Past qs 2 Flashcards
These are feeds which are marked with the message ‘Beneficial effect on health without residue building’. Give an example:
Nutraceuticals ! Amino acids, vitamin, and mineral supplements, fish, oil, garlic, ginseng.
For this animal, its roughage requirement is at least 0.5kg/100kg BW:
Extracted oilseed meals contain approximately how much CP?
Soybean ! ~45%
Could milk be described as bulky with low DM content?
What are the possible methods for heat treatment?
Hydro-thermic (autoclaving, flaking, wet extrusion, wet expandation, toasting) Dry thermic (air, pulverization, direct drying, dry extrusion, dry expandation, micronasation, cooking via microwave, roasting)
What is the protein requirement of pig?
What is the energy protein content measurement unit in different species?
DE - Horse, Pigs, Rabbit
ME - Poultry
NE - Cattle, Sheep
What is the consequence of animal-derived feed?
BSE, MFD, Swine fever, salmonellosis, camplobacterios, listeriosis, E. coli ! Hence prohibited
for food-producing animals
What is a good pH for silage?
4 – 4.2
Continuous grazing is less effective than: A. Rotational grazing B. Strip grazing C. Both of them D. Neither of them
Both of them (A+B)
Rotational grazing. Strip grazing
Liberation of ammonia during heat processing of feeds indicates that there are:
Reactions between protein molecules
If the quality of corn silage is good, it contains this acid:
Lactic acid
Its crude fiber content is usually higher than 20% in: A. Meadow hay B. Alfalfa hay C. Both of them D. Neither of them
Both of them (A+B)
Meadow hay. Alfalfa hay
The Substitution Number (SN) of corn is 0.3. it means, that by adding 1kg DM of corn to the forage, the DM intake from the forage is:
Decreases by 0.3kg
Its Crude Protein content is between 20 and 30% on DM basis:
Green alfalfa
If the by-pass category of a feedstuff is low, it means most of its protein content:
Will be degraded in the rumen
Its protein requirement in the practice may be expressed in crude protein:
Laying duck
By increasing the lignin content of the feeds:
The feed intake decreases
For determination of the nutrients’ digestibility by a total collection method:
Registration of the feed intake and collection of the faeces are required
The approximate Dry Matter content of fresh pasture grass is:
It published feeding recommendations:
The effect of feeding protein according to the ARC (1984) and NRC (1989) recommendations
Its most important anti-nutritive factors are saponins:
Bulky feeds have:
Low Dry Matter content related to the whole volume
e.g. Roughages
To the over-heating of feeds, this amino acid is the most sensitive one:
The protein over-eating:
Causes worse nidation
They can be used as silage additives:
Which biogenic amine can cause food/feed allergy with skin syndromes?
The most significant risk of drug-induced nutrient deficiencies occurs in old dogs with:
Marginal nutrient intake and chronic disease
Green chops:
Are more digestible than hay
The slimming diet of dog and cat may contain higher level of:
Low degradable starch
L-carnithine. Vitamin A. Trivalent (Organic) Chromium
In case of congestive heart failure, one has to choose feeds of:
Low in Sodium
Forages generally have:
Higher Ca than P content
They are bulky feeds
It has high buffering capacity:
Alfalfa silage
The Protein : Energy (P:E) ratio of feedstuff means:
P:E - The amount of protein in gram related to 1 MJ of energy
The premix is a mixture of:
Vitamins and micro-elements
Peroxide number in good feedstuff:
Rapeseed contains:
Erucic acid
Humidity in:
Air dried feed -
Field fungi -
Air dried feed - 20 – 25%
Field fungi - Higher storage as in storage fungi
Unipolar absorption:
Iron, Sodium
Strepctococcus bovis:
Lactic acid
In this case, the cation – anion balance of feed can be advantageous:
Dry cow
Abortion can be caused by:
Nor phyto-oestrogens nor F2 toxin
The limiting essential amino acid in extracted soybean meal is:
Does not occur when feed is given in an unrecognizable form:
Feed inversion
What occurs is feed allergy, feed intolerance, and feed interaction
This amino acid has a characteristic role in nutrition:
α-L-optic form
Exception: Methionine
The alkali state of nutrition says: ‘The more acidic material that is produced by the body…’
‘…the more basic material must be taken via food.
The majority of protozoa are not able to digest cellulose:
They mainly digest starch and sugar.
What will happen if you give a lot of by-pass protein to the dairy cows?
Time between parturition and new AI will increase
+ more milk yield, more fat mobilization
NDF – ADF = ?
Neutral Detergent Fiber – Acid Detergent Fiber = Hemicellulose
Acid Detergent Fiber – Acid Detergent Lignin = Cellulose
What is ‘k’?
NE/ME * 100