Pastoral Ministry and Personal Relationships Flashcards
Give a Scriptural definition of shepherding.
A shepherd cares for his flock. But the flock is not his wn. The flock belongs to his master. Hes is entrusted to care for the flock on behalf of his master. He is expected to do whatever is necessary to keep the flock pretected, healthy and growing. Likewise, the pastor as shephed is entrustd by God to care for his flock - to do whatever is necessary to keep the flock healthy and growing.
1. Feed my lambs- teach those who are young in faith
2. Take care of my sheep- Protect, guide, and care for the needs of the whole flock.
3. Feed my sheep- teach those who are mature in their faith.
What is the relationship between the pastor and the governance authority of the local church?
As a licensed worker in the Eastern PA District, I am under the authority of that District and choose to submit to it’s leadership
How would you deal with a conflict between you and a member of the governance authority?
Directly. If it can’t be resolved between the two of us, I would ask a mediator to help walk us through the conflict. If still unresolved, I would ask the District Superintendent to help us resolve the issue.
What is your attitude about your personal convictions that may conflict with the church you serve?
Do nothing to disrupt the unity of the church but be willing to discuss differences in a healthy way.
What is the procedure in counseling or working with persons of th opposite sex?
Never alone!
How do you cope with criticism? What if it becomes personal?
I receive constructive criticism as best I can. Sometimes it’s hard to take initially, but ultimately, I seek to learn from it. I am skeptical of someone else’s motivs when it becomes personal.
How do you manage your time as it relates to business and personal?
Mainain healthy work/life/rest ratio. I have worked a part-time ministry job along with a full-time job for almost my entire adult life…I understand the importance of Sabbath, and depend on the Holy Spirit to fill me!
What does the Scripture mean when it says to avoid all appearance of evil?
Don’t flirt with sin…1 Thessalonians 5:22-“reject every kind of evil.”
I am an image bearer of God, so my integrity has to be of supreme importance I will do everything that I can to protect it.
What is your attitude about stewardship and the personal use of money.
Everything that we have is directly from God…including our finances. For that reason, my wife and I tithe and budget in way that allows us to give back to the kingdom.
What is your attitude and current status toward personal financial indebtedness?
My wife and I have a mortgage, and a purposefully neglegable amount of credit card debt. We both have retirement plans with our employers, as well as savings for both of our children.
Have you had any interactions with pornography since your accredidation interview?
Do you have any controls on the use of your personal and office computers?
Work computer-has built in controls and is monitored
Home-not really any controls other than that my wife knows all of my passwords and log-ins and can see my activity any time that she wants.
Do you have an active personal accountabiltity relationship with one or more persons? What is the nature of that relationship?
Yes-weekly phone calls with young adult who I had mentored through some addiction to pornagraphy. He is mature in the faith, and we hold each other accountable.
What is your Biblical understanding of marriage?
Mark 10: Jeus taught about marriage. “But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason, man will leave his father and be united to his wife, adn the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Ephesians 5: Paul teaches us what a marriage should look like - wives, submit yourselves to your husbands and husbands, love your wives like Jesus loves the church.
Explain your involvement in personal and corporate prayer.
Personal prayer life - active - but always desire to be more consistent.
Corporate - active in corporate prayer and in praying for others. Work…church prayer requests/response cards