Minerals and vitamins Flashcards
Which vitamin helps to prevent osteomalacia in humans
Vitamin D
The cats capacity to transform carotene in Vitamina A is
Mineral having similar skin and mucosa membrane effect at as the vitamin A
Forage generally have
Higher Ca content than P content
Cannibalism in poultry may be caused by deficiency of
Iron level in milk is low, because
To prevent mastitis
It improves the effect of vitamin D
Vitamin C
Riboflavin deficiency also causes conjunctivitis with cornea vascularization and muscular weakness, It occurs rarely in dogs and farm animals. In birds it causes fall in energy production, poor growth and
Curled toe paralysis
One of the deficiency syndromes in sheep may be cenderiva
Vitamin K, Fe, Cu, Co
It deficiency is jaw tetany
Turkey- perosis due to which protein deficiency
Biotin, niacin, choline, folic acid, Mn
Metabolism and its regulation of Na and Fe?
Natural detergent fibre
On level of absorption: Fe
On level of oaccurence: Na, F, I
Bipolar regulation: Zn, Cu, Mn
Fe limitation
Overdose-> poisoning, damage the immune-system
Antivitamin K
Antivitamin A
Antivitamin D
Raw soybeans
Antivitamin E
Anti Biotin
Anti B12
Raw soybean
Deficiency of these minerals gives alimentary sterility
P and Mn
Difficulties in Ca absorption
For the perosis it is not true
Its main cause is biotin deficiency
Biotin deficiency cause shaker syndrome in
Sow (turkey: perosis, boar: skin, mink: skin)
High amount of vitamin C presents
Bad effect of alfalfa and toxin in chicken
Which of the vitamin where both overdose and deficiency cause malformation in foetus or abortion
Vitamin A
Increase concentration of these vitmains are inner —- in sow
Biotin and folic acid
For the transformation of carotene to vitamin A, in cow it is necessary to present (2 things)
P and Zn
Vitamin E and Se deficiency transformation Ioxa virus B3 to a pathogen, causes
Keshan disease is a Se deficiency and causes..
Germ free animals can have different vitamin requirements and need..
Extra vitamin K
What can vitamin A hypervitaminosis cause
Abortion and malformation
Vitamin E deficiency (+Se) can lead to
Zenker’s myodegradation
Vitamin D hypervitaminosis can cause (x100)
100x too much: calcification of aorta and kidney, abortion and stillborn
In pigs the effect of deficiency of this mineral causes parakeratosis
Zn (increase of Ca and secondary Zn deficiency)
Vitamin found only in animal tissues
Deficiency of this vitamin causes perosis
Niacin, Biotin, Mn, Folic acid, Cholin
One of its deficiency syndromes is oedema of eyelids
Vitamin B6
What causes curled toe disease?
Deficiency of B2 (riboflavin)
What vitamin causes oedema
Pyridoxine (B6)
Of the eyelid-> B6 deficiency
Indicator in faeces given orally
Mn and P
One of its deficiency syndromes is opostohonus in lambs
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Its deficiency syndrome can be fatal
Mg (gracing cow)
What is GTF what mineral is related
Glucose tolerance factor, Cr (Ni)
One of its deficiency symptoms is distorsion of breast bone in poultry
Vitamin D
Encephalomolacia is caused by
Vitamin E deficiency
Vitamin A in human is 100 that will cause
Liver will produce less energy than Vitamin A
Related to requirements, liver produces 100x more vitamin A than energy
What causes papilloedema
Vitamin A in calves
Which is good to control in –
I, iodine
Which mineral is limiting for rumen protein synthesis
Ca and P in roughage. which is higher?
Higher Ca than P
Ca: P ratio in pasture grass
Thickened joint is caused by mineral..
Mn, enlarged hock joint
Its low level can limit milk production in dairy cow
Na (also decreases taste sensation in sheep)
Which vitamin shortens the tibia in guinea pig
Vitamin C
By only eating vegetables…
B12 of animal origin
B. glucuronase
Barley in poultry
Encephalomalacia is caused by
Vitamin E deficiency
Zn deficiency causes
Decreased sperm quality
Edema of eyelids caused by
B6 eyelid edema
Good control in milk
Overdose decreases the absorption of Zn and Mn
Bullterrier- prevent dermatitis
Zn (Bedlington terrier- Cu)
Goose stepping in pigs is caused by
Panthothenic acid deficiency, B5
Anti- cancer vitamin
Carotene (vitamin E)
Causes secondary hypoparathyroidism in cat
Excessive P (hyper caused by vitamin D deficiency)
This vitamin causes scaly dermatitis in pig
B6- exudative, generilzed (Niacin B3- Dry, degeneralized)
In case of fall of hair caused by biotin deficiency in cats one has not to be differentiated from
Taurine deficiency
The inheritable imperfect Zn absorption is more frequent in
Dogs; husky, malamute, German Shepard
Inheritable copper retentation trouble is more frequent at
Bedlington terrier (Wilson. Menek disease, humans too, sex linked disease)
Concentration of which element is unipolar through absorption?
Fe, Na
Bipolar > Zn, Cu, Se
Vitamin A relative?
Zn and P are needed for carotene to vit. A transformation
What is an important element for females?
P Mn
Se deficiency causes general fertility problems.
What can cause 2° Cu deficiency?
Mg, Se
Increased loss of Cu via faeces
What is the Vitamin K anti-vitamin?
Dicumarol (Melilotus) and Warfarin/Cumarin (rat poison)
What improves the immune state of a cow, right after parturition?
Instead of Carbon, this ground substance can be built into organic matters, and in humans it decreases the danger for arteriosclerosis:
Br and S
Deficiency of these substances causes alimentary insufficiency:
Mn and P
Deficiency of the substance gives dermatitis all over the body:
B2 (riboflavin) deficiency ! Dry and generalized dermatitis
Which deficiency can result in night blindness?
Vitamin A and Zinc
What does Vitamin C deficiency cause in Guinea pigs?
Prone position, taking weight off atrophied muscles
Other effects of Vitamin C deficiency ! Scurvy in humans, diffuse bleeding of skin and joints, fractures, tibial dyschondroplasia
What kind of deficiency results in poor feather development and dermatitis in
Pantothenic acid
Biotin deficiency in foxes is caused by:
Feeding with rancid feed. Feeding avidin
What is a typical cause of parturient paraesis (milk fever)?
A decrease of Ca2+ in the blood; and a relatively low Ca:P ratio
What kind of deficiencies cause anemia?
Vitamins K, B12 (cobalamine), B9 (folic acid). Minerals Fe, Cu
What type of deficiency is common in new-born piglets?
Fe deficiency
What effect does increased or decreased Fe have on the immune system?
Depresses immune-competence ! More sensitive to pathogens
What kind of deficiency causes parakeratosis in pigs?
Zn deficiency
This vitamin is found in animal tissue:
Vitamin B12 and B5
This deficiency causes encephalomalacia:
Vitamin E
It can cause abortion:
PRRS > Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
A deficiency in these substances can cause perosis:
Mn, Biotin, Folic acid, Niacin, Choline
What are Zn and Methionine?
What are the fat burners?
Chromium (trivalent or yeast) and L-carnitine
What ground substance is measured in the milk?
Na > Can be measured in saliva, faeces, and urine
An example of a biogenic amine?
Histamine, Tyramine, Tryptamine, Acetylcholine, Serotonine, Cathecholamines, Nor-
epinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine
Which biogenic amine can cause feed allergy with skin syndromes?
Which of these compounds does not inhibit the retention of fat? i.e. allows fat
What is the active part of GTF?
Glucose Tolerant Factor > Trivalent chromium
What deficiency causes grass tetany?
What is not true about perosis?
It is a tendon development problem Perosis > Perosis or chondrodystrophy is encountered in young birds whose diet is deficient in manganese (Mn) or some of the following vitamins: choline, nicotic acid, pyridoxine, biotin or folic acid. This is an anatomic deformation of leg bones in young chickens, turkey poults, pheasant poults etc.
Which of these tests are best for checking vitamin A?
RDR > Relative Dose Response
In which animal does the biotin deficiency cause the Sneaker Syndrome?
High amount of vitamin C prevents what in chicken?
The negative effect from aflatoxin
Which vitamin when in both excess and deficient amount causes malformation in foetus and abortion?
Vitamin A
Is it true that vitamin E and Selenium deficiency transform the Coxa virus B3 into a pathogen?
Vitamin E and Se deficiency > Stimulation of virus mutation ! Keshan disease;
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to:
Poultry > Myodegeneration in skeletal and myocardial muscles (Zenker). Also, muscle
atrophy of gizzard, yellow fat disease, encephalomacia.
What happens during vitamin D hypervitaminosis?
X10/20 > Calcinosis, calcium deposits in any soft tissue
Higher doses > Calciphylaxis, vascular calcification
What could be the cause of opistonus?
Vitamin B1 deficiency
What can cause papillo-odema?
Vitamin A overdose > causes increased intracranial pressure which results in swelling of the optic disc
What can cause odema of the eyelids?
Vitamin B6 deficiency
Which amino acid is limiting for ruminal protein synthesis?
Met (essential) and Cys (non-essential)
Name some anti-vitamin A nutrients:
An important ground substance for male:
Zn > Influences sperm quality
What are the possible causes for Achilles tendon rupture?
Ca2+ deficiency causes a broken common calcaneus tendon in Beef Bulls
Ca:P ration in different species:
1,3:1 > Monogastric animals
1,5:1 > Ruminants
What kind of Lysine isomer can be utilized?
The one with the free epsilon amino group
PSE muscle by VESD in living animal is present in?
Pigs > Pale Soft Exudative meat cause by vitamin E and Selenium deficiency
By giving X4-8 more of vitamin B than normally required, the mean growth can be improved in which animal?
Fattening pig
What is the Keshan disease found in China?
Cardiomyopathy caused by a mutation in Coxa virus activated by Se and vitamin E deficiency
Name Niacin anti-vitamins:
Acetyl pyridine and Indol acetate
Name the anti-vitamin A:
Name the anti-vitamin D:
Raw soybean
Name the anti-vitamin E:
Name the Biotin anti-vitamin:
The Keshan disease in China is:
A cardiomyopathy caused by Se deficiency
It can help to prevent the human osteoporosis:
Vitamin K
By a mega dose of vitamin C the harmful effect of aflatoxin B1 can be reduced in:
The 2° alimentary hyper-parathyroidism (all-meat syndrome) in cats can be caused by overfeeding of:
Its presence is necessary for the carotene to vitamin A conversion in Dairy Cows:
Both of them (A+B)
P, Zn
Atypical form of milk fever can occur when:
The relative blood Ca level is low related to the level of Mg and P
The INQ value for vitamin A of liver is 100 for human, it means that:
Related to the requirements, liver provides 100 times more vitamin A than needed if eating enough to fulfilll the energy need for humans
One of its deficiency syndromes is distortion of breast-bone in poultry:
Vitamin D
Tables can contain not only the Total Phosphor content of the feeds, but also the amount of:
Available P
The supply of Dairy Cows can be well evaluated according to its concentration in the milk:
By giving 4-8 times more from the group of vitamin B than the normal requirement, the lean growth can be improved in:
One of its deficiency syndromes is opisthotonus:
Vitamin B1
One of its deficiency syndromes is skipping (?) of the Achilles tendon in Beef Bulls:
One of its deficiency syndromes in sheep may be anaemia:
Vitamin K, Fe, Cu, Co
It’s deficiency syndrome is grass tetany:
Neither of them
Mg is
They are chelates:
Met – Zn
One of its deficiency syndromes is oedema of the eyelids:
One of its deficiency syndromes is night blindness:
Vitamin A
Homeostasis of Ca is regulated only on the level of excretion in:
In case of fall of hair caused by Biotin deficiency in cats, one has not to differentiate it from:
Taurine deficiency
The inheritable imperfect Zinc absorption is more frequent in:
Husky and Malamute. AND German Shepherd
The inheritable Copper retention problem is more frequent in:
Bedlington Terrier
In case of 2° renal hyper-parathyroidism, the following clinical signs will not occur:
The cat’s capacity to transform carotene into vitamin A is:
Zero %
Lack of this compound in cat’s diet may cause dilated cardiomyopathy and central retina degeneration:
One of its deficiency syndromes in birds is the cervical paralysis (stretched neck):
Folic acid
Micro-mineral having similar skin and mucous membrane effect as the vitamin A:
It has effects typically on the females’ ovaria:
The first limiting amino acid for milk production:
In case of its deficiency, the ruminal protein synthesis can decrease:
If the ration of Dairy Cows is deficient in both Ca and P:
First you eliminate the Ca deficiency and after that the P deficiency by supplements
It is an omega-6 type fatty acid:
Arachidonic acid
They have higher Copper content in their milk:
Metallothioneins are:
Proteins characterized affinity to metals
Cannibalism may be caused by deficiency of:
Iron level is milk is low, because:
To prevent mastitis
The idiopathic hyper-calcemia is not uncommon in: (i.e. is common in)
Total absence of Zn absorption may cause death, because of:
Lack of SuperOxidase Dimutase (SOD) activity
The hair analysis is a good indicator of:
Zn, Cu, Mn, Se
They are very important in the immune response and cancer prevention:
Zn, Se
Clinical signs of its toxicosis may be similar to the swine Mouth and Food Disease (MFD):
The calcitriol is a(n):
Both (A+B)
Hormone. Active vitamin
Its overdose may cause toxicosis:
Axerophtol. Cholecalciferol
Pirrolo-QuinoloQuinon (PQQ), the recent discovered vitamin can be found in:
PQQ-rich foods include green tea, parsley, green peppers, kiwi fruit, papaya and tofu
It has no gulonolactone-oxidase enzyme:
Bat. Shrimp
GULO activity has been lost in some species of bats, but others retain it. The loss of this
enzyme activity is responsible for the inability of guinea pigs and humans to enzymatically
synthesize vitamin C.
It improves (allows, facilitates) the effect of vitamin D:
Vitamin C
Its deficiency in egg may cause typical embryonal mortality in the chicken:
Both of them (A+B)
B2. B12
Taurine is a vitamin-like substance only for:
It may increase the sow’s litter size:
Both of them (A+B)
Pantothenic acid. Folic acid
Some dog breeds accumulate:
Cholecalciferol and Ergocalciferol are other names for:
Vitamin D
What is Ghrelin?
Ghrelin > Hormone in stomach. Increases appetite. Secreted in epithelial cells lining the
fundus of stomach.
Tryptophan to serotonin:
Vitamin B6
Keratinization of mouth?
Vitamin A
Deficiency of vitamin causes problems in heart/skeletal muscle in calf/lamb:
Vitamin E
Von Soest method:
Cellulose = ADF – ADL
T2 toxin:
Protein synthesis decreases, Opisthotonus
Sex ratio:
Curled toe disease:
Vitamin B2
Vitamin A
One of its toxicity syndromes is exostosis on cervical vertebrae in cats:
Vitamin A
One of its deficiency syndromes is the disturbed conception of heifers and cows:
One of the deficiency syndromes of pathothenic acid:
Poultry ‘cage-layer fatigue’
One of its deficiency syndromes in poultry in encephelomalacia:
Vitamin E
One of the deficiency syndromes is coma in calves fed an inappropriate milk replacer:
It displays the main action in the protein and amino acid metabolism:
Vitamin B6
It can decrease the incident of tumour cells:
Vitamin B12
Status of supply can be evaluated based on Gluthathione reductase in RBCs:
One of its deficiency syndrome sis the ascending dermatitis in poultry:
Panthothenic acid
Tryptophan to serotonin
Vitamin B6
Keratinization of mouth
Vitamin A
Deficiency of which vitamin causes problems in heart/ skeletal muscle in calf and lamb
Vitamin E
Optimal N:S ratio:
Dairy Cattle > 10:1
Beef Cattle > 15:1
Sheep > 7:1
Biotin deficiency in foxes is caused by:
Raw eggs (avidin) and rancid slaughter leftovers
What kind of deficiency causes anaemia?
Vitamin K, Fe, B12, Cu, Folic acid deficiency, iron deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to:
Zenker’s syndrome
What will happen during vitamin D hypervitaminosis (x100)?
Calcification of aorta and kidney. Abortion/Stillbirth