Pathology of the upper GI tract Flashcards
What is the definition of upper GI tract pathologies?
Diseases of the upper GI tract which cause upper abdominal or retrosternal discomfort or pain or “indigestion”
What are the 3 structures located in the upper GI tract?
oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
What causes oesophageal reflux?
gastric acid refux into the oesophagus
What is a common cause of oesophageal reflux?
hiatus hernia
What happens to the epithelium in oesophageal reflux?
the non keratinising stratified squamous epithelium is thickened
How is the effects of oesophageal reflux repaired and what are the consequences of this?
fibrosis (scar tissue)
obstruct the oesophagus and can impair motility
What is barrett’s oesophagus?
The changing of epithelium in the oesophagus to a premalignant simple columnar glandular epithelium
What are the 2 types of oesophageal cancer and which is barrett’s oesophagus linked to?
squamous carcinoma
adenocarcinoma - BO
What is oesophageal cancer linked to?
diet and environment and is on the rise
What are the risk factors for oesophageal squamous carcinoma?
smoking, diet, alcohol
What is adenocarcinoma of oesophagus risk factors?
barrett’s oesophagus and obesity
Why is obesity a risk factor for oesophageal adenocarcinoma?
pro inflammatory environment
can cause hiatus hernia
What is the prognosis for oesophageal cancer?
very poor
less than 15% 5YS
What are the local effects of oesophageal cancer and also their effects?
obstruction - decreased nutrition as hard to eat
ulceration - blood loss as vessels exposed
perforation - causes abscess
What are the 3 possible means of oesophageal cancer spread?
blood - liver