Cardiac Rhythms Flashcards
Normal sinus rhythm
60-100 bpm Regular Originates in the SA node P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS PR interval .12-.20 seconds QRS complex
Sinus bradycardia
Rate less than 60 Regular P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS PR interval .12-.20 seconds QRS complex
Sinus tachycardia
Rate greater than 100 Regular P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS PR interval .12-.20 seconds QRS complex
Sinus arrhythmia
Regularly Irregular
P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS
PR interval .12-.20 seconds
QRS complex
Sinus arrest/pause
Regular with an event SA doesn't fire P wave lands in different spot P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS PR interval .12-.20 seconds QRS complex
Sinus block
Regular with an event SA is blocked P wave lands in same spot P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS PR interval .12-.20 seconds QRS complex
Premature atrial contraction
Regular with an event
P waves normal, upright, identical, and one per QRS
PR interval .12-.20 seconds
QRS complex
Supraventricular tachycardia
Rate: 140-250 (220-age)
AVNRT (most common) and AVRT
Paroxysmal SVT
SVT that starts/stops suddenly
Regular with varying rates
Atrial flutter
Regular with ratio (most commonly 2:1)
Common rate: atrial- 300 ventricular- 150
F waves
QRS complex
Atrial Fibrillation
Irregular irregular AV only lets some impulses through Varying rates No visible P waves f waves- may be hard to see QRS
Junctional rhythms
Junctional (escape): 40-60
Accelerated: 60-100
Tachycardic: 100-140
No P waves/Inverted P waves just before or after QRS
Ectopic atrial rhythm
P waves identical
P waves present upright or inverted
100 bpm
Wandering atrial pacemaker
Irregular irregular
3 or more different P waves
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Irregular irregular
3 or more different P waves
100-150 bpm (max 250)
Premature junctional contraction
Regular with an event
Absent/Inverted P wave
Short PR interval
Regular Absent P waves Wide QRS Rate: 20-40 Accelerated: 40-100
Ventricular tachycardia
Monomorphic= Identical waves Polymorphic= Multiple different waves Rate >100 Regular Wide QRS
Torsade de Pointes
Form of polymorphic vtach that occurs in pts with prolonged QT intervals
Rate: 150-300 bpm
Ventricular fibrillation
Rapid, completely disorganized, and no pattern
Irregular irregular
Fine and coarse
Premature ventricular contraction
Regular with an event
Wide, bizarre contraction
1st degree heart block
Prolonged PR interval (>0.20)
Identical PR intervals
Present P waves for every QRS
2nd degree heart block (Mobitz 1 or Wenckeback):
PR interval progressively lengthens until a P wave is blocked (dropped beat)
Shortest PR interval is the one right after dropped beat
P-P remains consistent
2nd degree heart block (Mobitz 2):
PR interval remains consistent (normal or prolonged) Dropped beats (usually more in a row)
3rd degree heart block (complete
P-P remains the same
R-R remains the same
Atrial rate is different than ventricular rate
(ie no communication between the R and QRS)