Patho Study Guide Flashcards
Problem with inflamed airways. Causes edema, increased mucus production, and difficulty exhaling.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
g.) Chronic Bronchitis
Problem with:
- Problem with inflamed airways
- Edema & mucus production
- airway obstruction (especially during exhalation)
- Mucus production problem
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Blue boater
- Hypoxic
- Hypercapnea
- Smoker’s cough
- Wheezing
- Crackling
- Bloated
- Edema r/t right HF (secondary to pulmonary problem)
S/S include dilated lungs, use of accessory muscles for breathing, often thin because of no appetite, barrel chest, dyspnea, and orthopnea.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
f.) Emphysema
Problem with:
- Problem with alveolar walls
- enlarged air spaces
- Decreases lung elasticity recoil
- Air trapping
- Difficulty exhaling
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Pink puffer
- Dilated lungs
- Use of accessory muscles for breathing
- Often thin because of no appetite
- Barrel chest
- Dyspnea
- Orhopnea
Blue boater.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
g.) Chronic Bronchitis
Problem with:
- Problem with inflamed airways
- Edema & mucus production
- airway obstruction (especially during exhalation)
- Mucus production problem
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Blue boater
- Hypoxic
- Hypercapnea
- Smoker’s cough
- Wheezing
- Crackling
- Bloated
- Edema r/t right HF (secondary to pulmonary problem)
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
f.) Emphysema
Problem with:
- Problem with alveolar walls
- enlarged air spaces
- Decreases lung elasticity recoil
- Air trapping
- Difficulty exhaling
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Pink puffer
- Dilated lungs
- Use of accessory muscles for breathing
- Often thin because of no appetite
- Barrel chest
- Dyspnea
- Orhopnea
Problem with inflammation in the lungs caused by: a pathogen or by inhalation, irritating gases, filling of alveoli with exudate, and increased mucus production.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
c.) Pneumonia
Problem with:
- inflammation in the lungs caused by pathogen or by inhalation.
- irritating gases.
- filling of alveoli with exudate.
- increased mucous production
P/C Factors:
- impaired immunity & respiratory defenses.
- Smoking
- inhaling gases
- exposure to viruses or bacteria
- Crackling
- increased sputum
- increased fever
- increased WBC
- increased mucous production
- DECREASED O2 saturation
- chest pain
S/S include tracheal deviation in the direction of the collapsed lung and chest assymetry.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
b.) Pneumothorax
Problem with:
- Atelectasis (collapsed lung)
- Problem with lung tissue (for some reason)
P/C Factors:
- Trauma
- Rupture of bleb (air bubble)
- Bone fracture near lung
- Tracheal deviation
- will deviate in the direction of collapsed lung
- No lung sounds on collapsed side
- Chest assymetry
Problem with perfusion and blood flow caused by either a clot in the lungs and/or a clot in pulmonary circulation.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
h.) Pulmonary Embolism
Problem with:
- Problem with perfusion
- Blood flow
- Clot in lungs
- Clot in pulmonary circulation
P/C Factors:
- DVTs
- BM fracture
- Ruptured membrane during childbirth for mother
- Shortness of breath
- Productive cough
- Tachycardia
- Pulmonary edema
- BM fracture has to be a certain size to be a problem
S/S include hypoxia, hypercapnea, smoker’s cough, wheezing, crackling, bloated appearance, and edema r/t right heart failure.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
g.) Chronic Bronchitis
Problem with:
- Problem with inflamed airways
- Edema & mucus production
- airway obstruction (especially during exhalation)
- Mucus production problem
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Blue boater
- Hypoxic
- Hypercapnea
- Smoker’s cough
- Wheezing
- Crackling
- Bloated
- Edema r/t right HF (secondary to pulmonary problem)
P/C factors include DVTs, BM fracture, or having a ruptured membrane from childbirth.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
h.) Pulmonary Embolism
Problem with:
- Problem with perfusion
- Blood flow
- Clot in lungs
- Clot in pulmonary circulation
P/C Factors:
- DVTs
- BM fracture
- Ruptured membrane during childbirth for mother
- Shortness of breath
- Productive cough
- Tachycardia
- Pulmonary edema
- BM fracture has to be a certain size to be a problem
P/C factors include trauma, rupture of blebs, and/or a bone fracture near the lung.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
b.) Pneumothorax
Problem with:
- Atelectasis (collapsed lung)
- Problem with lung tissue (for some reason)
P/C Factors:
- Trauma
- Rupture of bleb (air bubble)
- Bone fracture near lung
- Tracheal deviation
- will deviate in the direction of collapsed lung
- No lung sounds on collapsed side
- Chest assymetry
Problem with inflamed pleura.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
a.) Pleuritis
Problem with → inflamed pleura
P/C Factors:
- infection (lung)
- Pain when moving pleura (i.e., coughing and breathing).
- Friction rub sound
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
d. ) Tuberculosis
infection: skin test = +, s/s = absent
Problem with:
- infection w/ AFB
- strictly aerobic, but has to have air from tubercle
- organism makes a home and spreads
P/C Factors:
- Travel outside of U.S.
- exposure to bures M. tuberculosis
- Night sweats
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Non-productive Cough
- Chronic
- increased WBCs
- Weight loss
- No s/s during latent phase
Problem is an allergic reaction and airway constriction.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
e.) Asthma
2nd attack occurs much easier after 4-8 hours of 1st exposure
Problem with:
- Allergic reaction
- Airway constriction
P/C Factors:
- Genetic + Trigger
- Harder to exhale
- Wheezing
- Mucous cough
S/S include crackling, increased sputum, increased fever, increased WBC, increased mucus production, decreased O2 saturation, and chest pain.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
c.) Pneumonia
Problem with:
- inflammation in the lungs caused by pathogen or by inhalation.
- irritating gases.
- filling of alveoli with exudate.
- increased mucous production
P/C Factors:
- impaired immunity & respiratory defenses.
- Smoking
- inhaling gases
- exposure to viruses or bacteria
- Crackling
- increased sputum
- increased fever
- increased WBC
- increased mucous production
- DECREASED O2 saturation
- chest pain
Needs both a genetic predisposition and exposure to a trigger.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
e.) Asthma
2nd attack occurs much easier after 4-8 hours of 1st exposure
Problem with:
- Allergic reaction
- Airway constriction
P/C Factors:
- Genetic + Trigger
- Harder to exhale
- Wheezing
- Mucous cough
P/C factor is a lung infection.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
a.) Pleuritis
Problem with → inflamed pleura
P/C Factors:
- infection (lung)
- Pain when moving pleura (i.e., coughing and breathing).
- Friction rub sound
S/S include pain when coughing and breathing and friction rub sound.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
a.) Pleuritis
Problem with → inflamed pleura
P/C Factors:
- infection (lung)
- Pain when moving pleura (i.e., coughing and breathing).
- Friction rub sound
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
d. ) Tuberculosis
infection: skin test = +, s/s = absent
Problem with:
- infection w/ AFB
- strictly aerobic, but has to have air from tubercle
- organism makes a home and spreads
P/C Factors:
- Travel outside of U.S.
- exposure to bures M. tuberculosis
- Night sweats
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Non-productive Cough
- Chronic
- increased WBCs
- Weight loss
- No s/s during latent phase
Problem with atelectasis.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
b.) Pneumothorax
Problem with:
- Atelectasis (collapsed lung)
- Problem with lung tissue (for some reason)
P/C Factors:
- Trauma
- Rupture of bleb (air bubble)
- Bone fracture near lung
- Tracheal deviation
- will deviate in the direction of collapsed lung
- No lung sounds on collapsed side
- Chest assymetry
Pink puffer.
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
f.) Emphysema
Problem with:
- Problem with alveolar walls
- enlarged air spaces
- Decreases lung elasticity recoil
- Air trapping
- Difficulty exhaling
P/C Factors:
- Smoking
- Environment
- Toxins
- Decreased a-antitrypsin
- Pink puffer
- Dilated lungs
- Use of accessory muscles for breathing
- Often thin because of no appetite
- Barrel chest
- Dyspnea
- Orhopnea
a. ) Pleuritis b.) Pneumothorax
c. ) Pneumonia d.) Tuberculosis
e. ) Asthma f.) Emphysema
g. ) Chronic Bronchitis h.) Pulmonary Embolism
d. ) Tuberculosis
infection: skin test = +, s/s = absent
Problem with:
- infection w/ AFB
- strictly aerobic, but has to have air from tubercle
- organism makes a home and spreads
P/C Factors:
- Travel outside of U.S.
- exposure to bures M. tuberculosis
- Night sweats
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Non-productive Cough
- Chronic
- increased WBCs
- Weight loss
- No s/s during latent phase