Pathology Flashcards
Abdominal pain and tenderness in the right iliac fossa
Abdominal pain, blue gum line and constipation
Lead poisoning
Abdominal pain following an alcoholic binge
Abdominal pain in right iliac fossa and diarrhea
Crohn’s Disease
Abdominal in left iliac fossa, blood in stool, young female
Ulcerative colitis
Abdominal pain in left iliac fossa, blood in stool, older male
Abdominal pain, splenomegaly in a black child
Sickle Cell disease
Adrenal hemorrhage and shock
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Amenorrhea, no lactation after postpartum hemorrhage
Sheehan’s syndrome
Arachnodactyl, lens dislocation, hypermobile joints
Marfans disease
Argyll-Robertson pupil, aortic aneurysm and angina pectoris
Tertiary syphilis
Ataxia, heart problems and scoliosis
Friedreich’s disease
Beefy-red tongue and fatigue
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum
Bilateral ptosis, diplopia and difficulty in chewing in female
Myasthenia gravis
Bitot’s spots in the eye
Vitamin A deficiency
Bladder or bowel control problem
Cauda Equina syndrome
Bleeding swollen gums
Blue lips, swollen ankles and dyspnea
Chronic bronchitis
Blue sclera and frequent fractures in an infant
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Bone pain, head enlargement and deafness
Paget’s disease of bone
Bronze skin, cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus
Buffalo hump, obesity, and purplish abdominal striae
Cushing’s syndrome
Buboes in the groin, sign of the groove
Lymphogranuloma venerum
Bull’s eye rash
Lyme disease
Butterfly rash and multiple painful joints in young female
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cafe-au-lait spots and skin nodules
Calf pseudohypertrophy ad positive Gower’s sign
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
Cape-like distribution of loss of pain
Caput medusa
Cirrhosis with portal hypertension
Carditis, chorea, polyarthritis and subcutaneous nodules
Rheumatic fever
Casal’s necklace
Cat scratch, fever and local lymphadenitis
Cat scratch disease
Cauliflower-like lesions on the hands or genitalia
Human Papilloma viral infection
Cherry-red spot on the macula
Tay-Sachs disease
Cherry-red skin and headaches
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Chest pain worse on lying down and better on sitting forward
Chest pain worse with exertion, better with rest
Angina pectoris
Chest pain with sweating and feeling of apprehension
Myocardial infarction
Chills, fever, vomiting and costovertebral angle tenderness
Chorea and dementia
Huntington’s disease
Chronic non-healing ulcer on ear or nose
Basal cell carcinoma
Cirrhosis and Kayser-Fleisher rings
Wilson’s disease
Clubbing and cyanosis in an infant with heart murmur
Fallot’s tetralogy
Condylomata accuminata
Human papilloma virus infection
Condylomata lata
Secondary syphilis
Coryza, conjunctivitis and “C” oplick spots
Deep labored breathing with acetone smell on breath
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia
Dry eyes, dry mouth and arthritis
Sjögren’s syndrome
Dysphagia, glossitis and iron deficiency anemia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Dyspepsia worse with eating food
Gastric type of peptic ulcer disease
Elastic skin with hypermobile joints
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Enlarged nerves and anesthetic hypopigmented rashes
Fair, fat, fertile female over 40 with abdominal pain
Fever, cough, chest pain in a parrot breeder
Bird fancier’s disease
This necrosis is seen in infarctions in the heart and is due to protein denaturation?
Coagulative necrosis
This necrosis is seen in infarctions in the brain?
Liquefactive necrosis
This necrosis is seen in tuberculosis.
Caseous necrosis
This necrosis is seen in acute pancreatitis.
Enzymatic necrosis
This necrosis is seen in liver damage and injury to fatty tissue?
Fatty necrosis
This type of degeneration shows waxy hyaline as seen in skeletal muscle damage?
Zenker’s degeneration
This type of degeneration is the dying back of the nerve axons after injury to the nerves?
Wallerian degeneration
A congenital right to left shunt in the heart causes?
Cyanotic Heart Disease
A congenital left to right shunt in the heart causes?
Acyanotic Heart Disease as in VSD, ASD, and PDA
What is the most commonly blocked artery causing myocardial infarction?
Left Anterior Descending artery
Right heart failure due to COPD or pulmonary embolism is termed?
Cor pulmonale
What does CREST syndrome stand for?
Calcinosis cutis Raynaud's phenomenon Esophageal dysfunction Scleroderma Telangiectasia
What is the most common adrenal medulla tumor in children?
What is known as the 10% tumor?
Pheochromocytoma (adrenal medulla tumor)
This is secreted during the first half of the cycle to stimulate egg development
This is secreted from the pituitary mid cycle to cause ovulation
This is responsible for proliferation during the first half of the cycle and increases pregnancy
This is responsible for secretion during the second half of the cycle, secreted by the corpus leuteum and increases pregnancy
S/S: ectopic endometrium, painful menstruation, can lead to infertility
This is an infection of fallopian tubes, under 35 y/o, IUD increases risk, ectopic pregnancy
This is improper implantation of an egg, rupture could cause sterilization and/or death
ectopic pregnancy
Instead of a fetus, a disorganized, benign mass develops and is termed what?
Hydatidiform mole
Instead of a fetus a cancerous mass develops and is termed what
An increase in GH in a child can lead to what?
An increase in GH in an adult can lead to what?
A decrease in GH can lead to what?
AKA for hyperthyroidism
S/S: weight loss, insomnia, tachycardia, goiter, nervousness and hypertension
aka for hypoadrenalism
aka for hyperadrenalism
S/S: moon face, hirsutism, purple striae, weight gain, hypertension, buffalo hump
S/S: bronze skin, hypotension