Pediatric Orthopedics Flashcards
Head leans to one side, chin rotates to the other side ear to the ground, eyes to the sky
Tx for congenital torticollis
stretching of SCM. rarely needs surgical release
Talus plantar flexed. Heel cord tight. Fore foot adducted/supinated
clubfoot (Talipes equinovarus)
Tx for clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) that involves casting and percutaneous heel cord lengthening
Ponseti method
Loss of normal femoral head-acetabular relationship/stability. Caused by ligamentous laxity, hormonal and familial factors
Breech position and congenital deformities
congenital hip dysplasia
Test where hip is reduced but can be dislocated
Test where hip is dislocated but can be reduced
Conservative Tx of congenital hip dysplasia
If hip can be reduced, harness or pillow first 6 months of age. If hip will not stay in, reduce under anesthesia, hold with spica cast.
Orthopedic hip emergency
septic arthritis of hip
most common organism to cause septic arthritis of hip
s. aureus
Sx include: fever, acutely ill. hip flexed and externally rotated pain with attempted motion
septic arthritis of the hip
When does normal arch develop in foot?
age 4
age that genu varum (bow legs) corrects
age 4
damage to epiphysis that may need bracing or surgery and causes bow legs
blount’s disease
at what age would you need surgery for marked genu valgum (knock knees) if it hasn’t corrected
age 11
radial head subluxation caused by sudden pull on extended, pronated arm. painful elbow held flexed/pronated. will not allow supination
nursemaid’s elbow
tx for nursemaid’s elbow
Gently flex, supinate and press on radial head to reduce
Most common pediatric fracture
Heel pain associated with overuse. Late childhood. Diagnosed with squeeze test
tx for calcaneal epophysitis
rest, heel pad, achilles’ stretching
Loss of blood supply to femoral head. Head can collapse and subluxate. Eventually revascularizes but may not occur until fixed deformity present
Perthes disease
Males 6-8 yrs. Variable hip/knee sx (limp). Limited internal rotation and adduction of the hip
Perthes Disease
Most common cause of hip (groin) pain in adolescents
Metaphysis slides superior and head stays in socket. Most patients above 95th percentile for weight
surgical (pinning in situ)
Iliotibial band slipping over the great trochanter.
snapping hip
Tx for snapping hip
lateral hip stretching
Location of overuse injuries in kids vs adults
Adults – musculo-tendinous junction. Children – bone tendon junction
Most common overuse injury in kids
Sx include: sore kneecap, anterior discomfort, pain with stairs, can’t sit with bent knee
Inflammation where patellar tendon inserts on tibia. Leaves a lump – prominent, tender tibial tubercule. Xray may show apophysitis
Osgood Schlatter’s
Tendinitis where patellar tendon originates. Anterior knee pain worse with jumping
jumper’s knee
Tender lateral femoral epicondyle at 20-30 degrees of flexion. IT band tender, posterior edge. Mal-alignment internal rotation
ilio-tibial band tendinitis
Tx for ilio-tibial band tendinitis
rest, cortisone injections, surgery- partial release, debride bursa
Externally rotating on bent knee. pop and giving way. Reduce with extension
patellar dislocation
Medial tibial stress syndrome. Inflammation of tibial periosteum from repetitive muscle contraction. Tender along posterior medial border
Shin splints
What can shin splints lead to?
exertional compartment syndrome
Cause of most ankle injuries
inversion- anterior talo-fibular ligament
What finding on PE when examing a potential ankle sprain needs an xray?
posterior lateral malleolus tenderness
Stress fracture of pars. Repetitive hyperextension of back. Progressive low back pain with activity
osteochondrosis of the spine ring. apophyses do not develop normally resulting in wedged vertebra. usually seen in boys. sharper, more rigid curve
Scheuermann’s disease
Fracture of 4th or 5th metacarpal neck. Treated with splint unless angulated more than 15 degrees
boxer’s fracture
Presentation includes: athlete with sudden pain above groin, may have had some aching
avulsion of iliac apophysis