Past qs 11 Flashcards
Which one is a biogenic amine
Ammonia is caused by reaction between?
Proteins in rumen (decomposition proteins)
It the feed contains a low amount of by pass protein (UDP)
Then most of the protein is degraded in rumen (RDP)
Bacteria in rumen are protected by
Which one has anti-nutritonal factors
Molasesses are a good
Energy source
Green chops characteristics is
More digestible
Roughage CF
More than 18%
Ca and P in roughage. Who’s higher?
Higher Ca than P
Full fat soya heat treatment is done by
– Soya extraction to get out trypsin
Extracted soya bean meal is reach by
Protein count of cereals?
9-5% (10-14%, rapeseed: 37%, Soybean: 45%, Fish: 65%)
0,5kg/100kg bw
Horse (rough)
Eubiosis is?
Part of main flora >90%
Thickened joint is caused by mineral..
Mn, enlarged hock joint
Rumen pH
Ca: P ratio in pasture grass
PER is
Protein efficiency ratio, weight gain by protein intake
BV of protein in feed comes from
Proportion of N that is incorporated into the body
Why is STH forbidden as a growth promoter
Long time fat mobilization
How to measure CF
H2SO4 + KOH, boil+ filter
Provide nutrients for beneficial gut flora
Aflatoxin 2 causes
Liver damage (T2 toxin-> decreases immune system)
How to calculate NPU (net protein utilization)
Net protein utilization.
NPU = BV x digestibility
How to calculate INQ
% of nutrient allowance/ % of energy allowance
Its low level can limit milk production in dairy cow
Na (also decreases taste sensation in sheep)
Inophore antib. Decrease in Ru, the building of
acetic acid
Used to decrease energy density of diets
Wheat bran
Fourfold overdose cause FMD (foot and mouth disease) like symptoms in claws
Ideal protein
Aa requirement of body tissue
what is 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol?
active vitamin D
Calculation from other parameters in
OM (organic matter)
Which vitamin shortens the tibia in guinea pig
Vitamin C
B. glucuronase
Barley in poultry
By only eating vegetables…
B12 of animal origin
Encephalomalacia is caused by
Vitamin E deficiency
Zn deficiency causes
Decreased sperm quality
What is the unit for TDN
g/kg DM Ru, (g/kg feed in monogastric)
Green forage
Green chopped ( fresh green grass or original .. brought to the animal)
Long-term regulation of the body composition
Adipose tissue (hypothalamus, CNS, GH, T4, glucagons, adipose tissue)
BV of protein calculation
Retained N/absorbed N
Edema of eyelids caused by
B6 eyelid edema
PD is
Protein digestibility method
Indicator of bacteria
Presence suppose contamination with pathogenic bacteria
What is the maximum dose of urea you can give to a cow
20-30 g/ 100kg bw
Good control in milk
Glucose tolerance factors
Cr (Ni)
Dry matter in fresh pasture grass
25% (20-30%)
Antinutrition factor of raw soybean
Trypsin, inhibitor- must be toasted