Pathophysiology: Ch. 2 Cells and Tissues Flashcards
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
The major energy carrier molecule in the cell that is composed of ribose sugar, adenine, and three phosphate groups
Adipose Tissue
a connective tissue containing large amount of lipids
a decrease in cell size leading to a decrease in the size of tissue and organ
part of the neuron that conducts the impulses away from the cell body
Cardiac Muslce
Striated involuntary muscle of the heart that contracts and generates impulses
Cell Membrane
the membrane surrounding the cell that is made up of fat and proteins, which separates it from the other cells
Long threadlike fibers in the nucleus of the cell that contain DNA and proteins
Connective Tissue
Tissue that serves to bind various tissue types together
a combination of fluid and organelles that comprises the contents of a cell exclusive of the nucleus
Part of the neuron that receives impulses from the axon and contains vesicles for release of neurotransmitters
Specialization if a stem cell into a mature cell with specialized features and function
an alteration in the size and shape of cells as in a tumor
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cell organelles in which lipids and specific proteins are manufactured
Endothelial cells
Specific types of epithelial cells that serve the fucntion of lining the blood vessels
Type of tissues that covers all external surfaces of the body
Golgi Complex
Organelle characterized by a set of membranes, found within the cytoplasm, that are associated with the formation of carbs and complex proteins
an increase in the actual number of cells, often due to hormonal stimulation
an increase in the size of the cells leading to an increase in tissue and organ size
Membrance-bound vesicles containing enzymes that act as part of the cell’s digestive system
a cellular adaption in which one cell changes to another type of cell
the metabolic center or powerhouse of the cell. They are small and rod shape organelles
Muscle Tissue
Specialized tissue designed to contract
Nerve Tissue
the tissue responsible for transmitting impulses throughout the body. Nerve tissue is found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
an inflammation of the nerves
a disease of the nerves that often causes abnormal sensations. Often found in advanced stages of diabetes
Non striated
a type of muscle tissue that is moth and does not have visible bands
Nuclear Envelope
the membrane surrounding the nucleus of a cell
Structures in the nuclei of a cell that exist temporarily during interphase. Regions of DNA that are active in the production of RNA are also referred to as nucleoli
a cellular organelle that contains the genetic information. The nucleus controls the function and structure of a cell
a series of various types of tissue types working together to accomplish a common fucntion
Internal cellular structures that carry out specific functions for the cell
Organ Systems
Several organs working together for a common purpose
Peripheral Nerves
all of the nerves of the body extending from the brain and spinal cord
Ribonucleic Acid RNA
Nucleic acid associated with controlling cellular activites
Organelles that contain RNA and proteins
Skeletal Muscle
Striated voluntary muscle found in the body
Smooth Muscle
Nonstriated involuntary muscle that is responsible for constriction and dilation of the pupils as well as lining the glands, digestive organs, lower airway, and vessels
Another name for skeletal muscle tissue, containing bands of fibers that can be seen under a microscope.
Group of cells working together for a common function such as the epithelial tissue to cover the outermost surfaces of the body