Part 1: General Anatomy (Reproductive, Trunk, Mouth) Flashcards
Derivatives of the Endoderm
- Gut
- Respiratory tract
- organs (tubular structures
Derivatives of the Paraxial Mesoderm
31 pairs of Somites
Derivatives of the Intermediate Mesoderm
Urogenital system & Kidneys
Derivatives of the Mesoderm Head
- Skull
- muscles
- conn. tissue of head
- dentine ***
Derivatives of the Lateral plate of the Mesoderm
- Adrenal Cortex
- blood & lymph cells
- CT
- Spleen
- serous membranes of pleura/pericardium
Derivatives of the Surface Ectoderm
- epidermis
- ant. pituitary
- eye lens
- enamel hair & nails
sections of the Neuroectoderm
Neural Tube & Neural crest
Derivatives of the Neural tube
- post. pituitary
- eye retina
- Pineal body
Derivatives of the Neural crest
- dorsal root ganglia
- parafollicular cells of thyroid
- Adrenal medulla
What bones undergo Intramembranous ossification?
clavicle & all flat bones of the skull
What type of ossification does the sccapula undergo?
both intramembranous & endochondral
Stomodeum =
Foregut =
oral cavity to 1st 1/3rd of duodenum
Mid gut =
2/3rds duodenum to 1st 2/3rds transverse colon
Hindgut =
last 1/3rd of transverse colon to anus
What gives rise to the thyroid?
Foramen Cecum
What happens in Prophase?
nuclear membrane disappears
what happens in metaphase?
chromosomes align at midline
what happens at Anaphase?
chromosomes move toward poles
what happens during telephase?
seperation of chromosomes
What does Cytokinesis mean?
seperation of cells
What is the purpose of Simple squamous epithelium?
Air & Fluid Diffusion
What is the purpose of Stratified Squamous epithelium?
Areas of high friction
What is the purpose of Simple cuboidal epithelium?
What is the purpose of Transitional epithelium?
What epithelium lines the respiratory tract?
Pseuodostratified cilicted columnar
what type of epithelium lines the reproductive tract?
stratified columnar
what epithelium lines the alveoli?
simple squamous
What areas are lined by stratified squamous epithelium?
oral, anal vaities
Macrophages of the placenta are called…
Hofbauer cells
What type of tissue are tendons & ligaments?
dense regular
What type of tissue is the skin dermis?
dense irregular
What type of tissue are blood vessels?
What type of tissue are lymph nodes & spleen?
Layers of the Epidermis from superficial to deep:
What layer of the epidermis is only found on the soles of the feet and the palms?
Striatum Lucidum
Melanin is the ________ layer of the epidermis
Basal (basement)
Layers of the skin Dermis from superficial to deep
Papillary dermis
Reticular dermis
What are the extrinsic tongue muscles?
Action of the muscle: Palatoglossus
elevates tongue
Action of the muscle: Styloglossus
elevates & retracts tongue
Action of the muscle: Hyoglossus
depresses & retracts tongue
Action of the muscle: Genioglossus
Depresses & protrudes tongue
What CN’s are responsible for controlling the following muscles:
S, H & G: CN XII
What taste buds are the largest & Fewest?
What taste buds are the smallest & most numerous?
filiform (not involved with taste)
What taste buds are located on the sides of te tongue?
Areas of the tongue and what taste they are responsible for:
1) Sweet
2) Salty
3) Sour
4) Bitter
5) Umami
1) Anterior
2) Anterolateral
3) Posterolateral
4) Posterior
5) all of the above
When the adenoids swell they can occlude the opening of…
the Eustachian tube
What CN is responsible for the muscles of mastication?
V3 branch of Trigeminal
What is the insertion of the Temporalis muscle?
Coronoid of the mandible
What is the origin of the Masseter muscle?
Zygomatic process
What is the Insertion of the Lateral Pterygoid muscle?
Disc of the TMJ & condyle of mandible
Contents of the following triangle: Anterior neck
1) Salivary glands
2) Larynx
3) Thyroid
Contents of the following triangle: Carotid
1) Carotid arteries
2) Int. Jugular Vein
3) Vagus nerve
Contents of the following triangle: Submandibular (digastric)
1) Salivary gland
2) Hypoglossal nerve
3) Myohyoid Nerve
Contents of the following triangle: Muscular (inferior carotid)
1) Larynx
2) Trachea
3) Thyroid
Contents of the following triangle: Occipital
1) Cervical plexus
2) Accessory nerve
Contents of the following triangle: Subclavian (Supraclavicular) (omoclavicular)
1) Brachial Plexus **
2) Subclavian artery
3) Transverse cervical artery
4) suprascapular nerve
5) terminal part of external jugular vein
Contents of the following triangle: Suboccipital
- Dorsal rami of C1 vertebral artery
- Suboccipital nerve
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Anterior
SCM, midline of neck, Inf. border of mandible
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Carotid
1) SCM
2) Diagastric
3) Omohyoid
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Submandibular (digastric)
1) Diagastric (both heads)
2) inf. border of mandible
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Muscular (inferior carotid)
1) SCM
2) Omohyoid
3)Midline of neck
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Suprahyoid (submental)
1) digastric
2) hyoid bone
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Occipital
1) SCM
2) Traps
3) Omohyoid
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Subclavian (supraclivicular)
1) SCM
2) Omohyoid
3) Clavicle
What are the boundaries of the following triangle: Suboccipital
1) RCP Major (medial)
2) Sup. Oblique (lateral)
3) Inf. Oblique (inferior)
Cervical marker for the Cricoid cartilage
Cervical marker for the Thyroid
What laryngeal cartilage attaches to the vocal cords?
What is responsible for Voice production?
At what vertebral level does the Thoracic outlet “Inferior thoracic aperture” start?
At what vertebral level does the diaphramh sit?
What is the cardiac notch?
where the esophagus meets the greater curve of stomach
From superior to inferior, what order do structures pass through Diaphragm?
T10: Esophagus
T12: Aorta
What pierces the Anterior diaphragm?
What pierces the Middle diaphragm?
Esophagus & Vagus nerve
What pierces the Posterior diaphragm?
Aorta, Thoracic duct & Azygous vein
Internal Intercostals are for ______________ and External Intercostals are for ____________.
Expiration; Inspiration
What does the Mesentary connect?
Organs to posterior abdominal wall
What does the Greater Omentum connect?
Greater curve of stomach to transverse colon
What does the Lesser omentum connect?
Lesser curve of stomach to the liver
AKA for Epiploic foramen
Foramen of Winslow
What is the Epiploic Foramen?
opening between greater & lesser peritoneal sacs
List of Retroperitoneal Organs: (7)
Colon (ascending & descending)
Left Hilum structures from superior to inferior:
Pulmonary Artery
Pulmonary Vein
Right Hilum structures from superior to inferior:
Pulmonary Artery
Pulmonary Vein
Trachea begins and ends at what vertebral level?
C6 -> T4
Order of structures from Primary Bronchus to Alveoli (8)
1st Bronchus -> 2nd Bronchus -> 3rd Bronchus -> Terminal Bronchus -> Resp. Bronchioles -> Alveolar Ducts -> Alveolar Sacs -> Alveoli
In the path from bronchus to alveoli where does cartilage stop?
At the 2nd Bronchus
How many bronchupulmonary segments does the R lung have and how many per lobe?
Upper Lobe -> 3
Middle Lobe -> 2
Lower Lobe -> 5
How many bronchupulmonary segments does the L lung have and how many per lobe?
Upper Lobe -> 4
Lower Lobe -> 4
Where does fluid in the lungs accumulate??
Costodiaphragmatic Recess
What is the name of the apex of the cervical pleura
The sternal angle separates…
division of superior & Inferior Mediastinum
The Anterior portion of the Inferior Mediastinum contains: (3)
1) Thymus
2) Areolar tissue
3) Lymph Nodes
The Superior Mediastinum contains: (5)
1) Thymus
2) Esophagus
3) Thoracic Duct
4) Vagus Nerve
5) Phrenic Nerve
The Posterior portion of the Inferior Mediastinum contains: (4)
1) Azygous & Hemizygous Veins
2) Esophagus
3) Thoracic Duct
4) Vagus nerve
The Middle Portion of the Inferior Mediastinum contains: (3)
1) Heart & Ascending Aorta
2) Pulmonary Artery & Veins
3) Arch of Azygous
4) Phrenic Nevre
The coronary sinus opens into
The R. Atrium
The Coronary Sinus recieves blood from…
1) Great Cardiac Vein
2) Middle Cardiac Vein
3) Small Cadiac Vein
The Great cardiac vein ascends into the
anterior interventricular groove
The middle cardiac vein ascends into the
posterior interventricular groove
The small cardiac vein runs along the
coronary groove with the marginal artery
What is the Sinus Venarum?
smooth space between openings of IVC & SVC
Where is the Crista terminalis located?
R. Atrium
What is the Fossa Ovalis?
Remnant of the foramen ovale / Depression on internal septum
Where is the AV node located?
Interatrial septum
What are the AV valves made of?
Where is the Moderator band located?
R. Ventricle
What is the Conus Arteriosis?
prolongation of R. venteicle where pulmonary arteries emerge
Branches of the Left Coronary artery
1) Muscular branch
2) Ant. Interventricular branch
3) Circumflex artery
Branches of the Right Coronary artery:
1) Muscular branch
2) Posterior interventricular
3) Marginal branch
What is the MC artery for Myocardial Infarction?
“Widow Maker”
Anterior Interventricular of Left Coronary
AKA (L. Anterior Descending Artery)
The L & R Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves wrap around…
Left: Aortic arch
Right: R. Subclavian Artery
The transversepyloric line lies
horizontal at L1 (divides epigastric & umbilical regions)
The Transtubercular line lies…
Horizontal at L5 (divides umbilical & hypogastric regions)
What artery supplies the lesser curve of the stomach?
L. Gastric Artery
What artery supplies the greater curve of the stomach?
L. & R. Gastroepiploic Artery
Gastrin does what to the Pyloric Valve?
opens it
Stenson’s Duct =
Parotid gland
Wharton’s Duct =
Bartholian’s Duct =
Wirsung’s Duct =
Main pancreatic
Santorini Duct =
Accessory ancreatic
The cystic duc come from the
The COmmon bile duct + Main Pancreatic Duct =
Hepatopancreatic ampulla (Ampulla of vater)***
The following pancreatic cells secrete:
A: Glucagon
B: Insulin
D: Somatostatin
What drains the Ampulla of Vater into the Duedenum?
Sphincter of Oddi
The pancreatis head contacts…
2nd segment of duodenum
the pancreatic body contacts…
L Kidney
The pancreatic tail contacts…
The pancreas is mainly supplied by
Splenic artery branches from the celiac trunk
Red pulp filters __________ & White pulp filters ________
What seperates the R & L Lobes of the liver?
Falciform Ligament
The ligamentum Venosum is a remnant of…
ductus venosus in fetal circulation
The round ligament is a remnant of…
left umbilical vein
What attaches the liver to the diaphragm?
Triangular, falciform & coronary ligaments
The ligament venosum seperates…
L lode from Caudate lobe of liver
The round ligament seperates…
Quadrate lobe from Left lobe of liver
What lobe of the liver cannot be palpated?
Caudate Lobe
Venous blood flow INTO the liver:
Sup Mesenteric vein + Splenic vein -> portal vein -> Liver
Venous flow OUT of the liver pathway:
Central vein -> Hepatic Vein -> IVC
The gallbladder seperates what parts of the liver?
Quadrate lobe / R. Lobe
What connects the sm. intestine to the large?
Ileocecal valve
The appendix extends from the…
What forms the Haustra of the Large intestine?
3 longitudinal Taeniae Coli bands
What is the start of the large intestine?
The blood supply to the foregut is supplied by:
Thoracic & Abdominal Aorta
The foregut and Midgut are innervated by
Vagus nerve
The hind gut is innervated by
S2-4 (pelvic splanchnics)
The blood supply to the midgut is supplied by:
Superior mesenteric artery
The blood supply to the hindgut is supplied by:
Inferior mesenteric artery
The bladder/Urethra’s blood supply is from the…
Internal iliac artery
The genitalia’s blood supply is from the…
Pudendal artery
What innervates the Bladder, urethra & Genitalia?
pudendal nerve
The Celiac trunk branches off of the
Abdominal aorta
What are the 3 branches of the celiac trunk?
1) L. gastric
2) Plenic
3) Common hepatic
Th Azygous vein drains _________ and empties into __________.
R. abdomen; SVC
The Hemiazygous vein drains the ______________ and empties into _________.
L abdomen; crosses over at T8 to join Azygous -> SVC
External & Internal iliac veins drain into
Common Iliac
What veins give rise to the IVC?
R & L Common iliac veins
The common Iliac vein drains: (5)
1) Testis/Ovaries
2) Phrenic vein
3) Suprarenal vein
4) renal vein
5) hepatic vein
After birth, the ____________ becomes the Liver sinusoid.
Ductus Venosus
After birth, the ____________ becomes the Lungs between the L pulmonary artery & arch of aorta.
Ductus Arteriosis
After birth, the ____________ becomes the Lungs
Foramen ovale
What are the arteries of the Thyrocervical trunk?
Transverse cervical
Inferior Thyroid
What is intersitial fluid?
plasma that is filtered by cappilaries
The Left (Thoracic) Lymphatic ducts begins at…
Cisterna Chyli (L2)
The thoracic duct empties into…
juction of the L. internal jugular vein & L. subclavian vein
The R. lymphatic duct drains what part of the body?
Upper R side of the body
The right lymphatic duct empties into the…
juction of R. internal jugular vein & R. subclavian vein
Urachus is a remnant of
median umbilical fold
What is Urachal fistula?
If urine come out of the Umbilicus
What is Mesonephros?
If urine come out of the Ejaculatory & urinary ducts
What is paramesonephros?
If urine come out of the Uterus & uterine tube
What is the name of the pouch between bladder & uterus?
Vesicouterine Pouch
AKA for the Rectouterine Pouch
Pouch of Douglas
What is the opening of cervical canal to the vagina called?
External Os
What is typically the site of fertilization?
What part of the fallopian tube opens to the uterus?
Interstitial segment
The ovarian Ligament travels from what to what?
ovary to uterus
The suspensory Ligament travels from what to what?
ovary to abdominal wall
The Round Ligament of the uterus travels from what to what?
uterus to labia majora
The broad Ligament travels from what to what?
uterus to abdominal wall
What are the portions of the round ligament of the uterus and what do they attach to?
Mesovarium: ovary
Mesosalpinx: fallopian tube
Mesoometrium: everything else
What are the 4 contents of the Broad ligament of the Uterus?
1) Fallopian Tubes
2) Round ligament of uterus
3) Ovarian ligament
4) Ureter
What are the contents of the Inguinal Canal?
Male: spermatic cord
Female: Round ligament of Uterus
Both: Ilioinguinal nerve
The superficial inguinal ring is an opening in the…
External oblique aponeurosis
The deep inguinal ring is an opening in the…
fascia transversalis
The cremasteric muscle is derived from __________ and innervated by __________.
internal oblique muscle; Genitofemoral nerve
Where is the epididymus located?
posterolateral aspect of testis
Function of the Cremaster muscle:
Raises Testis
Function of the Dartos muscle:
wrinkle the scrotum
What is the serous covering of the testes?
Tunica Vaginalis
What is responsible for erection?
Corpus Cavernosa
What structure contains the most blood during erection?
Corpus cavernosa
What are the 4 segments of the male urethra?
1) Preprostatic
2) Prostatic
3) Membranous
4) Spongy aka Penile Urethra
Most of your saliva is from
Submandibular gland (60-70%) other is parotid
Parietal cells secrete
HCL & Intrinsic Factor
Cheif (zymogenic) cells secrete
Epithelial cells of the small intwstine secrete:
CCK (CHolecystokinin)
How many cartilaginous rings are there from cricoid to bronchi?
What bronchi is shorter and wider?
Where is Estrogen secreted from?
Corpus Luteum
The renal pyramids are located in…
The Medulla
Contents of the Quadrangular space:
post. circumflex humeral artery & Axillary nerve
What are the 4 borders of the Quadrangular space?
Superior: Teres minor
Inferior: Teres Major
Medial: long head of triceps***
Lateral: Humerus
Contents of the triangular space: (axillary triangle)
Circumflex scapular artery
Boundaries of the Axillary triangular space:
Superior: Teres Minor
Inferior: Teres Major
Lateral: Long head of triceps***
What is the location of a direct inguinal hernia?
Hesselbach’s triangle
What are the boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle?
Lateral: Inf. epigastric artery
Medial: Rectus abdominus
Inferior: Inguinal Ligament
What are the boundaries of the Femoral Triangle?
Superior: Inguinal Ligament
Medial: Adductor Longus
Lateral: Sartorius
What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
1) Femoral nerve & Artery
2) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
3) Femoral canal
Exocrine glands have
ndocrine glands do not have