Pathophysiology: Ch 4. Cellular Environment Flashcards
a condition in which blood pH is lower than 7.35
Active Transport
Movement of particles across the membranes requiring energy for the movement from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland that acts on the kidney to increase resorption of sodium into the blood and elimination of potassium in the urine
a condition in which the blood pH is greater than 7.45
Angiotensin II
the chemical responsible for stimulation sodium resorption by the kidneys, decreasing blood flow to the kidneys and decreasing the glomerular filtration rate
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone
a hormone involved in the water balance of the body
an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Receptors found in the carotid sinus and aortic arch that senses changes in the pt’s blood pressure
Molecules that modulate changes in pH to keep it in the physiologic range
Cellular Environment
The distribution of cells, molecules, and fluids throughout the body
accumulation of excess fluid in interstitial space
Extracellular Fluid
Fluid found outside of the cells but within the body
an increased serum calcium level
an elevated blood serum potassium level
a blood serum sodium level greater than 148 mEq/L and a serum osmolarity greater than 295 m0sm/kg
an elevated blood serum phosphate level
Hypertonic Solution
a solution with an osmolarity greater than the intracellular fluid
a decreased serum calcium level
a decreased serum potassium level
a decreased serum magnesium level
a blood serum sodium level that os below 135 mEq/L and a serum osmolarity that is less than 280 m0sm/kg
a decreased blood serum phosphate level
Hypotonic Solution
referes to the extracellular space; a solution with an osmolarity lower than the intracellular fluid
Interstitial Fluid
the fluid found between the cells
Intracellular Fluid
the fluid found within the cells of the body
Intravascular Fluid
the fluid found within the blood vessels
Isotonic Solution
a solution