Past qs 5 Flashcards
Put in increasing order according to the energy level of cat’s, dog’s and cow’s milk:
Cow, Cat, Dog
The maintenance energy requirement of dog could be calculated by using the:
Metabolic Body Weight (W 0.75)
The acidification of the cat’s urine helps to prevent the formation of:
Struvite stone
Forced and quick weight reduction program in obese cats may cause:
Hepatic hyper-lipidosis
When using the method of direct calorimetry, this parameter will also be measured: A. O2 consumption B. CO2 production C. Both D. Neither
Neither of them
Neither O2 consumption nor CO2 production
A dog is considered to be geriatric when it reaches how many years of age?
None of the above
Since canine aging is a heterogeneous process, no single age applies to all dogs
For determination of Digestible Energy by experimental way, we calculate with the:
Gross energy content of the feed and that of the faeces
The most important factor influencing the onset of the first fertile oestrus in Dairy Heifers:
Mode of action of the intestinal bacterial defence mechanism:
Competitive exclusion
UFP can be calculated as follows:
dg, TDN
The most important regulator of the long-term control of feed intake is the:
Adipose tissue
What is the meaning of indicator bacteria?
Indicator bacteria -> their presence allows us to suppose the (faeces) contamination with
AgY is:
AgY ->An antigen in the egg yolk having an IgA effect
As age increases, canine lean body mass generally:
Chemical Score (CS) means:
CS -> limiting amino acid in the feed protein per the same amino acid in the standard protein
The ‘K’ value means:
The unit of measurement if TDN is:
g/kg DM or %
Metabolizable Protein means:
MP -> The digestible microbial True Protein + digestible UDP in the small intestine
The equation for predicting Dry Matter intake of Dairy Cow, we calculate with:
Metabolic body weight and Milk production
The meaning of ‘Earth alkali alkalinity’ is the following:
Earth alkali alkalinity -> in growing animals a surplus of acidic metabolites is produced, which
should be buffered by feeds having alkaline character.
The energy intake goal of geriatric pets is:
Energy balance
Sum of adipocytes are: A. Organs for fat deposit B. Endocrine organs C. Both of them D. Neither
Both of them (A+B)
Organs for fat deposit. Endocrine organs
Is a gastric hormone controlling feed intake:
How can we express the total amount of different dioxins as:
Rules for the use of antibiotics, hormones and GMO in US and EU are:
The modern food pyramid comprises of __ too:
Exercise (physical activity)
The central organ of the food safety in Europe is the:
European Food Safety Authority
It cannot provoke a keto-acidotic state:
Oxidation of this compound acidifies:
In order to acidify the cat’s urine, one can use:
Met tablets
Acidifying diet may not be good (benevolent):
‘Kinky back’ of turkeys is:
Genetic failure
One of these abbreviations is not a scientific organ:
Its manifestation is both genetically and environmentally determined:
Immunostimulant effect of a vitamin can be evaluated by: (?)
Hematocrit (?)
Other answers are RDR, Lymphocyte proliferation (mitotic index), Liquor analysis
It may help in differentiating Avian nephritis and vitamin A deficiency in chicken: (?)
Lameness OR inclusion body (histopathology)
This is a study carried out in a Hungarian farm
Maillard reaction
Calculating ‘q’:
(ME/GE) x 100
DF on the first level:
Maintenance energy level dry com
Oxidative rancidity expressed by:
Peroxide value
Supplement of Dairy Cows if protein deficient:
Who degrades nutrients in rumen:
Mainly microbes and also host enzymes
CAB in Great Dane must be:
Acidifiers are:
Gut flora modifiers
Ash represents:
Inorganic matter
AMEN is for:
Broiler chicken
What is right:
1MJ/kg = 1KJ/g
Long-term control of feed-intake: A. Blood glucose B. VFA C. both D. neither
Not blood glucose nor VFA
In females T-2 mycotoxin reduces the concentration of:
Supplementation of vitamin B6 contraindicated in:
Parkinson’s disease