Infectious Disease II Flashcards
Temperature that defines fever in kids
> 100.4
Leading pathogen responsible for bacterial URI and most common cause of meningitis in the US
S. pneumoniae
Leading pathogen responsible for UTIs
E. coli
What patient popns should receive a UA for non toxic appearing fever of unknown origin?
males < 6 months and uncircumcised males < 12 mos.
females < 24 months
When should a CXR be ordered for toxic appearing fever of unknown origin?
WBC count > 20,000 ul, tachypnea, retractions, O2 <95%
Initial abx treatment for fever of unknown origin in kids who appear toxic
ceftriaxone, cefotaxime or ampicillin/ sulbactam
3rd Gen Cephalosporin with broad spectrum, gram-negative activity
ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
For septicemia. Useful in pediatric infections as an alternative to ceftriaxone in infants in the first month or two of life
Cefotaxime (Claforan)
Abx that covers skin, enteric flora and anaerobes.
Ampicillin/ sulbactam (Unasyn)
Acute highly contagious gram positive bacterial infection of the superficial layers of the epidermis. Usually hot, humid climates
The most common skin infection in children
nonbullous impetigo
Pathogens responsible for nonbullous impetigo
s. aureus and group A beta hemolytic strep
Pathogens responsible for bullous impetigo
s. aureus
Topical abx treatment for impetigo
Mupirocin (Bactroban)
Oral abx treatment for impetigo
Septra DS (unless strep is suspected). Clindamycin
Benign viral infection. Single or multiple, rounded dome-shaped, pink, waxy papules, with central umbilication
Molluscum Contagiosum
Ectoparasites that live on the body and feed on human blood after piercing the skin
Pediculosis capitus: head lice
Pediculosis corporis: body lice
Most common symptom of pediculosis
Medication for pediculosis
Permethrin (Nix) cream, malathion, ivermectin for tx failures
Most common pediatric infection
Sx include: fever, FTT, vomiting, flank pain, frequency/urgency/dysuria, suprapubic tenderness
What do the following have in common: toxic/septic, urinary obstruction, infants younger than 2 months w/febrile UTI, all infants younger than 1 month with suspected UTI?
criteria for hospitalization of UTI
Sx include: fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, cool extremities, lethargy/mental status changes
More ominous sign than fever with sepsis
Common abx for older children with sepsis
3rd generation cephalosporins + vanco. Add clindamycin if s.aureus or GABHS
Classic triad of bacterial meningitis
fever, HA, neck stiffness
Sx include: exanthemas, sx of pericarditis/myocarditis, bulging fontanelle, preceding myalgias, fatigue, anorexia
viral meningitis
What abx should be added to sepsis treatment for children older than 8 weeks if s. aureus or GABHS suspected?
Common first sx of syphillis
sore that forms on the genitals or mouth
Screening/testing for syphilis
May be no symptoms. Found on routine screening. Sx include burning with urination and abnormal discharge. If not treated in women, it can cause infertility
Tx for chlamydia in kids
Zithromax 1000mg po once
Sx include: Dysuria, discharge, Painful or swollen testicles, Vaginal bleeding between periods, Anal itching, Painful BM’s
treatment for gonorrhea
Rocephin 250mg IM + Zithromax 1000mg po
Pathogen responsible for chancroid
Haemophilus ducreyi
small papule in genitals which then becomes a painful ulcer with sharply defined borders and a base that bleeds easily