Past qs 13 Flashcards
Function to carry the long chain Fatty Acids into the mitochondria?
Contributes to mycopolysaccharide synthesis?
Pantothenic Acid
also S, Mn and Silicon
One of the deficiency syndromes is
perosis in poultry?
Biotin, Folic Acid, Mn
In lactating and pregnant rabbits, its dietary supplementation is necessary?
Vitamin K
Energy Status of dairy cows can be
improved by feeding?
Choline and B(?) + Glycerin
One of the deficiency symptoms is
Vitamin B6- in Dog // Vitamin A in Fish
One of its toxicity symptoms is exostosis on cervical vertebrae in Cats?
Vitamin A
The CS of thiamine deficiency is
similar to that of?
Mg and Cu deficiency
Supplementation of B6 is contraindicated in?
Parkinson’s Disease
Which vitamin is needed for Acetyl
CoA synthesis?
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Curled toe disease?
Deficiency of B2 – Riboflavin in chicks
Lactacidemia may be caused by?
Streptococcus bovis
The value of ME is used for the
expression of E requirements in?
Hens, Turkeys, and piglets
The NFE content of feed is
By calculation
What has the main function to carry long chain Fatty Acid into mitochondria?
Which includes cellulose?
a) NDF
b) ADF
c) both
d) neither
Mucopolysaccharide synthesis?
Si, S, Mn, vit B5
With (_______?), increases the
sperm abnormalities and reduces?
State which is true for Protozoa?
Forages increases their amount in rumen
What causes deficiency syndrome
and paresis in poultry?
Biotin, Niacin, Vitamin B4 – choline
What should you give to lactating
and pregnant rabbits?
Vitamin K
Crude fibre means?
Hemicellulose, Cellulose, Lignin
What is Leptin?
A hormone
What are the antinutritive factors in rapeseed?
Glucosinolates: Cause bitter flavour
What plays an important role in
short term control of feed intake?
CCK? Or VFA and blood glucose, pH, body temp
Metabolizable protein is used for
expression of the protein
requirement of?
Dairy cows, sheep, and beef cattle
Concept of Cation-Anion balance (CAB) most critical element?
K: Potassium
Constituent part of glucose tolerance factor?
Maillard Reaction may occur in?
Milk replacers and hays
In Eq daily Ca and P requires expressed?
As an absolute?
It is a principle of energy evaluation systems?
Energy requirement of the animals and energy content of their feeds must be given with the same unit
For determinations of nutrients digestibility by total collection method?
Reg. of feed intake and total collection feces requirement.
What species is sensitive to dietary Cu?
One if its toxicity syndromes exicosis (dryness)?
Vitamin A
In female T-2 mycotoxin reduces concentration of?
CS of thiamine (B1) deficiencies are similar to?
Magnesium and Copper deficiency
Supplement of Vitamin B6 contraindicates?
Parkinson’s Disease
The fill into value of forage degradation?
Fibre Content
Ant nutritive bind calcium?
Un-degraded dietary protein un Rumen
Constituent of B12?
Possible immune effects of AA can be explored?
Some of them are virus growth inhibitors
Main inhibiting factor of microbial growth?
Zinc deficiency can lead to?
Vitamin A deficiency
First limiting AA in monogastric animals?
Statement which is not valid for mycotoxins?
Have an antigen effect
Fed ad lib to animals?
What meal has a high amount of bypass proteins?
Corn Gluten meal
Ay effect acts on the fertility of cats?
Dark pigmentation in fish body?
Deficiency of Riboflavin B2