavior
Responds to parents and reward/punishment
Concrete, Basic Justice (You help me, I help you).
No knowledge as to why thing’s are wrong, just know that if they do something wrong they’ll get punished for it by adults.
Judge what is good or bad by the punishment/reward system.
They begin to take actions based on satisfying their own needs but are starting to understand fairness + justice.
Preschool Spiritual Development:
Faith + Religion learned from parents / significant others.
Concrete image of God with physical characteristics (Like an imaginary friend).
Understand Simple Bible stories.
Memorize short prayers.
The development of the conscious is slowly linked to-
It is important for preschoolers to view God as one who-
Spiritual Development.
Bestows unconditional love rather than as a judge of good/bad behavior.
Prayer before bedtime or mealtime can do what for a preschooler?
Can help kids in stressful situations like being in the hospital
Freud’s Stage of Development, Preschool =
Phallic Stage (Focuses on genitalia + touching self)
Oedipal Conflict:
Jealousy / Rivalry towards same sex parent. (Boy desires mother, hostile to father, and vice versa)
It’s not until school age that a kid will identify with their same-sex parent.
Self-Concept Development =
Feel good about themselves when mastering skills like dressing/undressing themselves.
May regress to previous immature behaviors with stress, insecurity or illness, or may develop bad habits.
Nose-Picking, Bed-Wetting, Thumb-Sucking
Body Image Changes, Preschooler =
Recognize Appearances & Differences
Acceptable vs Unacceptable
Compares themselves to others (by age 5)
Cuts / Injuries.
Don’t understand anatomy. These are frightening experiences. Injuries require bandages (band-aids).
Social Development, Preschooler =
By Kindergarten, kid has social skills:
Cooperation, Sharing, Kindness, Generosity.
Displays Affection, express feelings, helps others.
Tolerates periods of Separation from parents.
Long Separation = Hard (like hospitalization). Needs security objects + rituals.
Emotional Development, Preschooler =
Tend to have Strong Emotions (happy one minute, angry the next)
Vivid Imagination (make believe / pretend play)
Develop sense of identity (They identify the differences in gender + They know that they belong to a particular family, community, or culture)
Friendships (Preschool) =
You’ll see Cooperative, Associative Play.
A preschooler will make friends, want to please their friends, and be like their friends.
They’ll often disagree, resolve the conflict, and continue the friendship.
Fears (Preschool) =
Loud Noises + Imaginary Monsters + Dark + Insects + Animals + Doctors + Strangers.
How should a parent help a kid with a lot of fears?
Acknowledge them, work with the child on how to deal with the fears
Preschoolers can act out their fears, this is called-
Imaginative Play
In order to limit a preschooler’s imagination & violence, you should-
Limit / monitor TV or video games
Best way to help a preschooler deal with fear =
Involve them to gradually/progressively deal with the frightening experience.
(Keep their nightlight on, expose the child to the feared things in a safe situation. Let child watch other kids play with a dog if they have a fear of dogs for example.)
Types of play for preschoolers:
Cooperative, Associative Play:
Running, Jumping, Climbing.
Bicycles with training wheels.
Gym equipment.
Weighting pulls and wagons.
Play for education + fine motor development (construction sets, the alphabet or number of flash cards, handy craft sets, large puzzles)
Initiative, Imaginative, Dramatic Play:
Most characteristic of preschool. (Peaks at preschool)
Dress up, play-house, doctor & nurse kits.
Imaginary friends: Reality & fantasy blurred, this is normal. (Usually gone when the child enters school and preschool ends. They have friends and times of loneliness, they experience what they want to forget or remember. This is normal.)
Don’t allow the child to use an imaginary friend to avoid punishment/ responsibility.
Group play but without a lot of organization or rules =
Associative Play
Do preschoolers need expensive toys?
Toys & Play for preschoolers =
Playing Ball + Puzzles + Tricycles + Dress Up / Pretend + Roleplay + Hand Puppets + Musical Toys + Computer Programs + Painting + Sewing (Simple) + Reading Books + Wading Pools + Sandbox + Skating + Electronic Games
Nutrition (Preschooler) =
Require 1200 - 1400 kcal/day.
May still be finicky eaters.
13 - 19 g / day of protein.
Calcium, Iron, Folate, and Vitamins A & C.
Saturated fats should make up less than 10 % of total caloric intake.
2 servings of fruit + veggies a day.
2 hrs or less of screen time.
1 hr of physical activity.
No sugar-sweetened beverages.
Sleep Requirements (Preschooler) =
12 hrs per day
Infrequently take naps
Bedtime rituals
May need a security item
May have nightmares
Leave water by the bed
Reassure child but don’t let them sleep with parents
Dental Health (Preschool) =
Eruption of primary teeth is finalized by the beginning of preschool years.
Supervise brushing and flossing.
Trauma to teeth (have dentists assess asap)
Injury Prevention (Preschooler) =
Accidental injury is the leading cause of death for preschoolers.
Same precautions as toddler.
Teach home safety:
Pedestrian: Crossing street rules, walk on left/face traffic if no sidewalks, at night wear light-colored clothing with fluorescent materials attached.
Bicycle accidents (protective gear).
Fire Safety.
Stranger Safety.
Car Safety (Preschoolers) =
Forward-facing car seat with harness & tether- depends on height.
Booster Seat - with lap & shoulder belt.
Back seat of car.
Don’t allow children to play near curb / parked cars (duh)
Drowning (Preschoolers) =
Should learn to swim at 5 years old.
Parents should be trained in CPR.
Have lifesaving devices, don’t leave unattended near water.