Pathophysiology: Ch. 1 Paramedic Patho Flashcards
Autocrine Hormone
a hormone that acts on the cell that secretes it
Cell Signaling
the process by which cells communicate with one another
Counter-Regularoty Systems
Systems that consist of an opposing function for every function
Dynamic Steady State
Another term or description for homeostatis
Endocrine Hormone
Hormones that are carried to their target or cell group in the bloodstream
Exocrine Hormones
Hormones that are secreted through ducts into an organ or onto epithelial surfaces
Feedback Inhibition
Negative feedback resulting in the decrease of an action in the body
a term derived from the Greek word for “same” and “steady”. All organisms constantly adjust their physiological processes in an effort to maintain and internal balance
Any molecule that binds a receptor leading to a reaction.
Negative Feedback
the concept that once the desired effect of a process has been achieved, further action is inhibited until it is needed again
Proteins that transmit signals between cells of the nervous system
Normal Regulatory Systems
all normal body processes
Paracrine Hormones
Hormones that diffuse through intracellular spaces to their target
The study of how normal physiological processes are altered by disease
Positive Feedback
a signal within a feedback look that causes an action within that loop to increase
What are the five primary mechanism that helps the body eliminate excess temperature or heat?
They are convection, conduction, radiation,respiration and evaporation?
What are the two types of ligand?
Endogenous - produced by the body
Exogenous - given as a drug
What are the five primary mechanism that helps the body eliminate excess temperature or heat?
They are convection, conduction, radiation,respiration and evaporation?
What are the two types of ligand?
Endogenous - produced by the body
Exogenous - given as a drug