Pathology of Renal Neoplasms Flashcards
What is the most common site of renal cell carcinoma spread? How is it identified on imaging?
Lungs - identified by “cannonball” lesions on chext x-ray
What is the microscopic appearance of Wilms tumor?
Triphasic pattern - blastemal, stromal, and epithelial cells
What is the classic triad of symptoms associated with renal cell carcinoma?
Hematuria, flank pain, abdominal mass
This benign renal neoplasm is well-circumscribed, pale yellow, and presents in the cortex with cuboidal cells.
Renal papillary adenoma
Most renal cell carcinoma arises in the cortex. This type of renal cell carcinoma specifically arises in the medulla.
Collecting duct type renal cell carcinoma
What is the gross appearance of renal cell carcinoma?
Well-circumscribed, yellow color, cystic and solid areas with focal hemorrhage
This renal carcinoma is highly associated with tuberous sclerosis.
This genetic condition is caused by a deletion of WT-1 on chromosome 11 and includes Wilms tumor as a symptom.
WAGR Syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genial anomalies, mental retardation)
What is the most common type of renal cell carcinoma?
Clear cell type
What is the gross appearance of oncocytoma?
Solid, mahogany brown with a central stellate scar
Renal cell carcinoma has a propensity to invade the renal vein. This is a rare complication due to invasion of the left renal vein, blocking the spermatic vein.
Varicocele - this does not happen on the right as the R spermatic vein drains directly into the IVC
This renal cancer has abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and numerous mitochondria on EM.
From where does renal cell carcinoma arise?
Proximal tubule cells
What genetic mutation is most associated with clear type renal cell carcinoma?
Mutation of VHL gene on chromosome 3 (von Huppel-Lindau disease)
Transitional cell carcinoma is most associated with what risk factor?
NSAID abuse
This type of renal cell carcinoma has psammoma bodies and is positive for keratin 7.
Papillary type renal cell carcinoma
This disease is caused by a mutation of a tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 3 that increases the risk of renal cell carcinoma.
Von Huppel-Lindau disease
From what cells does renal papillary adenoma arise?
Rental tubular epithelium
What genetic conditions/mutations are associated with papillary type renal cell carcinoma?
Trisomies 7, 16, & 17
Loss of Y in males
Mutation of MET gene on chromosome 7
This is a rare type of renal cell carcinoma that presents with a halo surrounding the nucleus on histology.
Chromophobe cell renal cell carcinoma
What symptoms are characteristic of Denys-Drash Syndrome?
Gonadal dysgenesis, mesangial sclerosis, gondaoblasomas, Wilms tumor
This type of renal cell carcinoma has cells with polygonal shape and abundant cytoplasm with glycogen and lipids.
Clear cell type renal cell carcinoma
What is the most common renal tumor in childhood?
Wilms tumor