Immunology Flashcards
Which cytokine do macrophages stimulate?
Which cytokines do Th cells stimulate?
Everything other than Il-1
Which enlarged lymph nodes are most likely malignant?
What is CD8?
Tk (killer) or Ts (suppressor) cell; responds to MHC-1 (self)
Which of your cells express MHC-1?
All except RBCs and platelets
What is a CD4?
Th (helper) cell; responds to MHC-2 (non-self)
What type of immunity does Th1 provide?
What type of immunity does TH2 provide?
What do B cell deficiency patients die of?
Bacterial infection
What is Common Variable Hypogammaglobulinemia?
Kids w/ B cells don’t differentiate into plasma cells => low Ab
What is Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia?
Young adults w/ defective Tyr kinase=> no Ab, X-linked
What is Job-Buckley Syndrome?
Redheaded females, stuck in IgE stage
What is Multiple Myeloma?
Multiple osteolytic lesions, IgG, n light chains, rouleaux
What is Heavy Chain Disease?
IgA and multiple myeloma of GI tract
What is Selective IgG2 Deficiency?
Recurrent encapsulated infections
What is Selective IgA Deficiency?
Transfusion anaphylaxis, mucous membrane infections
What is Hairy Cell Leukemia?
Fried egg/sunburst appearance, TRAP +
What is Ataxia Telangectasia?
Low Ig A, neuro problems
What is Hyper IgM syndrome?
High IgM, low all other Ab
What do T cell deficiency patient die for?
Viral infection
What is DiGeorge Syndrome?
No thymus/inferior parathyroids, low Ca+2
What is Wiscott-Aldrich?
Low IgM, low platelets, high IgA, eczema, petechiae
What does the CD4 count tell you?
Status of HIV (normal=1,000)
What does the viral load tell you?
Progression of HIV
What is Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis?
T cell defect against Candida albicans, chronic fatigue
What is SCID?
No thymus, frayed long bones, baby dies by 18mo
What organs have the most CD4 receptors?
Blood vessels, brain, testicles, cervix, rectum
What are the 3 tests used to screen for HIV?
ELISA: detects IgG Ab to p24 Ag
Western blot: see>2 proteins
PCR: detect virus (use in babies)
What is the definition of AIDS?
What are the live vaccines?
“Bring Your Own Very Small Virus + MMR”
BCG Yellow Fever OPV (Sabin)=oral polio Varicella Smallpox RotaVirus Measles=Rubeola Mumps Rubella=German 3 day measles
What is !o Biliary Cirrhosis?
Anti-mitochondrial Ab, pruritus, females
What is 1o Sclerosing Cholangitis?
p-ANCA Ab, bile duct inflammation, onion skinning, IBD
What is Type I Autoimmune Hepatitis?
Anti-SM Ab, young women
What is Type II Autoimmune Hepatitis?
Anti-LKM Ab, kids
What is Bullous pemphigoid?
Anti-hemidesmosome Ab, skin bullae
What is Celiac sprue?
Anti-gliaden ab, eating wheat=> steatprrhea
What is CREST syndrome?
Anti-centromere Ab
What is Dermatitis herpetiformis?
Anti-BMZ Ab, Anti-endomysial Ab, vesicles on anterior thigh
What is Dermatomyositis?
Anti-Jo-1 Ab, myositis +rash
What is DM type 1?
Anti-islet cell, anti GAD Ab, polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss
What is Drug-induced Lupus?
Anti-histone Ab, “HIPPPE” causes it
What is Gastritis Type A?
Anti-parietal cell Ab, atrophic gastritis, adeno CA
What is Goodpasture’s?
Anti-GBM Ab, attacks lung and kidney, RPGN
What is Grave’s disease?
Anti-TSHr Ab, hyperthyroid, bug eyes, pretibial myxedema
What is Guillain-Barre?
Anti-ganglioside Ab, ascending paralysis, 2 weeks after URI
What is Hashimotos?
Anti microsomal Ab=TPO, hypothyroid
What is ITP?
Anti platelet Ab, Anti -GP2b3a Ab, thrombocytopenia
What is Mixed CT disease?
Anti RNP Ab
What is Mononucleosis?
Heterophile Ab, teenager w/sore throat
What is MPGN type II?
Anti C3 convertase Ab= C3 nephritic factor
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Anti-myelin Ab, middle age female w/vision problems
What is Myasthenia Gravis?
Anti-AChr Ab, female w/ ptosis, weaker as day goes by
What is Paroxysmal hemolysis?
Donath Landsteiner Ab, bleeds when cold
What is Pemphigus vulgaris?
Anti-desmosome Ab, skin sloughs off when touched
What is Pernicious anemia?
Anti-IF Ab, Vit B12 deficiency=> megaloblastic anemia
What is Polyarteritis Nodosa?
p-ANCA Ab, attacks gut and kidney, Hep B
What is Post-Strep GN?
ASO Ab, nephritic w/complement deposition
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid factor, pain worse in the morning
What is Scleroderma?
Anti-Scl70= anti-TopoI, fibrosis, tight skin
What is Sjogrens?
Anti-SSA Ab, dry “sand in” eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
What is SLE?
Anti-ds DNA/Sm/Cardiolipin, rash, photosensitivity, oral ulcers, RF
What is SLE cerebritis?
Anti-neuronal Ab, Anti-ribosomal Ab
What is Vitiligo?
Anti-melanocyte Ab, white patches
What is warm hemolysis?
Anti-Rh Ab, bleeds at body temperature
What is Wegener’s?
c-ANCA Ab, attacks ENT, lungs, kidney
What is HSP?
IgA disease weeks after common cold => Berger’s
What is Berger’s?
IgA disease 2 weeks after vaccination => Serum sickness
What is Alport’s?
IgA disease 2 weeks after diarrhea => HSP (Henoch Schonlein Purpura), Polio