Parasitology Flashcards
Which parasites fall under the category of Helminths?
All that can be visible to the naked eye. Flatworm, Trematodes (flukes), Cestodes (tapeworms) and Nematodes (roundworms)
What are 4 tests with which you can differentiate between Dirofilaria Immitis (Heartworm) and Acanthocheilonema (formerly Dipetalonema reconditum) larvae?
Modified knott’s test, filter test, buffy coat method or ELISA
What are 2 tests commonly performed for Ectoparasites?
Skin scraping or scotch tape test
Where does Toxocara reside in the body and how is it transmitted?
In small intestine. Via ingestion of egg, paratenic host, transplacentally or transmammary
How are hookworms transmitted?
Ingestion of larvae or skin penetration
Where does Dioctophyma Renale reside in the body? How is it transmitted?
Kidney. Ingestion of intermediate or paratenic host. (earth worm or fish/frogs)
How is Toxocara canis identified microscopically in the diagnostic stage?
a) Clear, smooth and thin-walled eggs
b) Yellow-brown thick-walled eggs with striated shells and asymmetric plugs
c) Dark brown, thick-walled egg with pitted eggshell
d) L1 with S-shaped tail
Ancylostoma caninum can be contrated how?
a) Through skin
b) Autoinfection by remigration through the rectum
c) Bite from infected mosquito
d) Ingestion of a flea
The intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum is the:
a) Squirrel
b) Tick
c) Cow
d) Flea
D: Fleas incubate and are the intermediate host for this tapeworm
Signs that would indicate a dog has a severe infection of Otodectes cynotis would include:
a) Head tilt, otitis media circling, seizures
b) Shaking head, scratching ears
c) Skin becomes thick and wrinkled, emaciation
d) Severe tail, leg or scrotal mange
Ixodes scapular is the vector for:
a) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
b) Lyme disease
c) Tularemia
d) Q fever
B: Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease)
Which of the following is zoonotic?
a) Cystoisospora canis
b) Trichuris vulpis
c) Parascaris equorium
d) Dipylidium caninum
D: by ingesting a flea
Which order do the biting lice belong to?
a) Hemiptera
b) Anoplura
c) Diptera
d) Mallophaga
One of the great advantages of centrifugal flotation technique is to:
a) Detect giardia oocysts and Trichuris ova more efficiently
b) Detect protozoa
c) determine number of eggs per gram of feces
d) determine SG of parasitic material
For which parasite is the tape method useful?
a) Thelazia californiensis
b) Eimeria spp
c) Oxyuris equi
d) Balantidum coli
A hexacanth is the detachable infective stage of a:
a) tick
b) mite
c) pinworm
d) tapeworm
Giardia and Leishmania are examples of:
a) Ameba
b) Ciliates
c) Flagellates
d) Sporozoa
Which of the following tests is best for removing lungworm larvae from small samples of feces?
a) Centrifuge
b) McMaster
c) Baermann
d) Direct smear
Which subgroup to tapeworms fall under?
a) Thorn-head helminth
b) Nematode
c) Cestode
d) Trematode
When diagnosing Heartworm on a Knott’s test, the microflaria must be differentiated from which nonpathogenic filarial larvae?
a) Onchocera
b) Acanthocheilonema
c) Stephanofilar
d) Aehrostrongylus
The life stage of the flea found on the skin of its host is the:
a) pupal
b) larval
c) egg
d) adult
The prepatent period for Trichuris vulpis is:
a) 3 months
b) 2 weeks
c) 5-10 days
d) 5-6 months
Sucking lice have which characteristics:
a) Body laterally compressed, broad head
b) Scutum ornate
c) Narrower head than the thorax
d) Basis capithulum
Hyostrongylus rubidus is the red stomach worm of:
a) pig
b) cat
c) dog
d) horse