Past qs 7 Flashcards
Chemical score
AA index of CP
What is Swann report?
Its for Su
How should growth promoters act?
It increases bodyweight gain and feed intake and decrease body fat content
Van Soest method cellulose
Acidifiers are
Nutrient modifiers, metabolic modifiers, gut flora modifiers
Organic matter
Inositol is necessary in
Lipophilic factor….
T-2 toxins causes
Decrease of protein synthesis, ophisthonus
Which vitamin cooperates with CoA
Pantothenic acid (B5). Synthesizes CoA
How do you calculate “q”
(ME/GE)x 100
Digestible energy by indicator method
Saprophytic bacteria. Add indicator to make and measure out in faeces
Which Vitamin is needed for Acetyl CoA synthesis?
Pantothenic acid (B5)
Patulin is found in?
Mycotoxin produced by molds ex. Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Byssochlamys
What is curled toe disease caused by?
Deficiency of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin); in chicks
Equation for Crude Protein?
Crude Protein=True Protein (85-90%) + NPN
Percentage of crude fibre of wheat bran?
Urea concentration in Cattle?
NH3 in ruminal fluid:3-5mmol/l; Max urea in feed: 20-30g/100kg; should not supply more than
1/3 of protein into TMR
What is P:E
How many grams of dietary protein are related to 1 MJ of energy
How do we express Ca and P in cattle?
CP in wheat germ?
Which fungi need more humidity?
Field fungi and yeast fungi; 20-30% water, 0.95 aw??
Where is leptin produced?
Ovaries, hypothalamus, Adipocytes (brown adipose tissue), placenta
Streptococcus bovis produces?
Lactic acid from starch/sugar
Lactidermia is caused by?
Streptococcus bovis
Hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, silica
What is UFP?
Potential of urea to be fermented in the rumen based on energy level (shows if you can give urea or not)
Maillard Reaction?
Reaction between sugars happens in “hags?” and milk replacer
In which animal can you change the state of ova when nutritional state changes
Sheep with vitamin E deficiency
How to measure CF
H2SO4 + KOH+ boil it
Turkey- perosis due to which protein deficiency
Biotin(vit H, B7/B8), niacin(B2), choline, folic acid(B9), Mn
Urea fermentation potential
S:N ratio 1:5, in which species?
beef cattle (N:S ratio: dairy cow: 10:1, sheep: 7:1, Beef 15:1)
Which biogenic amine can cause feed allergy with skin symptoms
For expressing the protein regulating of a dairy cow we use
One of the compounds doeas not inhibit refraction of fat
DL- carnitine
If we decrease fat content of carcass of slaughter animal only not good of
Animal welfare
The best anti- microbial nutraceutical is
How to measure energy metabolism?
Direct and indirect colorymetry
The essence the energetically food
TDN (g/kg DM) = digested crude protein (DCP) + 2,25+ DEE+ DCF
Or TE- E feaces= DE- (E count of urine + E count of combined gases) = ME
From 100% ME, x% will be counted to:
70-80% NEm, 60-70% NEl, 30-60% NEg
286. Energy protein count of food in different spp.
ME: Poultry
DE: Rabbit, Eq, Pig
NE: NEl: dairy cows, NEm+g: beef cattle and sheep
AMEn: used as a correction for N retention in young growing poultry
AME: is used in adult
Acid peroxidase number, what does it mean?
It is give to the fat in the food
Damage of fats: hydrolysis of FFA (acidic value) (Ox: peroxide, aldehydes, ketons
Corynebacterium glutanicum
Which factor decreases digestion of proteins
CP content of diet: min. 9-11% NH3 content of rumen fluid: min. 3-5% mmol/l Forage corn ratio Level of df: feed intake Treatment of the feed
Potato is
Bulky and concentrated
(Concentrated and not bulky: corn cereals)
Concentrated and bulky: milk, turnip, beet, potato
Unconcentrated and unbulky: non
Unconcentrated and bulky: straw, watermelon
Corrected DE is?
CDE= DEx (1-2df)
What does field fungi need
Needs substrate with a lot of H2O
With what do you measure body composition and water compartment
Urea and alcohol (dilution method)
What is the effect of plant fibres to digestion
Decreases the digestion
Why do we need zero N - —-
We need to count for adult or juvenile mm if the two would be the same