Pediatrics Flashcards
What is VATER syndrome?
Vertebral abnormality
TE fistula
What are the new born screening test?
Please Check BBefore Going HHome”
PKU Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Biotinidase, Bthalassemia Galactosemia Hypothyroidism, Homocystinuria
What is an average IQ?
What are the most common causes of mental retardation in the US?
EtOH, Fragile X, Down’s
What is Rubeola also known as?
What is Rubella also known as?
German Measles
What is the APGAR test?
Test at 1 and 5 min (normal >7)
Appearance (color) Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
Whatvis the most common eye infection the first day of life?
Clear discharge due to silver nitrate
What is the most common eye infection the first week of life?
Gonorrhea => purulent discharge
What is the most common eye infection the second week of life?
What is the most common eye infection the third week of life?
What are the causes of hyperbilirubinemia?
Sepsis, ABO incompatibility, hypothyroidism, breast feeding
What is the cause of symmetrically small babies?
Chromosomal abnormality or TORCHS
What is the cause of asymmetrically small babies?
Poor blood supply spares brain => small body, normal head
What is the cause of large babies?
DM or twin-twin transfusions
What is Milia?
Neonatal whiteheads on malar area
What is nevus flammeus?
“stork bites” on back of neck, look like flames
What is Seborreic dermatitis?
Red rash w/oily skin and dry flaky hairline
What are hemangiomas?
Flat blood vessels
What are mongolian spots?
Melanocytes on lower back
What is Erythema toxicum?
White wheal on red area, has eosinophils
What is subgaleal hemorrhage?
Prolonged jaundice in newborns due to birthing trauma
What is a Caput Succedaneum?
Under scalp (edema crosses suture lines)
What is an Epstein’s pearl?
White pearls on hard palate
What is persistent eye drainage since birth usually due to?
Hypothyroidism, Down’s
What causes a Cleft Lip?
Medial nasal prominence did not fuse
What causes a Cleft palate?
Maxillary shelves did not fuse
What is the most common cause of no red reflex?
What is the most common cause of white reflex?
What is the sign of a Clavicle Fracture?
Asymmetric moro reflex
What is an omphalocele?
Intestines protrude out of umbilicus covered by peritoneum
What is gastroschisis?
Abdominal wall defect, off-center
What is nephroblastoma?
Kidney “Wilm’s” tumor, hemihypertrophy, aniridia
What is a neuroblastoma?
Adrenal medulla tumor, hypsarrhythmia, opsoclonus, ^VMA
What is polyhydramnios?
Too much amniotic fluid, baby can’t swallow
What are the most common causes of polyhydramnios?
NM problem: werdnig-hoffman
GI problem: Duodenal atresia
What is Oligohydramnios?
Too little amniotic fluid, baby can’t pee
What are the most common causes of Oligohydramnios?
Abd muscle problem: prune belly
Renal agenesis: Potter’s syndrome
What is fifth disease?
Erythema infectiosum “slapped cheeks”, arthritis in mom, aplastic anemia
What is Sixth disease?
Roseola, exanthema subitum (fever disappears, then rash appears)
What is hand- foot-mouth disease?
Mouth ulcers => wont eat or drink, palm/sole rash, coxsackie A virus
What is Measles = rubeola?
- Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
- Koplik spot
- Morbilliform blotchy rash
What is Molluscum Contagiosum?
Flesh-colored papules w/ central dimple
What is mumps?
Parotiditis => red stensons duct
What is otitis media?
Fluid in middle ear
What is Pityriasis Rosea?
Herald patch -> migrates along skin lines “C-mass tree” appearance
What is Rubell = German 3-day measles?
Trunkmrash, lymphadenopathy behind ears, don’t look sick
How is smallpox different from chickenpox?
Smallpox is on face, same stage of development, fever
What is varicella= chickenpox?
- Red macule
- Clear vesicle on red dot
- Pus
- Scab
What is Zellweger’s
Neonatal seizures
What is the most common cause delayed speech develeopment?
Hearing loss
What are the signs of child abuse?
- multiple ecchymoses
- retinal hemorrhage
- epidural/ subdural hemorrhage
- spiral fractures (twisted)
- multiple fractures in different healing stages
What should you rule out when child abuse is suspected?
- osteogenesis imperfecta
- bleeding disorders
- fifth disease
- mongolian spots